What Little I Have Left
Kitsune- fox demon
Youkai- demon
Youki – demon energy
Kit- a fox cub
Goshinboku- God Tree
Taiyoukai- High ranking Youkai, Lord
/the/ mind speech
Chapter 5 Koenma's Office, Anme's plan
A week later Kagome was out in the courtyard of the shrine, a broom in her hand. She gently brushed the dead leaves off the stairs when she felt a familiar presence. Turning her head to the Goshinboku she smiled at it. "Hello Hiei-san!" she greeted the fire apparition. "Hn" He answered jumping down and landing in front of her. "Where is Kurama?" he asked, Koenma was searching everywhere for the damned fool and had sent him to find him. Kagome blinked then smiled. "I believe he is in the back, with Shippo-chan" she answered, Hiei nodded and started to take off when Kurama came around the corner with a hyper active kit.
Kurama smiled as he approached his partner. "Hello Hiei what brings you here?" he asked politely, as Shippo jumped on Kagome's shoulder. "Koenma is searching for you" he answered, Kurama frowned. "Could he not pick up my aura here?" HIei started to reply when Kagome's voice interrupted him. "Oh! No I'm sorry the barrier around the shrine prevents that, I never did like that brat" Kurama was shocked, Shippo was grinning and Hiei had a eyebrow raised. Kagome shrugged. "I didn't want him messing with me while I was going to Feudal Era. Kurama nodded, "So why does Koenma want you Kurama-kun?" she asked, as Shippo jumped down to chase after a squirrel. "I am on probation for my crime so I work as a spirit detective, same as Hiei" He answered. Kagome frowned. "Well I can't have that" she murmured, making Hiei wonder about the sanity of the onna. "Shippo! Come here!" she called to the kit. He came and looked at her. Seeing her eyes bleeding silver he said. "Sit boy" and changed, HIei smirked having been told about the hanyou.
Turning back to the boys she changed forms. Her hair grew and had red streaks. Blue eyes held mostly silver, and tails spouted. Her outfit changed as well. She wore dark black pants with places for her tails. Her top changed to a red tight form fighting top. The long sleeves belled past her finger tips handing down an inch form her claws. She pulled her hair back into a portal and smiled a the two demons. "If you could call Botan please?" she asked her voice slightly deeper. Kurama blinked from staring at her and flipped open the communicator. "Kurama! There you are!" the screen went blank as a portal and Botan appeared. She looked at the demoness beside HIei and Kurama and paled.
"Lady Kagome!" she squeaked. Kagome smiled "Lady Death; Botan-sama" she said with a nod and stepped through the portal, a smirking Hiei, smiling Kurama and pale Botan following. Once in the office Koenma stood and started yelling not noticing Kagome. "Kurama where in the seven hells have you been!" Kagome snarled and walked forward smacking Koenma across his face. "Shut your insolent mouth!" she demanded. Jaws dropped eyes went bugged eyed. "L-lady Kagome?" KOenma barely managed to say sporting a red hand print on his cheek. Kagome growled. Koenma bowed and looked up at her. "Um..Lady I didn't know you were..." Kagome narrowed her eyes and koenma just dropped the sentence. "I want Hiei's and Kurama's contract transferred to my hands, they will over seen by me, not a insolent brat such as yourself, understood?" she growled, Shippo smiled standing next to Kurama. Koenma started to protest but decided against it and pulled out two files. "If you will just sign these..." he mumbled, you just didn't mess with the King of Makai's sister. Kagome signed them and they disappeared.
Kagome turned to Hiei who didn't look to happy, Kurama had questions she knew. Turning she looked at Botan. "Botan a portal please?" BOtan nodded and opened one, turning once again she glared at KOenma. "Oh and Koenma, leave me and anyone tied to me. Alone." she said before entering the portal followed by two kitsunes and a not happy apparition.
Upon arriving home Kagome collapsed onto the bench beneath the Goshinboku. "I hate dealing with spirit world," turning to HIei she smiled. And His contract appeared, motioning to him she held at the folder. "AS long as you promise me not to kill human's uselessly I could care less what you do, you are now under the protection of the Princess of Makai and the Western Heir," Just as Hiei opened his mouth Kagome held up her hand. "I know you don't need protection but should you ever need allies because of Spirit world you have it" she placed the folder in the fire apparition hands.
Hiei nodded/thank you/ he said mentally and disappeared. Kurama looked at Kagome. "Care to explain?" he asked sitting down beside her.
She shrugged."You already knew I was Sesshomaru's adopted sister so my titles and positions are a given, what just happened in Koenma's office, well he pissed me off. " she said, waving her hand on the air, dismissing it. Kurama smiled. "I meant freeing both Hiei and myself" he said, Kagome smiled. "Koenma needed a blow to his ego and besides he shouldn't have kept you two like that" Standing she smiled and shifted back into her human for. Kurama smiled and wrapped his arms around her shoulders. They both watched as Shippo played around in the blowing leaves. Kurama turned Kagome around and gently pressed his lips against hers, just as she responded he pulled away. "Thank you, Kagome".
Anme smiled cooly. Snapping her fingers she sighed, following red hair tumbling down her back. "Soon Kagome your soul and power will be mine" she whispered into the darkness. As she replayed what had happened in Koenma's office. The fools they didn't even know that one of their own was being controlled. But then again, neither did the pawn. She smiled. Black lips spreading to show her long fangs. She waved her hand and her pawn appeared in from of her. "Ah..Botan.." she smiled a the Once Cheery Grim Reaper. Her once bright a bubbly pink eyes faded and soulless. "Botan when the time comes you will steal Kagome's soul put it in this" she handed the ferry girl a glass bottle, much like a genie's bottle. The blue haired girl took it and hid it beneath her pink robes. "Yes Master Anme" She waved her hand and the ferry girl disappeared with no memory of what just happened. Until the time came she would be normal but then Anme would cease control and Botan would remember her orders.
Black eyes starred at the pure diamond glass. It was a large oval shaped mirror but instead of glass it was made from diamonds dipped into miko blood. Anme used this to watch Kagome and her lover and kit.
Kagome laughed lightly, watching as Shippo showed Kurama his spinning tops. She shook her head at them about to call them in for lunch when she heard her cell phone going off. Blinking she pulled the silver flip phone from its click on her hip and flipped it open, bring it to her ear. "Moshi-moshi " she answered, Kurama turned curious green eyes to her, she smiled lightly. "Kagome" "Hello to you too" she said, turning back to Kurama she mouthed 'sesshomaru' The avatar kitsune nodded and went back to Shippo, just barely dodging blue flames from Shippo's fox fire.
"Kagome, we have received no information on Anme, has anything happened?" Seshomaru growled, softly, when Kagura snatched the phone. "Hey Kagome! How are you and foxy boy doing?" she asked gigging at Seshsomaru's growl. Kagome blushed lightly, causing both the other kitsunes to look at her and walk over. "We're fine Kagura and his names Kurama" she said, looking at Kurama when he raised a quizzingly eyebrow. "Kagura clucked her tongue disapprovingly on the other end. "Yes, yes but he is still a foxy boy!" she argued, Kagome merely rolled her eyes. "So no information on Anme?" she asked suddenly, Kagura seemed to sigh as the happy mood disappeared. "No all we can find with out alerting the whole Youkai population is that she escaped Makai; got captured put in Reikai jail and escaped Reikai jail a few years back but she was so weak Koenma was sure she died" Kagome could almost hear her roll her cinnamon eyes in exasperation. "Obviously that didn't happen" the window sorceress bit out bitterly, making the pure miko turn kitsune wonder if the other demoness didn't have dealings with her enemy.
Kagome sighed. "Kagura..." she warned gently, a sigh came for the other line. "I know, I know, but I swear that; that baby is a moron, oh Sesshy has something to say!" Kagome sat down on the porch. Sesshomaru growled and took the phone. "Kagome about that stunt you pulled in spirit world" he stated. Kagome rolled her eyes. "I know Sesshomaru I shouldn't abuse my power, but the baby was in the wrong not me" Sesshomaru chuckled. "Just don't do it again"
Kagome nodded, "Hai hai!" The phone clicked off, and Kagome looked up only to find both Kurama and Shippo gone. Blinking dumbly she stood pokceting her cellphone and moved to the back of the courtyard, her black hair swaying behind her gently. Seh hummed softly until she heard a shout, "SHIPPO RUN!" In an instant she was gone runnign towards Kurama's voice, and her kit, who was obviously in danger.
Sorry about the short update. I just started highschool and it's rough. Anyways I'll try to update again in about a week with a longer chapter. I'll try I promise!