A/N: Heeeeellllllllooooooo! My new fic! AU! Yay! So summary is basically this: Six people are brought together by a mysterious purge but the fate has something more in store for them…

To make this clearer I'll make little bios about characters 'cause they're way OOC: first the guys!

Kakarott: Age – 19 Height – 5,7 ft. Weight – 171 lbs.

Powerlevel: 2067

Vegeta: Age – 21 Height – 5,7 ft. Weight – 170 lbs.

Powerlevel: 8108

Kuririn: Age – 20 Height – 5,1 ft. Weight – 153 lbs.

Powerlevel: 1950

Bardock: Age – 42 Height – 5,8 ft. Weight – 180 lbs.

Powerlevel: 7800

King Vegeta: Age – 46 Height – 6,7 ft. Weight – 237 lbs. Powerlevel: 11 000

Turles: Age – 22 Height – 6,2 ft. Weight – 200 ibs.

Powerlevel: 6600

Raditz: Age – 24 Height – 7.0 ft. Weight – 250 lbs. Powerlevel: 7880

Not so important persons but still play (major) part in the story: Nappa –. Powerlevel: 6400

Toma – Bardock's Elite friend and member of his team and Celipa's mate. Powerlevel: 6550

Celipa – Toma's mate and a member of Bardock's Elite team. Taanipu's friend. Powerlevel: 6020

Cornua – Kakarott's and Kuririn's team member. She's a third class and Meataro's mate. Powerlevel: 1008

Meataro – Third class warrior in Kakarott and Kuririn's team and mate to Cornua. Powerlevel: 1160

Okay! And now for the girls!

ChiChi: Age – 18 Height – 5,1 ft. Weight – 105 lbs.

Powerlevel: 3500

Bulma: Age – 19 Height – 5,2 ft. Weight – 106 lbs.

Powerlevel: 1833

Juuhachi: Age – 20 Height – 5,0 ft. Weight – 100 lbs. Powerlevel: 8067

Queen Rosichena: Age – 43 Height – 5,8 ft. Weight – 120 lbs..

Powerlevel: 9006

Taanipu: Age – 41 Height – 5,7 ft. Weight – 115 lbs.)

Powerlevel: 6508

Now before we start I'd like to introduce you to the Saiyajin Class system:

Readers: NOOOOoooo! Not more!

Upper Class: Consists first class, Elite, Royal Guards and of course the Royal family. The strongest Saiyajins and so-called noble men of Planet Vegetasei. Upper Class doesn't have that much of a cast system. First class can go talk to Elite or Royal Guards and disobey but everybody has to obey the Royal family or else… Usually they handle the paperwork, military/'diplomacy' and work as servants/assistant at the palace. Elites may have some mission there and here.

They have the complete power over second and third class.

Powerlevel : 3000 - 5000 and up.

Middle Class: Second class. The normal people. Produce food and other things necessary. Could be called working class. Half of them are usually purgers and the other half farmers, builders, shop keepers, merchants etc. Main meaning to produce food and keep the community going. Second classes are the most often cooks and kitchen staff. Rarely beaten up by Upper Classes.

Powerlevel: 1200 - 3000

Low Class: Third class. They live in slums and are mostly despised by the Upper Class. They live by hunting and eating in bars or even stealing from market places.

Every third class has in some point of one's life been on a purging mission. They handle the purges. Third classes are usually considered as a 'stress relief' for Upper Class soldiers. Disobeying your superior is punished by death or slavery and the Upper Class soldiers come often to beat up the third classes. Often as a house slaves for the Upper Class soldiers.

Powerlevel: 0 - 1200

Pairings: Kakarott/ChiChi Bulma/Vegeta Kuririn/Juuhachi Cornua/Meataro

King Vegeta/Rosichena Bardock/Taanipu Toma/Celipa Raditz? Turles?

Disclaimer: Stop staring at me! Sheesh! Do I look like a rich Japanese dude? Hardly! I can speak/write/read Japanese but it sadly changes nothing…I only own Cornua, Meataro and the Yarogajins and Gorakuha and Seikyuu so no stealing without permission…

Chapter I – We wish under the stars…

The nightly sky was lit with stars illuminating the sky, stars twinkling alone in the vast empty space. So alone and free…accompanied by the darkness nevertheless. A light breeze moved the tall grass making it rustle slightly, singing its own eerie but beautiful song. It was a clear night and

the air was still warm. It would never be cool or chilly.

The planets two suns took care of it. At the daytime the temperature was always around 104 degrees (Fahrenheit) and dropped dramatically at the nights to 70 degrees. Planet Vegetasei was mainly dry desert with little tropic rainforests there and here. It had also wide fields of tall green grass, famba and lakes on the northern hemisphere.

A man laid on top of the high grassy hill covered in high weeds, little far away from the nearby city's suburb area, looking at the stars. He sighed the best he could with his bruised ribs and brought a hand to touch his cheek and winced at the touch. His cheek was swollen and the skin was bleeding a little.

He mumbled couple of chosen curses and continued staring at the distant sky. His armor and scouter laid beside him on the grass, little farther away. This had always relaxed him and helped him to forget the struggling life he led and lived with the other third class soldiers.

A loud rustling sound reached his acute ears but he did nothing. He knew who it was and the person could have walked completely soundless if he had just wanted but had decided to announce his coming.

" I knew ya 'd be here…" came a voice besides him and the person dropped down next to him, removing his own scouter and throwing it carelessly on the grass after turning it off.

" Yeah…where else, Kuririn?" The man laying on the ground responded, like it would have been the most obvious thing in the world. The other man chuckled.

" Ya're too predictable…for those who know ya, Kakarott."

Kakarott snorted and waved his hand nonchalantly only to grunt in pain at the movement. Kuririn glanced shortly at his beaten up friend. His face was bruised and full of little cuts which wouldn't leave a scar on his handsome face. Bruises covered his muscular chest and stomach, some of them bleeding slightly.

Kakarott had a horizontal scar across his nose. A thin dark line given him by some of the countless Upper Class Saiyajins. His spiky hair was kept in small ponytail at the base of his neck and the front spikes were freely pointing where-ever they liked. The young Saiyajin male had a blood red scarf tied around his forehead and Kuririn often wondered why. No one really knew why, despite being friends for ages.

Kuririn himself was a short male and his hair was short and spiked all around in strange wavy way almost covering the six dots on his forehead. The smaller man slightly adjusted the arm protector in his left arm, settling on the famba as comfortably as he could ever get.

" Upper Class again?" It was more of a statement than a question for the both knew the answer. Kuririn still had some sore limbs and bruises from his previous beating couple of days ago.

Kakarott nodded. " It was a close call…sometimes I wonder if they have any brains." He snorted again, his voice holding the characteristic straightforwardness and slight sarcasm. " Ya only hafta out run or out smart them which ain't a trick itself y'know."

Kuririn let out a little laugh. " We're too clever for 'em, obviously. I swear I can smell' em before they get on ten meters radius. Must be the perfume…"

The taller Saiyajin snickered at his friend's statement. It was partly true. The Upper Class males always smelled like women to them. They themselves didn't get to bath that often. Kakarott winced again as his sore ribs shifted. " Damn it…"

" We have a purge tomorrow… I…We… we're to purge the Planet Yarogasei…" Kuririn started, gazing at the stars.

" I know, Kuririn…I've finished da plans. Heck! Four ain't enough. We need Bulma and even it ain't enough! And she may not come…It's Yarogasei we're talkin' about after all… Cornua and Meataro are tracking her down righ' now…" he trailed off.

" It's weird y'know…this damn job's been in pool for three cycli's (months) an' now it jus' suddenly rest on our shoulders! I really wanna strangle the guy who assigned the fucking thing to us! And I've heard things about Yarogasei…"

The silence fell on them. They just kept staring at the stars both thinking the same. The tomorrow purge would be their lives worst experience. Everybody had heard about Yarogasei. It had been the thorn in the King's side for ages. Able to stand against them because of their superior technology and extreme intelligence. Yarogajins were known about their sadistic nature and their ability to go berserk in a battle and now four, hopely five, third class soldier/purgers were do the job against what? Just couple of millions berserk sadistic or maso-sadistic Yarogajins? Oh joy…Kakarott had thought and said when he and Kuririn as team leaders got the news.

They usually got assignments for Kuririn's team or Kakarott's team. Too bad it hadn't yet come to common knowledge that they were actually the same and one team. This one had come under Kuririn's name.

And he wasn't exactly in the bestest shape… Did the Upper Classes beating him earlier today know the fact that he was going to try to purge that planet? Possibilities of that knowledge: Non existent. And did he know that third classes weren't allowed to use regeneration tanks? Yes. They were going to purge Yarogasei. Not just try. To show them….

He lifted his head spiky haired head, half of it pulled at ponytail to gaze the enchanting palace rising in middle of the big city, illuminated by lights.

" Some day…jus' some day…" he heard his short friend whisper as he too was gazing at the beautiful building and sighed.

" Yes…some day…" Kakarott whispered back and they sat silently on the top of the hill, hoping and making wishes that were beyond their reach and fate. Such was they way and life of a third class. Maybe some day they would have a better life.

Just some day…

The two Saiyajin warriors were now on the grassy hill, trying to get the rest and energy for tomorrows mission impossible, failing to see the shooting star streak over the sky and to disappear in horizon as the warm breeze continued to ruffle the high weeds in the night.


On top of the Royal palace of planet Vegetasei, away from curious glances and scouters, high above everything, on the highest point of the palace on the great dome of the ball room, a hand draped around the decorated stone adornment sat a lone figure. The figure surveyed the landscape opening before his coal black eyes, taking in its nightly beauty. The wide field of famba spreading outside the eastern side of the city like an ocean.

He could see everything from his sitting spot. It gave him the feeling of freedom and power. He didn't think anybody besides him would know about this place and just to go there to watch night or day. He was right none did.

Over years in had become his private place, to where he could always just vanish and think about everything. Now his mind was on Yarogasei.

Some purging team was assigned to purge it. And none seemed to know who. It was in the common knowledge of the whole planet but the information who was missing. There had been no bragging anywhere, no claims, no secret information about it.

He, Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyajins didn't know either. He's father did, but he'd damned if his father would tell him. And of course his mother knew, but would she bother to tell it? Nope. Just cuddle him. He was the prince of this damn place, dammit! Vegeta was really ticked off at his mother's behavior towards him. She still treated him like as a five year old…Vegeta was an adult man, didn't she see it?

Sometimes he wished he'd have a person like Bardock by his side, like Bardock was to his father. Another pair of ears and eyes, another mind in making the military plans, to have the most trustable person in the world. Oh the hell! He didn't need friends! He didn't need anybody! He had always done everything alone and would do in future. He wouldn't became dependent on others. He'd be strong just as fine without them!

He would never admit it but he was lonely. He had no true friends, he was in I-tolerate-you relationship with both the General's sons and couple of other his fathers and Bardock's friends. The prince had never liked Bardock's sons for some reason.

His father's and mother's guards were of course his too but when he'd be the King he'd change them. Get his own government… his own everything!

Maybe he'd keep Bardock…he liked him the best because his own height was so close to his own and he didn't feel small, like around some soldiers. But it didn't matter, Vegeta was still stronger than they were…

The prince really didn't have had the chance to get some friends. The balls were boring and waste of his precious training time and the females who almost drowned him in drool and clung to him like he was a dress at the mall that they wanted. And he wasn't interested in having a mate yet.

He just wanted his own life that none could command or direct.

Vegeta suddenly felt himself more determined than ever before. If his father didn't want to share the information and knowledge he would have to do it himself.

" I should have thought about this a long time ago…" he muttered darkly, a smirk plastered on his handsome face. He'd take the things in his own hands…and maybe get a couple of friends along the way…

Vegeta silently and gracefully as a cat climbed down the dome and made his way through one window to the empty red carpeted corridor. None was at sight. The prince took one last glance at the starry night sky doing something as childish, at least to him it was childish, as wishing for success in his newly se mission.

The black-haired young Saiyajin male swiveled around and trudged towards his room and sleep as the bright shooting star flew to horizon just narrowly escaping his acute Saiyajin vision.


Bulma waved at her black haired friend as the black haired girl saluted her back with a smile and disappeared behind the corner leaving Bulma alone at the dark empty street. Sometimes she just wondered… ChiChi was a bit of a mystery to her. First when she had met her black haired friend, she had been…innocent. It was they only word to describe it back then. She still was utterly clueless at the fact that third classes got beaten up at minimum once in week or two. Bulma wondered just which third class district she lived in…and she seemed to lack every third class' cautious senses and movements developed over the years of abuse in hope to avoid and notice the approaching danger. ChiChi also didn't have the silent pace of a third class' warriors that was usual to them…

But sure she was hellova strong for a female! She had her own suspicions but decided that ChiChi would tell it when she wanted. She was after all her friend…

" Whatever…" the bluegreen haired girl muttered to herself and began strolling soundlessly along the street. There was no lights and the only light was coming from little cracks between window and hinge or shining beneath the door. The slums were filthy and cramped together in different shades of dirt and gray. Bulma sighed and cast her eyes upwards at the starts twinkling nonchalantly above her.

Rather disturbing thought entered her head then. One of those stars was Yarogasei…Her ninety-nine percent sure upcoming death…she shivered. She could just say she couldn't come or something like that. Stay on Vegetasei knowing it was her friends out there? Hardly!

Bulma remembered Cornua's desperate eyes and Meataro's gritted teeth and mask of indifference…And abruptly her mind was assaulted by images and memories about Cornua and Meataro, Kakarott and Kuririn and her drinking in bar after good mission, laughing together at something said, luring Upper Classes away from others, fighting together, talking with each other about something, training…hunting food…the list went on and on.

Kakarott's taunting smirk and sarcastic comments combined with little temper and tough calmness…

Kuririn's mischievous smile and bright nature with toughness come over years and that loyalty…

Cornua and Meataro…the ever arguing but happy couple amusing everybody with their behavior…

They were her friends. Friends that had saved her life. Friends that she had grown up with. She just couldn't turn her back! Not knowing…she'd be alone if they died….Bulma realized with a start. Would she be alone the rest of her life, not finding new friends that could take their place or go with them and die with them or possibly make the little difference needed to win the situation?

She quietly climbed up the nearby building to the roof and stood there, letting the nightly breeze caress her beautiful face and blue hair. Who knows? Maybe this mission will lead to something better…

" Oh Kami help us…" The blue haired female Saiyajin whispered, hoping this hadn't been the last time she'd seen ChiChi, hoping for the future to bring a better life…

" Somehow…" the wind faded her words and she propped down into a cross-legged sitting position bringing her hand in front of her face. This hand would be stained in blood tomorrow…covered in her own or Yarogajins blood…and as every other person she missed the phenomenon of a shooting star speeding above her head.


ChiChi walked few hundred meters before she took up flying. She couldn't understand why Bulma didn't just simply fly. It was so freeing and hellova lot faster.

The black-haired girl frowned in thought. Bulma had said something about that third classes didn't fly in cities and but flew only if they had to. ChiChi had then asked why and Bulma had cast her a unbelieving look that told her: You-serious-you-don't-know-why-or-can't-figure-it-out!

Then her blue-haired friend had said something about being too shieldless and visible for 'certain eyes' and the outwitting possibilities were almost non-existent. And actually she hadn't seen any third class ever flying…ChiChi still didn't get why.

She sped up her white-blue aura blazing around her wildly. ChiChi felt bad for not telling about she was really a first class 'lady' and not a third class tomboy. Well, she was a tomboy but not a third class.

What she had figured out was that Low Class and Upper Class didn't have the best relationship possible. Sometimes, like now, ChiChi hated her unknowledge about things. Her parents had kept her really shielded from the outer life and she only knew what a lady was supposed to be like.

When she first had started her adventures and met Bulma she didn't even know how to fight properly. She had a basic training that every Saiyajin had but no more. ChiChi was stronger than Bulma, a much stronger, but she still lost their sparring matches to her. Bulma had experience and skill smoothed over the years but lacked the strength.

ChiChi had the power and strength beyond any third class warrior, but she was clumsy and inexperienced just learning to use her body properly in a fight. Bulma's fake and confusing attacks broke her concentration and Bulma always seemed to hit elsewhere where ChiChi thought the attack would hit. And her never-ending stock of techniques and tricks never ceased to amaze and annoy her. And yet another thing was her speed. Bulma was way faster than she should have been…

It was her only chance to fight. Her parents forbid her from training saying that she was a lady and had the needed training for a fighter and she was incapable of doing it. But it didn't mean she didn't love and grieve for a fight like other Saiyajins… She wouldn't submit to her parents will like every other of her 'lady friends'. She'd rebel and do it anyway…ChiChi really hoped she one day could move as gracefully and fast with that confident knowledge of your skills and limitations and show she could be a formidable fighter.

The third classes baffled her. They were the scum of the society, but to her they didn't seems so bad…they even had this faint air of a brotherhood and loyalty to each other. Never she had seen the true will to kill each other in those countless bar fights she and Bulma had encountered. Yet they, at least in ChiChi's opinion, were more skilled and cunning fighters that she had to go watch with other first class ladies in a hope for a strong mate candidate.

She thought all the men trying to court her were just wimps and full-of-their-selves-bastards. Couldn't there be any man with enough will to answer her snappy comebacks and temper?

How she wished for a change in her life. Her father was always bashing her with his comments and mother just did nothing but tried to arrange her a 'good mate'.

" You're a lady ChiChi! You can't fight! And besides you're incapable of ever being a good fighter! You're a female! Men want a submitting mate, not a tempered and spirited tomboy lady with loud mouth and too much wits! " the words echoed in her head.

" I'll show them…Some day…I'll be free to do what I want with my life and have a mate that accepts me as I am …I hope…"

And behind her a star flew across the sky, twinkling brightly and then disappearing.


Bardock paced around the room. Face crunched up in annoyance and frustration, even little in anger. Taanipu watched calmly her mates agitation from nearby chair. There he went again…Soon he'd probably kick and break something.

The short Saiyajin male (in Saiyajin standards) stopped abruptly and kicked the table standing in middle of the room and it went to splinters with a loud crash. Again. They'd need to get once again new piece of furniture in their apartment…

" I can't… I just…I don't know!" he roared agitated balling his fists. Taanipu walked behind him and hugged him from behind, curling her tail around his waist.

" None knows, Bardock…Only the King knows and we can't afford any information slips. I heard the King sent the assignment himself and wiped off the transmitter's database and memory." She soothed. Bardock grunted, relaxing under his mates touch.

" The King has his reason…Even the prince doesn't know…and the team assigned won't say a word. Thousands purgers go and come tomorrows normally and we won't ever know who they were." she purred.

" Were?"

" Yes. Were. This is just a test, Bardock, to know more about them than just rumors, so we can send a real purging team or an army…Do you really think those purgers would survive? Hardly. With high possibility they're third class purgers."

" Really? But what about-" Bardock snapped hotly and was interrupted by Taanipu.

" Yes. If you'd calm down and think you'd realize it too. You're a brilliant military mind and a scientist but sometimes you just don't think…"

" What did I do to have such a mate?"

" You were strong enough to hunt me down…" Taanipu purred, happy at her accomplishment in calming her usually tempered mate down. Bardock turned around and gazed impishly at Taanipu's just as black eyes. They were equally tall, but the female Saiyajin was smaller and more slender built. " Yeah…I think I did…" he stated smugly.

Taanipu mock-glared as he scooped her up and carried to their bed.


Cool ice-blue eyes took in her surroundings. Everything was as always. Majestic red carpets covering the polished marble floors and the walls were decorated with silver and gold carvings, chandeliers and paintings hanging there and here.

Such was the look of the Royal palace's Royal department and highest floor.

She slightly adjusted her armor and uniform with the Royal mark on her right chest plate. God these things were uncomfortable. Juuhachi had been a Royal Guard for the Queen for almost a year and was quickly going bored with the duty. This was her only chance to remain unnoticed and it was definitely the last place the would search for her.

She tucked her short blond hair behind her ear. If there was something she hated it was the night duty. It totally messed up her sleeping rhythm.

Juuhachi knew she was a mystery. Miscolored and unbelievingly strong for a female of her height, 5,0 feet tall and small built. And she preferred to remain so. Distant and mysterious.

None would ever find out about her pasta and what she really was. She was practically safe but it never paid to be careful anyway. She wouldn't allow anybody come close and that's why she was so popular among men, who had taken it as a personal mission to woo her out of her mind. Idiots…

They really didn't know what and who they were dealing with.

Years ago she had discovered she was one of the Rare. Now she was hiding from her own; The Rares. Her people…Who used the gift wrong and made her feel disgusted and ashamed to be a part of them so she left.

The Rares are blessed with ability beyond worlds; the ability of foreseeing things. Just right now the visions were haywire. There wasn't just one future like there always was. Now there was many possibilities, all centered around the same certain people. But what irked her the most, for some reason she couldn't tell who were the ones in question. Like they were behind a thin curtain you could see through but not make things clear.

And unusually, the blond couldn't see in the farther future at all. It was all centered around the next month and beyond that…just blank emptiness.

Juuhachi had her own scary suspicions about everything. Like the next month had to happen first, before more future could be made. If there even was one…

The visions kept shifting around. The future hadn't been decided yet. It was unstable, like it had never been before. The future was always stable but…

Wait! Two visions disappeared! Someone of the concerned had just made a decision canceling possibilities…she predicted the possibilities would just narrow down until there'd be ten left and maybe the blankness would go away, revealing the future.

This was crazy. It was becoming harder and harder just keep just a side eyes at the sights playing in back of her mind. It wouldn't look good if she just zoned out whole time. And she saw them all the time, but forgot them almost immediately what it had been about. She had been given the gift to see and change if needed, but she wasn't allowed to affect this time.

But one thing she knew for sure. This thing was strangely related to the upcoming purge of Yarogasei…

The blond seeress sighed and leaned against the wall next to the Queens apartment doors. She had seen the purgers but like every other person they were too covered in the dark veil. But now there was five purgers instead of four…the decision earlier…

The stars continued their bright existent on the black sky. The shooting star left a streak on the stratosphere but it all seemed to happen in slow motion in front of her blue eyes.

" A shooting star…the ancient symbol of hope and wish…" The small woman said to none and a smile caressed her pink lips. And then froze. It was the mark, she realized.

This would be the first step; Beginning.

A/N: Heh! That was a long first chapter…more of a prologue if something. I'm trying this new more describing writing style…Not much more to say…but RR! I want to know if this is worth of continuing! Comments and questions are welcome too!