Disclaimer: I don't own this so please do not sue me. All the chapters up to 15 have been edited again as of September 3rd, 2007. There are changers. If this is your first time reading, have fun. I'm not putting any warnings but a lot of this is up for grabs in all directions. If you have read before, read again. You'll see this posted again in chapter 16 when it is uploaded. Happy trails.

Bright crisp papers fluttered effortlessly into each student's hands. However, this did not mean that the students wanted those papers there. In fact, if it had been up to the majority of the students, most of those papers would be folded into small airplanes and aimed at each others' eyes (or anything else that could be poked out or at).

Getting back on the subject of majority of the students, there was one indeed, who just got down to it. Writing and balancing the chemical equations effortlessly and not being mislead by photosynthesis in the process of decaying and breaking into the category of other (ignoring that fact that he knew it was decay fallowed by double replacement with combustion). It was when he was moving to the multiple guess that he ran into some trouble. No, no, not trouble as in when you start panicking and freeze up, but the trouble of concentration

For, this test was not during class time. It was after school, and not even located in the chemistry department, but in the biology section. So, having to make up a test after classes had ended was not one of Artemis' ideas of a wonderful time.

The rocker kid in front of him, really didn't help out his attitude. The person was, in fact, listening to some sort of Rock. How irritating.

Slowly and silently Artemis leaned forward in his seat. "Excuse me." Artemis whispered, trying to get the other boys attention.

"Kiss me, kill me, Kiss me kill me love me!" was the answer. The boy was clearly not listening to Artemis at all and was quiet absorbed in his own test. Gently, watching the teacher do her nails, Artemis tapped the other boy. Once again the reply was something about death and kissing. Artemis sighed, this was getting old real fast, and he refused to force himself to focus with that noise grating in the background.

Leaning even farther a crossed the table, Artemis jabbed his erasers tip into the back of the other boy. But, before he could once again ask the boy (well, demand) the boy swung around and glared. Bright amber eyes bore into sapphire, the battle was on.

The boy leaned on the back of his chair, which brushed Artemis' own desk, while slowly turning his MP3 player down. "Excuse me, but as much as I'd like to swap answers, I don't do the cheating thing."

"Nor do I. I was simply going to inquire about your…singing. It would be of great benefit to you and I if you were to cease during this class period." Artemis was preparing to dumb it down.

"You could have just asked me, "please stop singing". You didn't have to give me the whole suasive argument." And with that, the boy turned back around, and started to blast Devils Trill through his headphones. Artemis decided he could stand the distortion of classical music and thought that it helped that the other boy was no longer singing.

Turning his attention back to his own test, Artemis found it much easier to circle the correct answers. Finishing without further delay, Artemis marched his test up to the teacher, who took it and nodded, throwing it into the pile of, "shit to do". Sighing, he grabbed his bag and left the classroom with the strange rocker kid. As soon as he was out the door, the boy started singing again, only this time it was completely incomprehensible. Straitening his attire he continued on his way to his dorm.

Indeed, his lovely mother and father persisted that he be set up with a roommate. Surprisingly, this roommate was not as bad as he had foreseen. His name was Tom Mano and instead of being loud and hormone ravaged he was very calm and quiet. Even though Tom was often slow to think, when he spoke out his words were clear and precise. It was only when Artemis started talking about electronics that the boy got lost.

Tom, even though he was very bright, did not get along well with computers. No matter how many times the professor had explained excel or anything other than word to him, Tom always messed up. Stepping into their room, Artemis could see that Tom was not present.

Artemis was going to find not only a way to unblock his financial account, but also he was going to be able to create a better one. Searching through the files and selecting the ones in which he was going to deposit he found that his father had also been active as well. Though, before he had a chance to fully see what his father had been up too, he heard slamming and thunking outside his dorm room. Saving his files and flipping his literary essay up he was quiet prepared for Tom's entry. But what he wasn't ready for was another boy's entry.

Tom had brought along Eric Prince, the self-claimed god of sports. He had tactical to practical memorized and executed the strategies without mercy. When he took the reins as Captains, even the upper classmen bowed down before him. Artemis continued to ignore them.

"Sorry to disturb you Artemis." Tom whispered, shuffling through his cabinet and bookshelf. Artemis shrugged and returned to his essay, allowing Tom to find whatever he needed to find. Tom left for a moment only to return a few minutes later with his guitar case and music sheets. Eric opened the door and the two left Artemis alone. Half a second passed and Tom popped his head back in the door.

"Hey, Artemis?"

"Yes I'll feed the fish." Artemis replied, scrolling through his essay. It was un-written rule that if one of them were to be out the other would then feed the two Beta fish.

"That's not it. I was wondering if you would like to come to a concert tonight...I know it is short notice, but I think you would rather enjoy it." Tom replied, smiling. Artemis turned to Tom and shook his head.

Artemis flashed his eyes over to look at Tom and shook his head, "No thank you Tom. I have work that I must complete."

"That's fine! Have a nice night Artemis!" and with that, Tom shut the door lightly and could be heard skipping down the hall.

It had been a long night, and Tom was taking forever to get his white ass back to the theater with Eric. David has already set up the drums, and Steffen was setting up all the amps. Soon, the two boys arrived.

"Tom! Where the fuck have you been?" Cried a red head, dropping off the stage and running at the other boy.


"He was trying to talk that Fowl boy into coming to our practice." Eric announced, glaring at Tom, who scampered up the stairs. The blond turned his head towards the Tom as he fiddled with the guitar strings.

"He always is so alone!" Tom whispered, looking through his music.

"Well, if he didn't act so fucking high and mighty he wouldn't be so isolated from the rest of us now would he?" David snapped, twirling his drum sticks while trying to avoid his red hair.

"He's a teen just like us!" Tom answered.

"He's irritating. He always has to be right. God, it's hard enough listening to him in math class." Eric replied, setting up the keyboard.

"He's lost.." Tom whispered, ducking into his music.

"Sounds like a personal problem." Steffen silenced the two. He was done with the bickering and done with hearing about Fowl.

There you go. I urge you to read on and review. But if you wish not to, that is fine and totally your choice.