"TITAN MAIL CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALL!" Beast Boy and Cyborg carried in bags and bags of mail, mostly fan stuff (FROM ME!) but sometimes a couple letters from old time friends. So instead of throwing it all away, they sorted it out. This time there were only five big bags, sometimes they'd get 6 or 7, one time, they even recieved 12! But Beast Boy thought he'd be funny and poured a whole bag, marked 'Raven'(people at the post office were kind enough to sort it by names) all over Raven. She tackled him to the ground and..well..

"AHHHHHH! SUPER WEDGIE!" See what I mean? BB and Raven bounced around 'fake fighting' but soon it cooled down a bit and all the noise was paper flying all over the place. Raven quickly used her magic to sort it and let Beast Boy read them to her when he was done with his. They had been going out for a while and because BB was quick to forgive ANYTHING Raven did, they could do anything together, including read fan mail to eachother (sheesh talk about OOC).

Robin dug through his mail glancing at a couple of 'OMG ROBIN! YOUR SOOOO HOTT!' postcards and 'Get off the TEAM!' ones as well. Looking for something, anything from his mentor, he was like a 5 year old on Christmas. Cyborg got barely anything like that except ones from tech-geeks asking stupid questions about cmputers they knew he wasn't going to answer. Raven got fan mail from guys asking her on dates and Beast Boy got just about the same as Robin got.

Starfire joyfully read each one and saved them, special. She never got hate letters, always nice ones. She came across a purple piece of folded paper with, of course, the Titans address on it. She opened it up and written in her planets language was a note from her k'norfka Gelforge(or Galforge..not sure) and also from the high priest. Her planet had been in battle with Zelion 8 for a couple months now and were running low on warriors. They were asking her to come help fight before their planet was defeated. She slowly put the note down. Wide eyed and very concerned she left for her bedroom. Leaving her pile there with only half sorted. Robin was the only one that noticed and went after her. BB and Rea were too busy with eachother to notice about the outside world and Cyborg was out of viewing range.

"Starfire?" Robin stood outside of her door and waited for a responce.

"I do not mean to be rude but can you please just go away!" she said, rather abruptly(I dont know what that means but it sounds cool) Starfire had never talked in a manner as that to Robin.

"Starfire" Robin said, ignoring her responce and going on "It's Robin, whats wrong? You were just happy a minute ago.." He put his ear on the door and heard nothing. "Starfire come on, I wanna know whats wrong so I can fix it" She opened the door and kept her eyes lowered. Holding out the letter, she explained what it said.

"Star, you don't have to go by yourself, we can help you."

"That would not be a wise decision. If you started to help, they would consider it a sign from earth and your planet would be under attack as well" Starfire packed what clothes she had and loaded them up. Robin watched in horror, trying to think what to do. Come on Robin, your boy wonder, think of a lupe hole or something, anything, dont let her go!

"Oh Robin!" Starfire swung her arms around him "I do not wish to go and leave you or the others alone, But I must I must fight for my people" WOA! Up close and personal, Robin held on to her wishing to never let go. Oh God did she smell good, and soft, yet like a little kid crawling up to its dad because it was scared of something. But he kept his cool, on the outside. On the inside he was screaming: AHH! This can't be happening! Or something close to that. He twiddled his fingers in her hair for a couple seconds, she wouldn't let go. Time stood still and at last she pulled away and finished packing.

"I won't be more than a couple months" She sniffed


"We have to fight, and defeat all of their soldiers until they are no more. And then, we will have to come to agreements with their leader, if they do not meet our demands, we will have to take charge of the lessers of Zelion 8" She took a deep breath "If I am not back within 4 months or haven't contacted you by then..." She latched her bags and started to fill a small suitcase full of things from her room.

"If you run into any problems, stop fighting, please, for me" Robin stepped toward Starfire who was frantically lookng for something.

"I cannot promise to fall back, but I can promise to stay in touch." Starfire saw how Robin took the news. "Do not be sad. If we are the winners, it will be good for earth as well."

"And if you lose?" He raised his eyebrow

"You do not wish to know" Things got rueful, and Starfire changed the subject "I do not have anything to remember you by, while I am there" Robin thought for a moment, closed the door and locked it.

"How about this?" He flung his mask off and revealed silver, blue-ish eyes that sparkled, and (love this part!) pulled Starfire towards him she gratefully followed through. It was their first kiss towards anyone and they loved every minute of it. She sure is to remember this! God shes hott... Robin thought. He thought a few other thoughts, but lets keep this PG rated. Eh?

I do not want to move Starfire replayed how she had once caught BB and Raven kissing, anyway, they were profesionals, and she anted the best for her Robin.


Ok, Im ending there for now. Now this is my first Star/Rob fic so please dont flame me if I made a mistake. The song, she is coming soon...R&R PLEASE!