Author's Note: Yo people! Mac here with a little fic thingy. It was written for the inuyashayaoi100 LJ community, so it's just under 300 words(the comm limit). Part of it is loosly based off another thing Jay did(love you!). Maybe later I'll write a fic using the entire incident. Enjoy lovies.
Dedication: To all the members of inuyashayaoi100, to my friend Skittlez for giving me a dare to write this, and to Jay for falling out of a tree.
Bankotsu was sitting out on the lawn in front of his school, eating his lunch. He was leaning against a tree and watching as all the other students wandered around.
He looked up when he heard a crash from the tree branches above and came face to face with his best friend, Jakotsu, who was hanging upside down on a branch.
Jakotsu gave Bankotsu a kiss on the nose. "Hey cutie." He grinned.
"Jakotsu... What the hell are you doing?" Bankotsu asked, blushing slightly.
Jakotsu smirked. "I was thinking maybe you could come join me up in this tree. It's awful lonely up here." Jakotsu began stroking Bankotsu's hair. His face was the same shade of red as Bankotsu's was, but that was because blood was rushing to his head.
"How about you come down here Jakotsu. Where everyone can see you." Bankotsu said, trying to remove Jakotsu's hand from his hair.
"Okay!" Jakotsu tried to pull himself upright so he could climb back down, but the branch he was on creaked from his weight and snapped in two, causing Jakotsu to fall onto Bankotsu, his face landing in the other boy's lap.
"Jakotsu! Get off!" Bankotsu shrieked, pushing his friend away.
Jakotsu just planted himself back down on Bankotsu's lap. "Nuh uh. I like it here." He said, turning around to straddle Bankotsu and giving him a small kiss on the lips.
"Jakotsu... People are looking at us..." Bankotsu said, trying to once again remove the psychotic boy from his lap.
"M'kay." Jakotsu put his hands on either side of Bankotsu's face and pulled him into a passionate kiss. Bankotsu yelped with surprise, but he soon calmed down and started to kiss Jakotsu back.
Jakotsu silently cackled in his mind. 'Hehe. My plan worked...'