Cooking Lessons

AN: I don't own One Piece and never will XP small drabble with my fav pairing. Enjoy also, go easy on spelling or errors I'm a dyslexic muppet 3 so sorry ;

-Cooking Lessons-

Sanji could feel someone looking at him as he worked on the next meal for the crew, he glanced over his shoulder and saw Usopp sitting at the table his head in his hands just grinning contently as he watched the chef carry on with his cooking.

"What's wrong with you long nose?" he asked raising a brow at the tanned male.

"Nothing, just watching you"

"Encase you didn't get it, that was my polite way of saying 'stop staring at me it's putting me off'" The blond retorted and went to flipping some rice up in the pan.

"Oh, sorry, I just like watching you" he blinked and added in "watching you cook that is!" he almost didn't get that part in, a faint blush stained his tanned face as he mumbled and crossed his arms.

"It's not that hard you know" Sanji shrugged and flipped the rice a few more times and went to working on small pancakes in the other pan.

"Can I have a go?" Usopp asked after he had managed to school the slight blush and changed it into a curious look.

"See why not, burn it and you'll be the one eating it, got it?"

"Yeah, don't worry I'm the one and only Usopp! I pick up skills better then most" he puffed out his chest and beamed while Sanji rolled his eyes and stepped back.

Sanji stepped aside and let Usopp take his place, the dark haired male bit his lip and took the frying pan handle and flipped the first pancake, sending it half way across the room.

"Yeah, the skill is really wowing me Usopp" Sanji muttered.

"Ah, sorry!"

"Don't worry I'll give that one to Luffy, he won't know the difference"

Usopp nodded and Sanji placed more of the pancake batter into the pan and Usopp went to trying to flip it, the male laughed and rubbed the back of his neck when it flew over his head and landed on Sanji's.

"I think I'm going to kill you now…" The blond male gritted out and then sighed peeling it off and chucking it in a small container, shame to waste any kind of food and Luffy would eat anything anyway.

"I just need a little help" Usopp mumbled.

Sanji once again placed in some batter and waitied for Usopp to hold the pan, he could see where the other male was going wrong, he got behind him and wrapped his arms around his wate placing his hands on Usopp's.

"Like this…"

Usopp blushed a little and nodded as Sanji held a firm grip on his hands, he moved the pan to flip it and to Usopp's surprise it landed back in fine. He grinned and did it a few more times with Sanji's guidance.

"Easy no?"

"Yeah, I think you should teach me how to cook more often!" Usopp grinned and looked back at Sanji who smiled slightly and nodded.
