Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of those Books.

Summarry: Harry Potter has never kept a girlfriend for long enough to keep it "more then that" and part of this is because his daughter, Avy Potter, hates them all without even knowing them. Avy never considered her father to be bisexual, and when it becomes apparent that her fathers 'friend' is more then a friend, her world turns topsy turvy. Slash -writer rolls her eyes at herself-

A/N My friend gave me a part of this idea for this story, so I thank her for inspiration , I couldn't get this plot out of my head and I know I should be finishing some stories... but I couldn't resist x.o So, I shall be trying to finish up some stories, and hopefully, actually make it so I don't have a ton of them at once. I will finish all my stories.. eventually :) The rating for now isn't that bad but I know that if I follow through, it's going to go up in later chapters.

Avy Potter never liked waking up in the morning to see her father's girlfriend's face brighten up at how wretched she felt, while still being tired from the night's dreaming. Avy made another mental note to glare extra hard, and maybe the girl would get it through her thick blonde skull that Avy would never like her.

Avy Potter was Harry Potter's first and only child. She could be cranky and rude one minute, then shy and polite the next. Even though she and her father never talked much, seeing as he was a star Quidditch player and had a busy schedule, he always made sure she had a mother figure at home. Avy didn't have a real mother, so throughout her life she made due with the ladies her father brought home.

Of course where it had once been nannies, it had moved to his girlfriend of the year. Harry Potter was known for going out with girls and after two or three years they broke up for unexplained reasons.

Whenever he heard the words "When are you two going to consider marriage?" Harry Potter ran away like a swarm of locusts had just started to feed on the relationship. There were some who would call him a bloody coward for it.

Avy didn't much care, though, because as far as she was concerned none of the women could ever be her mother, or step-mother for that reason. None of Harry Potter's so called girlfriends ever won the affection of Avy, and though it wasn't known to the public, it was a large part of why Harry Potter never did marry anyone.

Avy had been considered to be the spitting image of her father, right down to the nose and almond shaped eyes. Her hair was jet black, like her fathers, but it could be tamed rather easily, very much unlike her father's black mane. Her hair was always silky and straight until it curled at the end naturally. Her eyes weren't a bright green though, rather an azure sky blue.

She was taller then her father, even at the age of thirteen. It was a joke with the Weasley family that Harry was shrinking as Avy grew older, but it was purely her genes.

"Good morning Avy." Cecelia said, smiling at the moody girl in front of her. Avy glared at the woman, eyeing her platinum blonde hair with distaste, anyone could tell that her hair had been dyed so many times that it was due to start falling out any day now.

"Good morning." Avy mumbled, barely making herself heard by the overly cheery girl. 'Dad, if you keep this one for more then one month I will castrate you.' Avy found herself thinking, sitting down grudgingly beside her father at the breakfast table.

"Good morning my arse…" Avy growled as the woman turned her back to the pair. She turned around with a bright smile on her face and two plates with chocolate chip pancakes. Avy normally would love the breakfast if it was brought to her by an old nanny instead of a girl that her father was sexually interested in.

"Avy, be nice to her." Harry whispered to his daughter, eyeing the girl who was making pancakes with his emerald eyes. Avy couldn't tell whether he was undressing her with his mind or whether he was planning to jump the pancakes on the plate she had on her hand.

Avy didn't even smile or say thank you when Cecelia placed Avy's plate in front of her. "Say thank you Avy." her father said sternly, but all Avy did was look up, give him a cold glare with her piercing azure eyes, and look back at her pancakes before cutting them up and munching on them happily.

Harry sighed and started a conversation with Cecelia about whether he had a chance with the Quidditch cup or not this year round. Avy on the other hand chose to ignore them both and, in the bright kitchen during the lovely morning, act like a black cloud hovering over the happy home.

Avy wasn't enjoying her time with her father or his bimbo of a girlfriend, she wasn't enjoying herself one bit. And the day was only going to get worse as the sun shone brightly over the Potter's house.

"I'm not going with her!" Avy screamed as her father informed her he wasn't going to be able to take her to Diagon Alley. He had promised he would take her when she got back from Hogwarts after her second year was completed, and she passed with good marks.

"I'm not having this conversation with you right now, she offered Avy!" Harry tried to convince his daughter that shopping with Cecelia wouldn't be the horror movie come to life his daughter thought it was.

"I fucking am not going with her! Daaaaddddy" Avy whined, trying to get onto her fathers good side today. It didn't work.

"Avy, you will go with Cecelia, or you will not go at all. Understand?" Harry said, and his tone was commanding. Avy frowned and she realized there was no way out of this hell. She was stuck with bimbo number five for the rest of the day. Isn't life just awesome?

Avy was walking down the cobbled street with Cecelia. Avy was glaring at anyone who happened to look their way. Avy was going to punch the next son of a bitch who dared whistle at Cecelia.

Avy looked at Cecelia and wondered what was so good looking about the girl; she looked like a twig. Not to mention her hair was probably falling out. "Avy would you like a treat before we start shopping?" Cecelia asked. Avy could give the woman one point, she knew what Avy could not resist, ice cream.

If there was one friend who would be with Avy throughout her whole life, it was ice cream. The gooey sticky mess that tasted so sweet it made her forget all her problems and reminded her of the good things in life, such as ice cream, sporks, and chocolate. Oh and don't forget the ice cream.

"Sure…" Avy said as if uninterested. It wasn't so much that she wasn't interested, she just wanted to give Cecelia the vibes to fuck off and leave her father alone. Sometimes her father's girlfriends couldn't take how rude and grouchy Avy could be and they packed their bags without so much as a good bye after two months with her. Cecelia on the other hand seemed to be a tough nut to crack.

'Perfect summer I'm starting to have. If I don't get out of the house anytime soon, I will murder someone.' Avy thought as she and Cecelia walked towards the ice cream parlor. The many chairs littered the patio, and Avy took the first table she saw, hidden in the shade of a tree.

Avy was feeling terribly moody today; therefore, the bright sun was unwelcoming to her eyes. Sitting in the cool damp shade she mulled over how her father had yet again broken his promise to her and started to date someone again. Avy distinctly remembered her father telling her that after Emma he would take a break.

Emma had been especially hated by Avy, because Emma and her father had clicked so well. But then Emma cheated on her father, and he sent her packing. Emma had actually lasted three years, a surprisingly long time for Avy's father.

Avy had a special celebration the day of the break up in her dormitory, new years hats and decorations to boot. Needless to say the other girls thought she was half insane, but they liked her just the same.

"I'll get you a sundae okay?" Cecelia asked and Avy nodded, not looking at the girl. Avy smirked cause she knew Cecelia was probably starting to look discouraged at the way things were progressing between her and Avy.

Avy looked around the street from the patio, staring as people walked by her with shopping bags and happy smiles. Avy frowned as she saw a blonde man looking at her with interest and stuck her tongue out at him. He looked offended, but Avy's view was blocked off as a sundae was placed in front of her.

"Here you go Avy" Cecelia said, sounding happy. Avy wondered how she could sound so happy when she was out with Avy, who considered Cecelia her worst enemy.

"Where do you want to go first?" Cecelia asked and Avy thought about it for a second before answering.

"An apocathary." Avy said, and Cecelia's smile seemed to waver for a second.

"I don't think they have any around here, how about a clothes store?" Cecelia suggested and Avy groaned. She couldn't even have a good time with this Cecelia; at least Emma decided to indulge Avy in those obsessions.

"There is one though." Avy insisted, pointing to a shop on the other side of the ice cream parlor. It looked like a weed among the many shops, foreboding and gloomy, and Avy loved that shop!

"Well... so there is." Cecelia said, and Avy looked over to see Cecelia's bright smile turn into a delicate frown. Avy wanted to yell at the woman for being such a simpering flower, but she would have to endure this and get her shopping so she could hide herself away in her room.

"So we can go?" Avy asked, already knowing the answer.

"Uh, sure." Cecelia said and she was back to her happy mode. Avy wanted to strangle her because she was too happy and she was such a creature of the light!

Cecelia didn't fare to well in the Apacothary. The eye of newt scared her, a one eyed toad jumped onto her foot, and she spilled a glass vial of poisoned apples. This was to no one's enjoyment but Avy's, who was still giggling quietly to herself as they walked towards Madame Malkin's store.

Avy took one look around the store and knew what colour of fabric she wanted right away. Cecelia seemed to understand what Avy wanted, and instead of letting Avy get her way like she usually did, pulled one of her father's tricks. Make a suggestion and see if Avy will be distracted enough to not pay attention to you so you can get her into some colour.

"How about you try on something that's pink? I think all you own is black, blue, and red. Maybe you should try some other colours Avy." Cecelia suggested, eyeing a pink hat.

To bad Cecelia forgot that Avy refused to wear anything pink after leaving her little girls gown stage at six, because Harry could have suggested something baby blue that looked exactly the same and gotten Avy to wear it.

Avy took one look at the pink atrocity and her black eyebrow rose as she sneered at the… pink… thing. "If you think I will wear something with colour, and that looks like it could belong to a baby, you're insane." Avy snapped back.

"It looks good, perfect for a lady." Cecelia tried, but Avy shook her head.

"I'm not a lady, if you hadn't noticed." Avy mumbled, and turned her back on the bimbo. She eyed a bright yellow robe that looked like it belonged on a clown with all the frills it had, and decided that she wanted simple black robes, she might be persuaded to get green.

Walking back to the Leaky Cauldron Avy had gotten a total of three items: a green robe, a book on hexes (for all your hexing urges), and a few frozen mice for her pet snake.

Avy stared at the old stores and eyed Quality Quidditch with anger. Those damn brooms were the reason her father never was around. He would rather fly then be with her, he would rather be with a bimbo then her, and it was always Avy that came second. She hated Harry for it.

Cecelia was humming happily to herself and she looked rather pretty in the light lit street. Avy for a few seconds envied her and how she managed to get her fathers affection. The envy soon gave away to a general dislike though, because Avy didn't want to envy this woman, ever.

Avy had a feeling this one would stay for a few months, maybe years, but if she stayed any longer Avy might just have to charm a rain cloud over her head to take away the happy shine that was constantly over Cecelia.

Avy seemed to fair better with this cheery creature then any of her father's other girlfriends, but that didn't mean she liked the girl any better. This part of Avy Potter's life never changed.

Hmm do review please? because I like to know at least people read the stuff that I think up o.O