Hello all! I'm trying to work particularly on one shots at the moment, so here it goes. Fred and George are back in their seventh year and they are back for their exams! Unlikely, right? Not quite...


Disclaimer: Alright, so I don't own Fred and George. Or Umbridge (thankfully). But I DO own this plot. HA!



(History of Magic Exam)


"Alright, Fred. Umbridge is just about to stand up to say her death speech."


"Ok. I'll see you, George, thirty minutes in?"


"Make it a quarter to, never want to be too early."




Fred Weasley pushed open the giant double doors and entered the exam room like a conquering hero. However, it was not our ordinairy Fred searching for a seat. He had a floral bathrobe on, sporting fluffy slippers and a towel wrapped around his head.


After Professor Umbridge let the exam begin, she walked over to Fred's desk.




"Lee, did you hear something?"


Fred buried his nose in his exam and began to rub his head and write furiously, trying to concentrate hard.




"Right, WHAT IS IT?"


"Excuse me, Mr Weasley, but may I ask you a question?"


"As long as it does not cause any harm or emotional damage to me in any way."


"May I askwhat you are doing in a bathrobe? This is not suitable for school wear. Please return only when you are in your Hogwarts uniform."


"Can you find a rule, Professor Umbridge, that forbids me to wear what makes me be able to think well in an exam? History of Magic is my FAVORITE course, and Professor Binns is my FAVORITE teacher, and I NEED to pass this course. So if you do not let me do what I need to take this exam, I will be writing to the MINISTRY OF MAGIC."


Professor Umbridge was so shocked, she didn't know what to do. Instead she turned around and walked back to her observing desk. Fred took apart each page from the exam and neatly arranged them in a pile. He folded each one into different paper airplanes, and put a charm on them.


He shot the first one and it went right up Umbridge's right nostril.


"Oh sorry, Professor. I didn't mean to. I was trying to throw it in the garbage, but your nose is incredibly hard to miss."


"How dare y-"




George Weasley was covered head to toe in a countless number of baby rats. Professor Umbridge forgot Fred's insult instantly and walked over to George.


"Wow, Professor Umbridge, I didn't know you were still living! You look fantastic considering your age!"


The students tried the stifle their laughs and even the teachers couldn't help from snorting.






"WHAT are you DOING with those RATS all over you? And WHY are you so LATE?"


"My RAT had BABIES and I had to HELP her give BIRTH. Then the MOM passed AWAY and I had to TAKE the baby RATS with ME! I HOPE you don't MIND but it would be CRUELTY to ANIMALS if you TOOK them AWAY!"


Professor Umbridge had nothing to say. She stormed back to her desk and watched George closely under her eye.


George sat down in an empty seat and took out his exam, a shock of horror on his face.


"Do you really think I'm gonna waste my time on this piece of junk? I could be celebrating an early Christmas!"


At this, George ripped his exam into several small pieces, and shoved them in his mouth. After chewing it for a while, he spat them out onto his desk. An armful of wet paper, he threw the pieces high into the air and shouted:




Professor Umbridge ordered George to be sent out. When none of the teachers listened, she difficultly pushed George and Fred out herself and made them stay in their dorms.


"Well, that was fun."


"I'd say so. Can't wait 'til the Herbology Exam!"



So, how was it? Was it not funny enough? Sorry. If I ever make their Herbology Exam, I'll make it funnier. But as for now, this is a one-shot. Please review and please provide LOTS of critism.