Disclaimer: I actually own the song! I wrote it! But I don't own Drakken or Shego.
Drakken knocked twice; no answer. He sighed as he held the wicker basket of Shego's laundry. He closed his eyes and barged in.
No screams from Shego greeted him, nor did a firey plasma ball so he opened his eyes. No one else was in the room. He gave a small laugh at his idiocy and walked over to the bed.
He set the basket down carefully on the toussled sheets. Then he saw it. A small beige book with gold lettering. Journal it read. He smirked to himself and dared to pick it up. He causually glanced over his shoulder to check if Shego was behind him; she wasn't. He breathed a slight sigh of relief and read.
The book wasn't a diary per say. It was more of a song journal. Complete with dedications. He found some that seemed like heavy metal "I hate you" type songs; nothing too gentle. He continued to flip through when a song struck him emotionally. He slowly began reading it.
I enjoyed my heart of stone
I loved my life alone
Then came you
Yeah then came you
That's when my world was changed
Everything was so strange
Love came outta the blue when came you
I had built all the fences
But I was left defenseless
Cuz of you
Yeah cuz of you
(Chorus 2x)
Dedicated to Drakken, God knows what I'll do if he reads this.
Drakken smiled weakly. He had been under the impression Shego hated him; he'd been wrong. He set the journal down with a soft smile. He spun around to see Shego glaring.
"I can't believe you read that!" she screamed.
Drakken yelped and ran. Love was tough.