This is it, guys! The final chapter. But never fear! There is a sequel in the works. Enjoy!
"Triple Threat"
Chapter 20: "Aftermath"
Gohan tried to pull the bars outward but that didn't work. They didn't even bend. "Don't worry, Videl. I'll find a way to get you out of there." He looked around the room and saw a giant computer on the left wall. Well, it's worth a try. He pressed all the buttons. One of them had to stop the electric bars and he was going to find it.
The bars stopped centimeters from Videl's face and disappeared. She fell onto the floor and Gohan quickly caught her. "Videl... Videl, come on, wake up. Please, Videl."
"Gohan..." Her eyes slowly opened.
The computer suddenly said sent out an urgent message: You have activated the self destruct sequence. I will self destruct in 60 seconds.
"What!" Gohan pulled Videl onto his back and and flew out of the building as fast as he could possibly go.
"Videl, are you OK?" Gohan asked. Below them, the building exploded and seven orange balls shot from the flames.
"Yeah, I'm fine. But, Gohan... why'd you come for me?"
"Why did I come for you?" Gohan repeated, confused.
Videl nodded, trying to hide possible disappointment. "It is true, isn't it? That you-"
"That I don't love you? Videl, that's why I came for you. Because I do... I do love you." Gohan smiled.
She gasped. She wasn't expecting that, even though she was hoping. "I didn't know, Gohan... I guess I thought that because you didn't stop Frieza, but I didn't stop to think that you might be too stunned to react when I said that. How... did the others take it?"
"Oh, they want you back. They don't know I left to rescue you, though."
-Two hours later-
Two hours later, they landed at Capsule Corp. They were greeted by hugs from everybody except Vegeta and Piccolo.
Piccolo smiled slightly at Gohan's return.
"What happened to Frieza, Gohan?" Bulma asked.
"Dead. He's gone."
"Good riddance!" Chichi yelled triumphantly. "You defeated your uncle, Frieza and even Cell. We didn't even need your father."
Everyone became quiet at that comment.
"So, this is what you two have been doing for the past 2 days." A voice came from the doorway. It was Erasa. Sharpner was behind her.
"Erasa! Sharpner! What are you doing here?" Videl ran up to them, happy to see some old faces.
"We came to bring you the work you missed at school. We went to Gohan's house, but saw a note saying everyone was at Capsule Corp." Erasa smirked. "But it seems you haven't missed out on anything here. So, you and Gohan are an item now?"
"Go ahead, Videl." Sharpner spoke. "You've had your eyes on Gohan ever since Saiyaman showed up. How a strong fighter can fall for a nerd I don't know."
Videl smiled and walked over to Yamcha. "Thank you."
"For what?"
"For getting me involved. If you hadn't asked me out, Saiyaman would never have followed us." She winked at Gohan. "Then he wouldn't have been captured and none of this would'nt have happened. I mean, who would've thought going into a sewer and getting your toes crushed by a full blooded saiyan would lead to this?
"I would." Bulma answered. "If you even meet someone who knows Goku, your life changes."
"I second that." Chichi added.
"Videl, we all have very different stories as to how we got into Goku's group." Bulma continued. "Look at Piccolo and Vegeta. They used to want him dead. Eighteen, too, for that matter."
"I remember that story. Gohan told me about Dr. Gero and the androids. He also told me about Cell and Frieza."
"But Gohan would only be 11 when Cell came..." Erasa realized.
"Videl!" Gohan yelled sharply.
"Uh.. Uh, I-I meant he told me a fictional story about Cell. Why would Gohan be at the Cell Games?"
"That reminds me. You liked the Golden Warrior at the Cell Games. So you like three guys at one time, Videl? The Golden Warrior, Saiyaman, and Gohan? Aren't you scared she'll leave you for one of the others, Gohan?"
Gohan smiled. "She can leave me for them any day. I wouldn't care."
Erasa and Sharpner hung their mouths in disbelief. Everyone else laughed.
So, how'd you like it? Keep a lookout on my profile for updates about the sequel!