Haha, OK, I'm going to continue on with a part that I meant to write at the end, but I completely forgot about it until now, so here goes…

It had been several days since the premiere party. Everyone was back home, which meant Sora and Riku were back at Destiny Islands for good. Well, Sora, anyway. Riku kept getting calls from Hollywood World. Donald and Goofy went back to Disney castle place. The King never found out about the Kingdom Hearts movie but realized that Donald and Goofy said they left to go to the liquor store to buy Goofy some peppermint schnapps and never came back until 2 months later. Willary Pugg managed to get out of where Kairi locked her the morning after the premiere party and nobody's heard from her since…..

"UGH!" cried Riku as he flipped his cell phone shut.

"What's the matter?" asked Kairi.

"I keep getting calls from Hollywood World, asking me to play in a bunch of movies. Even a Disney movie! And guest appear in a bunch of TV shows!" replied Riku.

"Hey, more munny for you." said Sora as he opened a can of soda. "I got only two calls to appear on Sesame Street and Porkpie the Clown."

"Are you gonna do it?" asked Tidus.

"Hell no!" cried Sora. "It's already bad enough I'm called the 'cutest boy of the year' award on Destiny's People magazine!"

"Hey, take a look at these magazines." said Selphie. "They said Riku's the 'sexiest boy alive' and then there are rumors that Riku's going out with Willary Pugg."

"GRRR!" growled Kairi.

"What's your problem?" asked Riku.

"Nothing!" lied Kairi

"We all know you hate Willary, don't lie." said Selphie. "This magazine says you had her whacked by the Disney mafia so you can have Sora all to yourself!"

"Then how come she just released a new album?" asked Riku.

"And she called me just this morning?" said Sora.

"Well, that's because magazines lie." said Kairi. "That same magazine's lying about Riku and Willary being together!"

Selphie gasped. "She's right!" she said.

Sora was nodding his head as he had headphones on his ears.

"What are you listening to, Sora mon?" asked Wakka.

"Willary Pugg's new song, Sugary Sweet Sixteen!" replied Sora. "Oh, baby!" he sung. "My blonde hair is in my face…."

Kairi just stormed off.

Riku lied back on the paopu tree. Then, he sat up. "Hey, Sora?" he asked.

Sora slid his headphones around his neck. "What?" he asked.

"Remember that Kairi said some people in different worlds said a bunch of bad things about us and Kairi?" asked Riku.

"Uh, yeah…" said Sora.

"We have the money and power, we should go to their worlds and beat the living daylights out of them!" said Riku.

"Hey, yeah!" said Sora. "To the gummi ship!"

(Imagine the Batman music playing in the background as Sora and Riku board the gummi ship.)

Sora and Riku went to Neverland first and knocked on Captain Hook's door. Mr. Smee answered the door.

"Y-yes?" he stuttered.

"Yeah, little old man, tell me where Captain Hook is." said Riku.

"Captain Hook is in his royal chamber." said Smee.

"What, you mean on the can?" asked Sora, grinning.

"Uh, d-don't mess with me!" said Smee. "I'll call my lawyer!"

"What?" asked Riku. "You want that we should kick your ass, too?"

"MR. SMEE!" called Hook. "Where's me toilet paper? I can't go without it!"

Sora and Riku fell over laughing.

Hook spotted them. "You! The brat! And that weird boy!" He cried.

"Yeah, it's us!" said Sora.

"And we're here to kick your ass! said Riku. (scuse the language)

"What for?" asked Hook.

"For talking bad about us on that message board!" replied Sora.

"Yeah, we're gonna throw you to that hungry crocodile over there!" said Riku.

"EEEEKK!" cried Hook. "Shiver me timbers!"

And so, they kicked Captain Hook's butt. They went to all the other worlds and kicked the butts of Jafar, Maleficent, Ursula, Clayton, even Ansem.

"Wow, that sure was fun." said Sora.

"Yeah…." said Riku.

"I can't believe this story is ending." said Sora.

"It is?" asked Riku.

"Sadly, yes." replied Sora. He turns to the readers of this story. "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, we had a good time here on this story, did we?"

"Uh, Sora, stop talking to the readers!" said Riku. "In fact, why are we even talking the ending of this story?"

"Riku, This story has to end sometime." said Sora. "But the author's releasing the sequel!

"OK!" said Riku…………..

(Imagine Simple and Clean playing in the background)……


I would like to thank everyone who read and reviewed this story! And since you've all been so good, I'm going to work on the sequel right now, called Dude, Where's Riku's Car? It's under humor/parody…