Disclaimer: The smurfs are not of my creation. They were created by Peyo. However, the village of the Smurfettes are. Each smurfette would be sort of a Doppelganger, or at least opposite to the Smurfs.

Brief Summery: After their first visit to the Smurf Village it is time to take the smurfettes home. But something's not right, are the smurfette's home in danger? What is in store for their future?

Warning: If you haven't read "The Smurfette Village" yet, then it is probably best that you do before reading this sequel. (R&R Please and Thank You)

Return to the Smurfette Village

Written by Raven Child.

Chapter 1: S.S. Sister Smurf!

Every smurf in the Smurf Village had, by now, been aware of Hefty's return, they instantly began the preparations for a reunion party. While that went on, Hefty, Papa Smurf, and a few other smurfs took the smurfettes for a tour around the village.

The whole scenery had really impressed the smurfettes very much. From the Smurf Windmill, to the spot on the beach where Painter Smurf had presented the statue of Hefty. Painter had to explain that it was from when the smurfs all thought that Hefty had died during that fateful stormy night. Hefty had stood speechless for a long time as he looked up at the nine apples high marble stone replica of himself. He didn't know how to respond to such an honorable memorabilia. However, he did admire the details on the face and even his tattoo on his arm showed clearly. Finally, he simply patted Painter Smurf on the back and rested his arm over his shoulders before saying, "It's about time you figured out what to do with that hunk of rock," to him.

Next they went to visit the Smurf Dam. Again Hefty was silent as he remembered the last time he was there. Memories flashed in his head of him being pushed by the broken logs that once had kept the water at bay just before blackness took over.

The last place they headed was to Hefty's old home. The strong smurf stopped in his tracks when he saw all the windows and doors all boarded up.

"What the smurf happened here?" He shouted.

"Um, sorry about that." Handy sheepishly said. "Again, you were gone and I didn't think it was smurfy to leave your place unlocked so that just anyone could walk in."

"Well, thanks a bunch, Handy." Hefty growled. "How am I supposed to get inside now?"

"Like this tough smurf," Toughette cooed. She walked up to the door and grabbed hold of one of the boards. With one single yank, she successfully removed the 2x4 that blocked the entrance to Hefty's home.

"Wow," all the smurfs gasped.

Hefty and the smurfettes simply grinned, knowing that action was not the most challenging thing for Toughette to do.

At the end of the day the smurfs and smurfettes enjoyed a huge feast with music and delicious goodies. The party seemed to have lasted all night.

The weeks after that seemed to have just swum by without even noticing. Valvette found herself becoming fast friends with both Vanity Smurf and Smurfette. The three of them often talked about fashion and beauty tips. Gingerette enjoyed herself cooking the meals with Greedy. Greedy loved having some help from someone else that knew how to cook as well as he did.

Melody often played her guitar beautifully for the other smurfs, and lavished in all of their applause. Even Harmony found himself captivated by her music. Of course he would try to play a duet with her, but the other smurfs stopped him from interrupting while she sang. Tattlerette interviewed as many of the smurfs as possible. No doubt the other smurfettes back home would want to know all about the Smurf Village in her upcoming 'Daily Scoop' news report. Brainy and Brainette finally found the intellectual conversationalist they've been searching all their lives. Brainy went as far as even showing Brainette his novels of "Quotations of Brainy Smurf". She found his grammar and spelling to be right on, but apparently that was the only thing that impressed her from his books.

Cowgirl got some helpful gardening tips from Farmer Smurf, and she showed him a few neat tricks with the lasso. Nursette gave helpful hints on how to dress up a wound on an injured animal or smurf to Nat Smurfling. She also admired a lot of the construction work that Handy had done throughout the years around the Village. And Papa Smurf, along with Grandpa Smurf, took Mama Smurf to see Mother Nature and Father Time. Not only that, but they have taken her to King Gerard's castle, so she could let King Randolph know that her and the other smurfettes wouldn't be needing that ride back to their homeland with him. She explained that the smurfs were building the smurfettes their very own ship to sail back and forth on as they pleased.

Meanwhile, Toughette and Hefty have been exploring their newfound love for each other. This has not, in no way interfered with their daily routine in waking up at the crack of dawn to do their morning workouts and jog before having breakfast with the rest of the village. After breakfast, both Toughette and Hefty would go and help the rest of the smurfs with building the new ship called S.S Sister Smurf. At the end of the day, the two of them would take a moonlit walk by the ocean together and discuss the soon-to-be long distance relationship. Something that neither of them would be looking forward too, but at the same time, neither of them wanted to leave their original homes and family. Of course, this did not distract them from enjoying the present as much as they could. Although they have briefly discussed on probably going on a journey together around the world in the distant future, just like Grandpa Smurf did.

Now that the Sister Smurf was finally becoming done all there needed was to raise the sail and pack on the supplies before moving out into the open sea. Not surprising, no one was in no hurry to want to leave anywhere. Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf had just come back from taking Mama Smurf up to inspect the Smurf Dam one last time. Mama Smurf indeed had become very impressed with the craftsmanship the smurfs expressed in their building designs. The smurfettes just mainly tried to keep things simple but yet effective back home.

For the past week a sinking feeling crept inside Mama Smurf, however. The feeling caused her to worry very much. It could be a parental anxiety of how her other young smurfettes are doing back home without her guidance. This was the longest she had been away from the Smurfette Village. Regardless of all the fun she and the other smurfettes were having, it would be great to get back home again.

The highlight of this journey was in fact being reunited with Nanny Smurf, whom had disappeared from the smurfette village some five hundred years, or so, ago. This made Mama smile, not to mention relieved to know that she was alright. Mama Smurf offered Nanny to come back home with her and the other smurfettes, and the elder said she would think about it. Once again the thought of her home brought the same unsettling feeling in Mama's stomach. She turned to the elders of the smurf village and forced a smile on her face.

"I must say, Papa Smurf, Grandpa Smurf, your hospitality had been tremendously gratifying these past couple of weeks." Mama Smurf said as she tried to ignore all the worrying that is going on in her mind.

"It is the least we could do for all that you have done for us." Papa Smurf replied.

"Oh? And what would that be?" Mama Smurf ask with an innocent, but knowing smirk. Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf couldn't help but to smile back.

"Why, for saving Hefty Smurf, and bringing him back to us." Grandpa Smurf said in a proud tone.

Mama Smurf let out a bashful chuckle as she waved off the two males. "Oh, you mean that. I believe all the smurfettes deserve the credit."

"Indeed. It would be interesting to see your village when we take you back." Papa Smurf nods.

A noise coming from the meadow attracted the elder smurfs attention. It sounded like two of the young smurfs yelling. "What was that?" Grandpa Smurf asked.

"Hmm, sounds like Hefty and Toughette are sparing." Mama Smurf explained after recognizing the sounds the two were making.

"Sparing? As in, fighting?" Papa Smurf's voice sounded concerned.

Again Mama Smurf chuckled heartily. "No, no Papa Smurf. Sparing is a skill that brings great discipline for the mind, body, and soul."

As Mama Smurf said that, the elders came to the meadow where the sparing is taking place. Papa Smurf instantly showed his disapproval seeing the young smurf and smurfette practicing this skill with wooden bows. "It still looks fighting to me." He grumbled.

Mama Smurf couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow and smirked at his remark. "Come on, Papa Smurf, I'll explain it to you." She says as she guides him to sit down with some of the other smurfs that were watching Toughette and Hefty sparing with great interest.

"Fascinating." Grandpa Smurf whispers in amazement as he followed them into the meadow. The scene reminded him of the time he traveled to Japan and witnessed two samurai's practicing their martial arts. But he couldn't picture if he'd seen this technique of fighting before.

All the smurfs around the meadow gasped with all the powerful strikes Hefty made in his attacks towards Toughette. Never have they ever seen him be so forceful to any female. He even managed to sweep his bow under her feet, causing her to fall onto her back.

"Gosh, don't you think Hefty is being a tad rough on poor Toughette?" Clumsy Smurf asked Nursette, Melody, and Valvette who were sitting to the right of him. He winced, feeling the pain Toughette might have felt as she hit the ground hard.

"Yeah, he should go easy on her." Nat Smurfling agreed.

To their surprise Melody, Valvette, and Nursette burst out laughing. "Last time Hefty went easy on Toughette during a sparring match, she nearly re-broke two of his ribs." Valvette said in between chuckles.

"Re-broke?" Asked Sassette Smurfling. She looked up at them with a stunned expression. "We didn't know he had broken ribs before."

"Well, they were." Nursette began to explain. "Two of his ribs were broken when he was found on our beach. But he healed fast," She added without getting into too much details. "It was probably a few months afterwards when Toughette asked him if he wanted to spar with her. He figured it would be a good idea to go soft on Toughette during their first sparing match. To his surprise she took him off guard and swung her bow hard against his ribs. Of course she got him on those same two ribs. Luckily she only bruised them. But still I ordered him not to do any lifting of any kind for a week, just to be safe you know." She finished, winking at the young smurfling.

This time Snappy Smurfling chuckled, "bet he didn't like that too much."

"No. No he didn't actually." Nursette giggled.

The crowd of smurfs 'Oooh'd' and 'Aaah'd' when Toughette kicked her legs up and propelled her weight forward in order to land on her feet with her bow still in her hands. But it was like Hefty was expecting her to do that and forced his attacks even harder. He managed to snag her bow with his, and with an upward thrust he caused her weapon to fly out of her grip. Everyone watched as it spun in the air before landing on the other end of the meadow. Toughette first gave a stunned look, but then smirked at Hefty in a mischievously manner.

Before Hefty could strike again, Toughette made three back flips towards her fallen weapon. With her foot, she kicked up her bow, catching it with her hand, and spun it with her fingers a couple of times before readying herself in a fighting stance. Hefty went to swing his bow down at Toughette, but this time she blocked it. Now it was Toughette's turn to attack. Loud cracks echoed in the meadow when the two bows clashed against each other. The smurfs sat with their mouths hung open. Their minds wondering on how this would turn out.

Without warning, Toughette snuck her bow through an opening that Hefty had unintentionally left unguarded. This enabled Toughette the chance to snag him under his armpit with her bow, and lift him over her head before slamming him hard onto the ground. All the smurfs winced, but this time they all felt the pain Hefty may have felt as he landed.

Toughette took this opportunity to do her finishing move. She spun and flipped backwards in the air. When she landed with her feet on either side of Hefty, she brought her bow forcefully down across his chest, preventing him from moving. The crowd then started to cheer.

"Heh, heh. Ok, you got me." Hefty said as he tried to lift his hand up in defeat.

"You bet I do." Toughette purred with a wide, seductive grin.

"I have to say, that was impressive." Papa Smurf applauded as he walked up the young couple.

"Thank you, Papa Smurf." Toughette said just before helping Hefty up onto his feet.

"Out of all places I have visited, I don't believe I have seen a fighting technique quite like that before. Where did you learn how to fight like that, young smurfette?" Grandpa Smurf asked as he hobbled up with his cane.

"Actually a Fairy Tribe from Africa came to our Village a long time ago. They taught me a few techniques. I, of course, added a few techniques of my own to this skill. But after they left it had been hard for me to find a decent sparing partner. That is, before Hefty came along." The golden hair smurfette said before smiling again at her equal.

"You know, I almost had you that time." Hefty announced while rubbing a sore spot on the back of his head.

"True. But 'almost' hardly wins any battles." She teased while tapping her bow lightly on his forehead.

"Now that you two had your practice, I suggest we go and see how the others are doing in making the last adjustments to the S.S. Sister Smurf." Mama Smurf said as she walked up in the most calmly manner.

"Er, right." Toughette nodded before looking back at Hefty and trying to hide her sad expression.

He smiled at her knowing how she is feeling. "After you." The strong smurf politely ushers her towards the direction of the smurf dock.



Brainette studied the blueprints for the S.S. Sister Smurf. Even though she wasn't entirely eager to go on another boat ride back home, being that she had gotten really sick during the ride over here, she knew she had no choice. She was, in fact, very much impressed with the design, which attracted her to this project in the first place. This was indeed the greatest building project she had ever participated in.

The young smurfette with brunette hair looked over to the Smurf whom designed the ship. He sat, busy hammering something together near the peer where the Sister Smurf was docked. With a smile on her face she walked over to him with the blueprints still in her hands.

"I must say Handy Smurf, the craftsmanship in designing this wondrous vessel, has impressed me. There are absolutely no flaws that I can see here." Brainette proudly said as she pointed at the blueprints.

"Thanks, uh, I think." Handy lifts his head up from hammering the final bolt into the steering wheel of the ship; he had to pause for a second and wondered if she was giving him a complement. He wasn't use to having someone say how wonderful his inventions were in that way.

"Perhaps while you visit our village, you could share with me some of your constructive ideas?" Brainette asked.

"Uh, sure." Handy grinned.

Brainette didn't say anything, but smiled back at him and nodded before heading back to finish her part on the ship.


Cowgirl and Tattlerette had just finished helping some of the other smurfs put together a mess hall below the deck and were just coming up the stairs to greet the sunlight again.

"Yoo-hoo, Cowgirl, Tattlerette look at what I made for the Sister Smurf." Smurfette sang out to them as she held up a large cotton white fabric with pink flower patterns sewn on it. "This will be the new sail for your ship." She chirped.

"Wow Smurfette!" Cowgirl cried, trying to sound enthusiastic. "Its, uh, very, um…"

"Flowery!" Tattlerette finished Cowgirls sentences with the same effort expression of trying to be excited with Smurfette's gift.

"Yeah." Cowgirl quickly agreed. "You did such a wonderful job with it."

"Oh, I'm so glad you like it. I'll go hang it up right now." Smurfette giggled before skipping off to the mass.

"Guess it's sorta pretty." Cowgirl said to Tattlerette as soon as Smurfette was out of earshot.

"Yes, it is." Tattlerette agreed. "But I give it five minutes before Toughette would tear it down." She whispers back to Cowgirl. Cowgirl laughed at that comment for she knew it would be true.

Both smurfettes made their way down the ramp and onto the dock, where they saw Brainette and Gingerette, whom was carrying a tray with glasses of Ice Smurf Tea. The redheaded smurfette chef had just handed a glass to Brainette when she noticed Cowgirl and Tattlerette coming down the ramp.

"You two must be thirsty after working for so long on the ship. How about having some Ice Smurf Tea." Gingerette suggested.

"Thanks Gingerette, that's awfully generous of you." Cowgirl mentioned as she accepted a glass off the tray and began drinking it. Tattlerette nodded in agreement as she too took a glass for herself.

"Wow, what smurfy looking flowers on our new sail." Gingerette comments when she notices the cotton material being raised on the Sister Smurf.

"Yup." Cowgirl nodded.

"If anyone asks, they were Smurfette's idea." Tattlerette adds.

"I see. Er, has Toughette seen it yet?" Brainette asked with a slight worried tone. She then took another sip from her tea.

Tattlerette couldn't help but to chuckle as she points past Brainette. "Well, she has now."

All the smurfs from the meadow, including Toughette and Hefty, walked up to the dock. Toughette froze when she saw the sail on the Sister Smurf being raised. "What is that?" She comments in a discussed tone.

Hefty couldn't help himself, "It's called a ship." He chuckled amusingly.

"Ha! Ha! Very funny." She said, giving him a grim look. "I'm talking about the sail."

"Ooo, what smurfy looking flowers," Valvette cooed from behind Toughette. "I simply just love them!" She added as she started to run up to the ship.

"There is no way I'm going to sail on that ship." Toughette stated firmly. Hefty again chuckled heartily over his girlfriend's reaction.

"Hey, Hefty!" Handy Smurf called out from the dock. "Could you come here a moment."

"Alright!" Hefty hollered back to him. "Hang tight, Doll, I'll be right back." He said to Toughette as he pats her on the shoulder.

"Doll? I'm going to get you for that one." She groaned, while playfully shaking her fist at him. Hefty replied only by blowing her a kiss and winking as he walked onto the dock.

After realizing everyone had left her alone on the shore, Toughette sat down on a nearby rock. She let out a soft sigh as she drifted into thought. Even though she isn't home, and haven't said farewell to her boyfriend yet, she was already missing him terribly.

"Er, Toughette?" A familiar, but yet, quiet voice spoke from behind. Toughette turned to see Jokey Smurf standing there with a yellow box and red ribbon tied around it.

Toughette let out a growling sigh and rolled her eyes skyward. "Jokey, look I am not about to fall for another of your practical parcel jokes."

"Oh no, it's not like that…really." Jokey pleaded. "You will like this present, I promise."

"I'm sure." She said sarcastically. Somehow she just didn't believe him. "It's just right now I don't feel like having things being blown up in my face. So why don't you just give that explosive box to someone else." Toughette tried to wave him away, but Jokey stood persistently.

"Actually, this is a thank-you gift. And I guess it could also be an apology gift too. You know, for that exploding one. Although, it was one of the funniest things I had seen in a long time." Jokey said before adding his signature laugh.

"A… 'Thank-you gift'?" Toughette paused.

"Yeah. Hefty explained that if you hadn't found him on the beach that he would have…"

"Uh, yeah, I get it, Jokey." Toughette stopped him from finishing his sentence.

"Please accept this gift. I made it myself." He said in a more bashful tone.

Toughette was about to take the parcel, but then paused. She then raised her eyebrow at the blue trickster. "You open it!" Toughette demanded, pushing the box back to Jokey.

"Boy, you don't forgive easily, do you?" Jokey commented with an annoyed tone in his voice.

"Lets just say 'first impressions' remain strong with me." Toughette said, and crossing her arms over her chest.

Jokey rolled his eyes before opening his own gift for Toughette. Toughette prepared herself for an explosion to accrue. When nothing happened, the golden-haired smurfette opened her eyes see Jokey holding out the box to her with the lid off. She noticed that something was in it, and curiously leaned forward to inspect it closely. For a while she was speechless. Toughette didn't know what to say with this gift Jokey was presenting her with. The look that Toughette was giving Jokey the impression that she didn't like his gift.

"It's, uh, pink." Toughette finally said, trying to sound a little bit enthusiastic.

"You don't like it, do you?" He said disappointingly.

"Well," Toughette thought for a moment on what she could say, "if you would notice, I don't wear much pink, Jokey." She told him while showing off her gray smurf suit with light pink leg warmers, armbands, and belt. When she saw how sad he looked, she felt pity for him and thought that she better say something that could help him feel a bit better for his efforts. "But it is beautiful, and it shows you put in a lot of thought in making it." Toughette looked up at Jokey and gave him a crooked smile. "Thank you." She said as she finally accepted his gift.

"Does this mean you forgive me for the exploding present?" Jokey asked hopefully.

"No." Toughette replied honestly. "But it's a start." She said, patting him gently on the shoulder.

Feeling better, and also relieved, Jokey smiled at the toughest smurfette he has ever seen. He let out a long breath that apparently been held in his lungs for several seconds. Jokey continued to watch Toughette as she walked away from him and onto the dock.

Toughette found herself walking up the ramp and onto the deck of the S.S Sister Smurf. She snarled up at the white sail with pink flowers. Her focus was on how she would sooner tear it down that she didn't realize Smurfette walking up behind her.

"So, do you like it Toughette?" Smurfette asked.

"Er," Again Toughette found herself thinking of a good way of what to say. "It's, uh… Smurfy." She finally said with a false grin to Smurfette. Toughette looked past Smurfette to see Hefty with Handy up on the captain's deck. "Excuse me." She said before jogging away from the blond smurfette. Toughette continued up the stairs to the captain's deck. She stopped to watch Hefty holding up the steering wheel while Handy finished installing it into place.

"There, that should do it." Handy exclaims as he tests it by moving it slightly back and forth.

"You mean it's all done?" Hefty asked.

"Yup, all done and ready to sail." Handy proudly stated.

"Gee, that sounds great." Toughette commented. Both Hefty and Handy turned away from the steering wheel to see the smurfette with golden hair.

"Hey Toughette. Whatcha got in that box there?" Hefty asked noticing one of Jokey's opened parcels in her hands.

"Oh, it's nothing. Just something that Jokey gave me. And this time it didn't blow up." She said, trying to be funny.

"Really? Let me see." Hefty said as he poked his nose over to see what was inside. "Wow, look at that. It's pink."

"Heh, that's what I said." Chuckled Toughette. She paused when her eyes met Hefty's in a semi romantic stare.

"Ah, I better go see if Captain Dreamy has everything ready for the ceremonial send of." Handy quickly said. He suddenly felt like a third wheel in this conversation, so he picked up his tools and left the scene. Toughette and Hefty almost didn't notice the fact that they were now alone beside the captain's wheel.

"What are you doing?" Toughette asked suspiciously as Hefty reached in the box and pulled out a sparkling pink flower beret. Carefully he placed it in her hair, just under the rim of her gray smurf hat. He then admired the sparkle from it and how it reflected the beauty her eyes.

"You know, on you it looks very beautiful." Hefty said with soft eyes.

"You really think so?" Toughette asked in disbelief. "It's not too 'flowery'?"


"Ooo, Toughette, what a Smurfy looking beret!" Valvette swooned as she walked by on the lower deck. "Can I borrow it sometime?"

"That's it, I'm taking it off." Toughette scowled. There would be no way she'd wear something that Valvette approved over.

"No. Leave it on. For just a little while longer." Hefty pleaded. Even though he admired her tom-smurf personality, it is always a treat to see her wear something feminine once in a while. He began to stroke her cheek tenderly, which he was rewarded when she leans her face up against his hand.

"Hey, didn't you hear me Toughette?" Valvette called up once more. If there is one thing the beautiful smurfette hated more was to be ignored.

Toughette rolled her eyes as she let out a loud exasperated sigh. She turned to look down at Valvette. "Yes, I heard you Valvette. And no I will not let you borrow this beret!" She snapped at her.

"Well. How rude." Valvette huffed then walked off.

Hefty noticed some of the smurfs hulling a few crates onto the ship. They were filled with supplies that the crew will need for the long journey back to the smurfette village.

"Hey, we better go help carry some of those crates before we sail off." He announced to Toughette.

"Yeah, I guess your right." Toughette agreed. Without realizing, she followed Hefty down to the dock with the flower beret still in her hair.