Well I've finally found some time to update... So here you go...

Simultaneously James and Sirius ripped open their results.

James looked quickly down the page

On behalf of Hogwarts school of wizardry and witchcraft, I would like to inform you, James Godric Potter, of your Ordinary Wizarding Levels.
The marking key is as follows,
O Outstanding
E Exceeds Expectations
A Average
P Poor
D Dismal

History of Magic - E
Transfiguration - O
Charms - O
Defence against the Dark Arts - O
Herbology - O
Muggle Studies - O
Potions - O

A following letter will be sent to you at a later date in regards to your subject choices for next year.

Yours Sincerely
Albus Dumbledore

James looked at his marks once again. No matter how hard he looked, he kept on seeing the same marks. He'd known that he had done well on his tests, but there was no way that he expected 6 OWLS. James looked up from his letter, and looked at Sirius. He too seemed to be confused by his results.

"What did you get?" Sirius asked as he looked up at James.

"What did you get?" James retorted. There was no way that James wanted to embaress his friend if Sirius hadn't received similar results.

"I asked you first"

"But I asked you last!"

"Exactly" Sirius replied, "That means you have to answer first"

James looked at his friend closely. He tried to determine by Sirius' face what his marks had been. On close examination, James realised why it was he never one when playing Wizarding Poker with Sirius. Sirius had no 'tells'. It was impossible to tell from his face what he was thinking.

Sighing in defeat, James passed his results to Sirius, and waited.

All of a sudden Sirius let out a large "Whoop" and "Yeehah!"

This startled James who was brought to his feat.

"What?" James asked quite confused by his friends behaviour.

"I beat you I beat you" Sirius started chanting, whilst dancing around the room.

"How did you manage to beat me!" said James trying to catch up to Sirius so that he could see Sirius' results.

"I got all O's" Sirius explained.

"That's not possible!" James complained, "No one could have gotten an O for History of Magic! I almost fell asleep in the test!"

"I think I may have fallen asleep" Sirius laughed, still jiving around the room, "But I still aced it!"

"What's going on in here?" asked Millicent sternly from the doorway, "Why are you two making so much noise!"

James grinned at his friend, yanked his letter from Sirius' hand, and ran over to his mother. All the while shouting "You owe me a new Broome!"

Millicent was quite shocked by her sons behaviour, until she looked at the letter herself, as usual when it came to James, her first thought was suspicion. "You didn't make these up yourselves did you?" she asked.

James fawned a hurt expression, "Mother, would I ever do such a thing?"" Millicent nodded her head.

Sirius simply laughed at his friend and added in, "Hogwarts symbols can't be forged, they start doing strange things should you try"

Millicent nodded her head, "That's right, I remember Douglas getting in some trouble with trying to change a note that was being sent home to him, whilst we were at Hogwarts"

James looked at his mother and smiled. As much as she tried to convince people that he and Douglas were completely straight laced people, every once and while she would slip up. These times she would mention only a few of the things her and Douglas had gotten up to at Hogwarts; and this left James believing that he was innocent in comparison.

Shaking herself out of her memory, she embraced James and then Sirius alternatively. At the same time, telling them how proud she was of their results.

"Fancy both of you doing so well" she said as she walked out of the room.

That night when Douglas got home they had a large celebratory dinner for Sirius and James and their OWL results. By that stage they had already Owled Remus and Peter in regards to their own results. Remus had received all O's as well, but as Sirius remarked, that wasn't surprising. Peter on the other hand had barely scraped through; receiving mostly A's.

Harrietta was unreachable, James' owl had come back with the letter he'd sent her. Quite obviously she was very busy. This saddened James quite a bit, as all he wanted to do was know that Harrietta was still safe.

"So I believe this means you get a reward" Douglas said grandly once the deserts had been passed around.

"I hope so" James said eagerly, "That was part of our deal father"

"I'm one to keep to deals James, you know that"

James' eyes lit up. He couldn't wait until they made their trip to Diagon Alley to get school supplies. Usually the trip for school supplies was a dull and mundane job, but with the prospect of getting a brand new broomstick, things were looking better to James. For some reason it was at this point that he looked across the table and saw Sirius sitting their sadly. James knew that Sirius was thinking about what his parents would have thought of his results. He wanted to ask Sirius whether he had owled his family, but he knew better than to ask. Instead he decided to slightly change the subject.

"So where's Aunt Harrietta?" he asked his father, "Where could she be that she can't be reached by Owl?"

"I don't know" Douglas replied solomly, "And she said she's be in contact soon, she had some strange idea for a way for Sirius to be able to go to Diagon Alley"

"So you haven't thought of any way?" Millicent asked, "I thought he'd just take the invisibility clock?"

"Too risky" Douglas explained, "They're still detectable, and people worry about things like that these days, its better for him to go in disguise if he goes at all"

Suddenly a large black owl flew into the dining room, and dropped a letter on Douglas' lap. James looked at his father's face, and then at his mothers, he didn't know who looked more scared.