'I thought you hated flying?'

'So did I!'

Moonlit Broomstick Ride

Hermione, lying in bed, was also far from falling asleep. Her eyes were wide open and her mind was still racing; a mass of unanswered questions. What did Harry want to say after dinner? He's obviously okay with me since having relapse. He initiated the welcome home party, right?

Meanwhile, outside Hermione's window, someone whispered -


The window creaked opened, but Hermione was too trenched in thought to notice. Why was he looking at me so much? What was he so happy about? Why does everything have to be so confusing all the time! Bloody Harry! I had to go and fall in lov -


'What the...?' Hermione surfaced from her thoughts.


The noise came from the window, which was now wide open. Hermione jerked up, turned, and found -


Harry was outside hovering on his Firebolt! With her mouth stunned open, Hermione flung herself from bed and scurried to the window, gripping the ledge.

'Hermione!' Harry whispered urgently. 'I'm sorry to wake you, but we really need to talk.'

'Harry!' Hermione repeated, beyond all comprehensible shock. 'What - are - you - doing?' There were so many things wrong with what Harry was doing right now, Hermione didn't know where to begin. 'You're not supposed to be near the girl's dormitories! Or flying around - '

'Yeah, I picked up on that too,' Harry said over her, keen not to waste any time. 'We have to talk, Hermione. You know we do. Come on, let's go!'

'Go where?'



Then, a muffled voice spluttered to life from the back of the room.

'Hermione, stop talking to yourself!' It was Parvati, blinded by her 'niffler' eye patch. 'Some people are trying to sleep!'

'All right, Parvati!' Hermione hissed impatiently over her shoulder, then faced Harry again.

'Quick!' he stressed. 'Before the rest of your roommates wake up.'

Hermione knew Harry was right. They needed to talk. She was dying to hear what he had to say, but she didn't quite understand what flying around on his Firebolt in the late hours of the night was meant to achieve.

'Hermione, trust me. I know what I'm doing,' said Harry confidently, in response to her worried expression. 'Just balance on my shoulders and swing your leg over behind me.'

'I'm not sure, Harry,' she said, tentatively peeking down at the drop between them, and feeling her stomach clench. 'I don't know if I can.'

'We won't be flying for long. I'll take us straight up to the roof.'

'The roof?'

'Hermione!' winged Parvati, still blind. 'What is going on?'

The other girls in the room were beginning to stir.


'Oh, all right!' Hermione surrendered. 'But no fancy Quidditch flying, Harry!'

Doing as Harry instructed, Hermione lifted her white night-dress slightly, put her hands on Harry's shoulders, and straddled the Firebolt behind him. Once seated, she immediately wrapped her arms around his waist. The experience was reminding her of Buckbeak. Then, before she could do or say anything, Harry leant forward and shot away from the window, aiming for the roof of the Gryffindor Tower.

'Oh god!' said Hermione into his neck, holding him tighter.

They soared into the night, higher and higher, the wind whipping against them as they flew. Hermione felt a rush of exhilaration. This was nothing like being on Buckbeak! The Firebolt was gentle, smooth, and glided effortlessly under Harry's control. Despite her past dislike for flying, Hermione had never felt safer or happier in the air in her life.

'Are you okay?' Harry called to her.

'Yes, fine!' said Hermione blissfully. 'This is - Harry, it's wonderful!'

Harry laughed in surprise.

'I thought you hated flying?'

'So did I!'

Harry slowed as they approached the roof. Then, he reared up, landing steadily on the battlements. Hermione slid of safely. Harry got off next, laying the Firebolt aside.

'Well!' she said breathlessly, smoothing her night-dress. 'That was most unexpected. You fly extremely well, Harry. I didn't know flying could be like that.'

'Thanks,' said Harry, whose black hair was more unruly then ever. 'I've never flown with a second person before. I'm glad it worked.'

They sat close to the roof's edge, looking out over the school grounds. The view was magical. The night sky stretched out above like a black sheet, pricked with a million stars. The moon winked at them through the clouds, coating the grounds in a sheen of pearly moonlight. Even with the serenity and beauty before her, Hermione's nerves were emerging; they'd momentarily been swept aside while flying the Firebolt. Now, here she was, sitting with Harry, on the roof of all places, and she still couldn't figure out...


He turned to face her, his expression unreadable.

'What are we doing up here?' she asked. 'I mean, I'm guessing you didn't bring me up here for Astronomy homework. Although, that wouldn't be such a bad idea in the future considering our proximity to the sky up - '

But Hermione decided to drift out of that sentence, once she caught the strange look on Harry's face.

'Sorry, Harry.' Trust me to think of school at a time like this! ' Maybe you should talk now.'

Harry paused with suspense, then, 'Hermione, I brought you up here because - what I need to say can't wait 'til morning. I need to tell you about my potion relapse. I remember everything, and I - '

'Everything?' Hermione interrupted, looking horrified.

'Yes, but - '

Hermione couldn't withhold it; the words poured out of her mouth like an emotional waterfall.

'Oh, Harry, I know how you must feel! Now that you're cured. You must feel really frightened!'

'Frightened?' said Harry, amused. The last thing he was was frightened. 'No, actually - '

'And confused! And embarrassed! To think you felt something for me. I want you to know, whatever embarrassment you're experiencing, that - '

'Hermione! Shut up and let me talk for a second!'

Hermione's lips closed silent. She didn't mean to sound so crazed, but her nerves were eating her alive!

'I'm not confused, not embarrassed, and I'm definitely not frightened!' Harry established. 'What I am though, despite what you may think,' he gave himself a moment, more then ready to say the words, 'I'm in love with you.'

'You're WHAT?' Hermione's voice exploded, as she stood up furiously with her hands on her hips. 'Then you mustn't have drunk the counter-potion!'

'No, Hermione!' Harry tried to console her, standing too. 'That's not - '

'I don't believe this!' Hermione went on vehemently, jumping ahead of herself. 'I knew something funny was going on! First the welcome home party, then all that smiling and staring you did through dinner!'

'I did all that because I'm in love with you!'

'Nonsense! Harry, fly us back to Hogwarts at once! I'm taking you to the hospital wi - '


There was no other way to get it through to her. Harry had no idea telling Hermione he loved her - for real, this time - would be such a verbal workout!

'What?' said Hermione, lost. 'But, then how...?

Harry took a page from Ron at the Annual Drakon Hunt and charged into his side of things very, very fast.

'I didn't take the counter-potion at first because I still didn't want to but Dumbledore came to see me in the hospital and said I should but it probably wouldn't make a difference because you remind him of my mum and he thought I might have loved you already so I drank it but nothing happened and I remembered everything meaning I've actually loved you and thought you were beautiful all this time and probably a lot longer then you or I realise so stop being so INSANE!'

Silence descended upon them, though it seemed necessary after Harry's lengthy and rapid declaration. While he got his breath back, a dazed Hermione battled to absorb everything he'd said.

'Dumbledore said I remind him of Lily?'

'Yeah,' Harry gasped.

'And, you never had love potion relapse?'


'And...you've been in love with me for ages?'

'Yes! I told you, I took the counter-potion and my feelings for you stayed the same!'

Hermione struggled with how to react to this, and came out with something between crying and laughter. 'This is so stupid!'

'Stupid?' said Harry, a little insulted. 'I just told you I loved you!'

'All this time...and you didn't even have relapse to begin with!' She was definitely crying now. 'This is the happiest night of my life!'

Before Harry could respond, Hermione dived and hugged the wind out of him, caving in his arms.

'Ah, Hermione?' Harry chuckled. 'I'm having trouble breathing...'

'Serves you right,' she sniffed, drawing her head up and staring into his eyes. 'You could've found out you didn't have potion relapse sooner. It would have saved us a lot of trouble.'

'Sorry, I'll remember that for next time,' Harry smiled, embracing her, and then remembered something else he was meant to do. 'Oh! One other thing, while I'm thinking of it.'

He fumbled a hand in the pocket of his bed robe, before retrieving what looked like...a ring case?

'Look familiar?' he teased, brandishing it in front of her face. Hermione gaped and began to laugh.

'Our fake engagement ring!' she cried in recognition. 'I didn't know you kept it?'

'I found it in my bedside draw,' he explained. 'I didn't know where it came from, then Ron reminded me I'd proposed to you. I figured you should keep it.'

'Are you sure? Don't you want to return it?'

'Nah, it's okay. Think of it as an early birthday present.'

Harry popped the ring out of the slit, returned the case to his pocket, signaled for Hermione to give him her hand, and slid the ring onto her finger. It was a perfect fit.

'It's beautiful,' she admired, the diamond sparkling in the moonlight. 'Thank you, Harry.'

It suddenly dawned on them, as innocent as they were, how this scene must have looked.

'Ah, this doesn't mean I'm asking you to marry me for real,' Harry added quickly.

'Oh no, of course not, Harry!' Hermione blushed. 'I didn't imagine you were.'

'I mean,' Harry went on, 'I figured we should date first.'

'Date?' said Hermione, as if she'd never heard the word before. 'You want to go on a date with me? Really?'

'Are you daft?' said Harry, laughing. 'Didn't you hear what I said? I'm in love with you, Hermione. Dating is the least I can do.' He opened his bed robe and draped it around her, forming a two-person cocoon. 'Actually, I was hoping I'd have permission to kiss you again.'

'Did you now?' Hermione smirked, leaning into his chest and moving her hands up his back.

'Unless you'd rather do something else?' he mocked. 'Like talk about Astronomy homewo...'

Harry's words melted to gibberish, and then faded out completely, when he felt her lips come into contact with his own. He eagerly welcomed the interruption, for he had no intention of discussing anything to do with Astronomy.


The Aphora Bewitching Potion Strikes Back!

Three days later.

Harry, Hermione and Ron were sitting together by the common-room fire, as they usually did in the afternoon preceding classes. They were surrounded by library books and, unusually, Harry and Ron were both reading avidly while Hermione was persuading them to stop?

'Leave it, will you?' she insisted, prying Harry's book away from him. 'There's nothing we can do!'

'I won't leave it!' determined Harry, pulling away. 'Not until I find something we can use!'

Hermione made an impatient 'hmph!' and crossed her arms. Ron was amused, and smiled at Harry.

'I'd never thought I'd see the day when Hermione tried to stop us from reading.'

'It's not the act of reading that concerns me, it's what you're reading!' Hermione stated sharply. 'I've told you both time and time again, there's nothing we can do! Lucius isn't going to be prosecuted, the Ministry's made its decision.'

'Yeah, and what a top decision that was!' said Harry angrily. 'It makes me want to shove the Order of Merlin and the reward back in their face!'

'We have to accept it!'

'Accept it? Hermione, I don't understand you.' He gawked at her disbelievingly. 'How can you be so unaffected by all this? Lucius kidnapped you! And tried to murder you, and - '

'Harry, calm down! And I'm not unaffected! I appreciate what you're trying to do but please, give it away! And besides, I've already read through these books and there's nothing we can use.'

Ron's glared at her, astounded.

'All of them?'

Harry and Ron must have bought up twenty various books on magical law.

'I only read the parts that mattered,' said Hermione coolly, meeting Ron's glare.

'When?' he demanded.

'After the Hunt. What did you think I was doing in the library all that time?

'I don't know, hibernating?'

Ron slammed his book down, entitled 1001 Wizarding Laws You Should Know.

'You could have told us you read all these earlier, Hermione!'

'Neither of you were listening to me earlier!' she snapped. 'You were both way too defiant on your 'let's imprison Lucius in Azkaban' crusade!'

Harry, still reading his book, decided to follow Hermione's advice and gave it up.

'Fine,' he muttered, chucking down Proving Your Case The Magical Way on the table. 'I hate this! I hate Lucius getting off so easily. He could have - '

Harry stopped in mid sentence, giving Hermione a particularly painful look. They watched each other for a moment, until Ron felt the need to interrupt.

'How about we study then? May as well since we're in reading mode.'

'Ron? Did you just say the word study?' said Hermione in amazement. 'I didn't know it was part of you vocabulary.'

Hermione and Harry smiled at each other.

'Very funny!' said Ron. 'The OWL's will be on us before we know it. And unlike you, Hermione, Harry and I haven't been preparing for them since we were in nappies!'

Hermione snorted a laugh. 'Another suggestion like that, Ron, and I won't help you study. And yes I know that's where you wanted this conversation to lead!'

Ron opened his mouth to argue, but was cut off by Dean and Seamus. They'd come in through portrait hole, both infectiously smiley.

'Hey guys!' said Dean, standing behind the couch Harry and Hermione occupied. 'Do any of you want a drink?'

He gestured towards Seamus, who was struggling to hold a huge casket of Butterbeer.

'Blimey!' said Ron, ogling the casket. 'Where did you get all that Butterbeer?'

'I won it!' boasted Seamus. 'From the Three Broomsticks. They had a sweepstakes and gave out prizes to regular customers. It was just delivered to me now, you should have seen it! Had to be carried by ten owls!'

'A sweepstakes at the Three Broomsticks?' questioned Hermione, suspicious. 'I've never heard of that before.'

'Neither,' said Seamus. 'But who cares, I won!'

'I'll have glass!' said Ron, standing out of his chair.

'Come on up to our room then,' said Dean, 'before Seamus' knees buckle in. What about you two?' He looked down at Harry and Hermione.

'No thanks, you guys go ahead,' said Harry.

'I'll pass too,' Hermione concurred.

'Suit yourselves! Let's go, Ron.'

Dean, Seamus and Ron disappeared up the stairs and up to the boy's dormitories.

'Typical!' scoffed Hermione, watching them leave. 'Mention free Butterbeer and studying becomes completely irrelevant!'

Harry looked at her, but she wouldn't do the same.

'Are you upset with me?' he asked sensitively.

'No,' said Hermione at first, looking at him now. 'I mean - well, how can you think I'm not unaffected, Harry? I'm completely aware of what Lucius tried to do to me.'

'I know, I'm sorry,' said Harry truthfully. 'It was a stupid thing to say. Of course you're not unaffected.'

Hermione stared him deep in the eye. 'Harry, please promise you'll leave this be! I know it's unjust, but what if Lucius knew you were plotting against him?'

'He'd probably feed me to Voldermort's snake.'

Hermione's eye's watered at the sound of his name. Harry meant it as a passing joke, but Hermione did not find the idea of Harry being devoured by his snake very funny.

'Sorry, sorry!' he said, squeezing her hand. 'It slipped out. Come on.' He gave her playful nudge. 'I'll stop, okay? I'll stop plotting against Lucius.'

'You promise?'

'Promise. I don't want you upset with me. I hate it when you're upset with me.'

Hermione squeezed his hand back. 'Harry Potter, I'm hardly ever upset with you!'

They both relaxed after that, particularly Hermione. Then Harry noticed something.

'Hey,' he said, scanning the room, and then grinning. 'We're alone.'

He was quite right. The common room was completely empty. This was a very rare occasion. Harry and Hermione had shared little to no time alone since their eventful night on the roof, and this proved very frustrating. Neither felt comfortable being too affectionate in front Ron, or the rest of the school for that matter. But now, they were definitely alone. And on that thought, Harry shuffled closer to Hermione and propped his chin on her shoulder, a cheeky glint in his green eyes.

'Guess what I want to do?'

Hermione guessed instantly.

'Now?' she said, colouring a little. 'But, Harry, what if someone walks in?'

'We'll risk it,' he whispered, temptation overpowering him.

Hermione shivered as she felt Harry brush her hair aside, baring her neck. He leant into her, trailing kisses across her skin, all over her neck and over the bit of collarbone he spied.

'Okay!' she moaned, unable to resist any more. 'You win, you've got me! Come here.'

Smiling, Hermione drew Harry in, bringing her lips towards his. They blundered with which way to turn their heads for a second, causing some laughter. Eventually, they got it right, and eased into a kiss they'd been craving for the past three days. It was soft and slow going at first, but heated up with each passing minuteā€¦

And then came the inevitable interruption.

'Is that lip-smacking I hear?'

Harry and Hermione, tangled somewhere beneath the couch, immediately shot up.

'Aha! Sprung!'

It was Fred and George, of course. Harry and Hermione could not have been more embarrassed, or miffed. Harry clumsily straightened his glasses, while Hermione tucked her blouse back into her skirt.

'Yes?' she said, a little too sternly. 'What is it?

'Hey, don't look so cheesed off!' said George. 'It's not like we haven't heard snogging before. Besides, we could've been Professor McGonagall.'

'Yeah! And she's not a fan of common-room snog-a-thons. Me and Angelina would know,' said Fred with a wink.

'And speaking of McGonagall,' continued George, 'she's asked us to deliver a message to the Gryffindor's, pronto! Go ahead, Fred.'

'Thank you, George! Basically, everyone needs to keep their wits about them because the Aphora Bewitching Potion is being brewed in the school. Again.'

'What!' said Harry and Hermione in unison, wide-eyed. This news shook them right out of their embarrassment.

'I know, can you believe it?' said Fred, amused.

'But how?' said Hermione. 'Harry gave the book A Wizard and Witches Guide to Love Made Easy back to Madame Pince when we arrived from the Hunt!'

'The book isn't the issue,' George revealed. 'Some how, someone's made a copy of the recipe, and now it's spread through the whole school. It's an Aphora Bewitching Potion cook off!'

'Do yourselves a favour and be careful what you drink!' Fred advised. 'And pass the message on if you see anyone else. We'll be off now, must go deliver the good news to Ron. Continue snogging!'

'Yes, continue!'

Laughing to themselves, the twins headed off up the stairs to the boy's dormitories, in search of Ron.

'I don't believe it,' said Harry, sinking into his seat. 'The Aphora Bewitching Potion. Again! We better be careful. I don't fancy falling in love with anyone else this year.'

Be careful what you drink.

'Oh my gosh, Harry!' Hermione stood in panic. 'We have to check on Ron!'

'Check on Ron?' said Harry, sounding disappointed. No snogging could be done in front of Ron!

'I'm serious, Harry!' She wrenched him from his seat. 'We have to go see him, now!'


'Because - '

But Harry didn't require an answer. As if on cue, Ron came tottering down the stairs; a raving, eye-popping look strewn on his face.

'I -' he gurgled, staring from Hermione to Harry. 'I LOVE LAVENDER!'

'YOU DO NOT!' shouted Dean, plundering after him. 'I LOVE HER!'

'THE HELL YOU DO!' Ron yelled down Dean's throat.

Seamus came next. 'I LOVE HER MORE!'


'Here's an idea, why don't you both GET OUT OF IT!'


The three of them started to wrestle, until Fred and George, who'd come sprinting down the stairs, pushed their way into the middle.

'That's enough!' Fred ordered, forcing Ron off Dean. 'Come brother, to the hospital wing with you!'

'You two as well!' said George, holding on to Dean and Seamus.

'Stay out of this, Fred! C'mon, let me go!' Ron struggled. 'I have to declare my undying love to Lavender!'

'You mean I have to go declare my undying love to Lavender!' quarreled Dean.

'No, I have to!' challenged Seamus.

'Some other time, all right?' said George. 'For now, it's the hospital wing for the lot of you!'

Harry approached the bust-up. 'Do you guy's need any help?'

'No no! We'll take care of this,' George assured him, labouring to keep a hold of Seamus, who was now trying to kick Dean in the shins.

'Yeah, we've got it covered!' said Fred, keeping a firm hold on Ron. 'Thanks anyway, Harry. Continue snogging!'

'Yes, continue!'


It couldn't have been worse timing: Lavender, Parvati and some other fifth year girls had come in through the portrait hold. Ron tore free of Fred, launching himself at Lavender.

'AH!' Lavender screeched, terrified.

Ron floored himself at Lavender's feet, binding his arms around her legs.

'Lavender!' he said, gazing at her dreamily. 'I have to declare my undying to you!'

But then Dean, clearly furious, escaped George and stormed over.

'Get out of it Ron, she's MINE!'

And then Seamus.

'Don't listen to them, Lavender! I love you the most!'



'Somebody,' Lavender whimpered, 'HELP ME!'

Fred, George and Parvati managed to unglue Lavender from her three admirers. However, they weren't giving up on her that easily. The whole thing ended with Lavender running out the portrait hole, screaming, with the three admirers chasing after her, calling constant 'I love you's!'; Fred and George followed, shouting mild obscenities like 'gits!' and 'knobs!', while Harry and Hermione remained behind, stunned and amused.

'That didn't go too well,' said Harry, suppressing laughter.

'I sensed that Butterbeer was suspicious!' said Hermione perceptively. 'I hope Lavender's okay. The other's too...'

'They'll be needing more counter-potion in the hospital wing, that's for sure.' And, on another thought, 'I wonder who Lavender wanted to put on love potion?'

'Seamus, obviously,' Hermione worked out. 'He's the one the Butterbeer was sent to. I suppose Lavender didn't count on Ron and Dean drinking it as well...oh, no!'

Hermione was suddenly aware of how full the common room had become. Gryffindor's were streaming in, hungry for details on the Aphora Bewitching Potion outbreak. So much for being alone.

'Great! And someone just sat on our couch!' said Harry, glaring maliciously at the couch-stealer.

Hermione laughed at him, then purred in his ear, 'that was brilliant, earlier.'

Harry's stomach did a back flip.

'Don't make me think about it,' he sighed, leaning his forehead against hers. 'I'm going mad with anticipation.'

'Me too,' she said, sneaking him a kiss on the nose. 'We'll have to pick up where we left off.'

And here we are at the end! This story, and Everybody Love Hermione, was such a wonderful journey for me when I first released them, and if anything it's been even more fulfilling this time round. Infinite thankyous and good karma to all who reviewed and encouraged me along the way :)