Teen Titans: Just Plain Stupidity

Episode 1: Upload Malfunction

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, but I own myself. BlackDragonGirl04 owns herself and I'm sure Kiona Kina (a.k.a Silverfire) owns herself too. (Note: I previously contacted and acquired the permission of the Fanfiction Authors used in this fanfic)

BlackDragonGirl04 walked into the room to find BlueDragonGirl1 viciously (and I do mean viciously) typing on her computer with the Teen Titans theme song blasting through her headphones.

"Hey BlueDragonGirl1! Waz up?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked sitting down next to her. BlueDragonGirl1 continued to type viciously and BlackDragonGirl04 watched as the space bar flew off the keyboard and landed at her feet.

"Um . . . . . PMS?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked staring down and watching the steam rise up from the space bar key.

BlueDragonGirl1 stopped typing and saved her document (that she had so viciously typed) and pulled off her headphones. "Finally, I'm done!" she announced exiting out of the word processing program.

"Good, now waz up?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"Huh?" BlueDragonGirl1 replied clicking on the Internet Explorer icon. She turned toward BlackDragonGirl04 and fell out of her chair in surprise. "GAHHHHH!!! When did you get here?"

"I've been here for the past," BlackDragonGirl04 looked at her watch, "two minutes but you were typing like a psychosomatic maniac with megalomaniac music blasting in your ears. I'm surprised you're not deaf!"

BlueDragonGirl1 stared at her strangely. "Ok," she said slowly in her you-are-a-complete-idiot voice. "First of all, I am not a psychosomatic maniac. I just happen to be typing fast (viciously) because I need to upload this fanfic today while I have Internet access. And secondly," she snaps the headphones over BlackDragonGirl04's ears, "this isn't megalomaniac music, it just happens to be the theme song to the Teen Titans show on Cartoon Network." She turns up the volume on her CD player and the Teen Titans theme song blasts into BlackDragonGirl04's ears.

"AHHHHH! My ears!" BlackDragonGirl04 yelled as she threw off the headphones. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU TRYING TO DO?! MAKE ME GO DEAF!!!"

BlueDragonGirl1 gave her an innocent look. "Hmmm . . . . . yes," she replied. "And you don't have to yell or you'll make us both go deaf; although, you'd probably be better off that way."

"What?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"Nothing," BlueDragonGirl1 replied logging into her fanfiction account.

"So, what's your story about?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked rubbing her ears, trying to get the ringing to stop.

"Well, that's a stupid question," BlueDragonGirl1 replied. "Why would I be listening to Teen Titan music while writing a Vampire Princess Miyu fanfic?"

"Because you're weird?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"No! Because I am trying to write a Teen Titan fanfic!! The music helps me keep on track to what I am writing about. It also helps me overcome my writer's block moments," she said as she uploaded her document.

"Riiiight," BlackDragonGirl04 replied. "So, we come back to my original question. What is your fanfic about?"

"Teen Titans," BlueDragonGirl1 replied.

"No, I know that!" BlackDragonGirl04 said. "But what happens?"

"Like you'd care," BlueDragonGirl1 replied as she typed in the summary to her story in the summary box.

"Yes I do care," BlackDragonGirl04 said.

BlueDragonGirl1 stopped typing and looked at her suspiciously.

"Ok, you're right. I don't care," BlackDragonGirl04 admitted. "I mean, I do care, it's just that . . . . ."

"It's not a Yu-Gi-Oh fanfic and it's not a Yu Yu Hakusho fanfic, right?" BlueDragonGirl1 asked. Before BlackDragonGirl04 could reply she interrupted her. "Don't answer that I already know the answer." She selected her previously uploaded document and clicked submit.

"And what's my answer?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"Yes," BlueDragonGirl1 replied.

"Damn! How would you know my answer was going to be yes?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"Because you are a Yu Yu Hakusho slash Yu-Gi-Oh obsessed bit . . . . ." An annoying beeping sound from the computer interrupted her and BlueDragonGirl1 turned her attention to her computer. In bold letters on the top of the page was "Failed To Upload Document."

"What do you mean you failed to upload the document?!" BlueDragonGirl1 asked the computer.

"Do you really expect an answer from the computer?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

A mechanical female voice comes over the computer's speakers and announces, "It's not my fault."

BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04's eyes widen in surprise.

"Holy shit!!!" BlackDragonGirl04 said. "What the hell was that?"

"My computer says that every time it screws something up," BlueDragonGirl1 replied. "It's in denial."

"It's not my fault," the female computer voice repeated.

"Yes it is!" BlueDragonGirl1 said to the computer. "You failed to upload my document!"

"Dude! You're talking to the computer!" BlackDragonGirl04 said.

"It's not my fault," the computer said again.

"Yes it is you damn computer!" BlueDragonGirl1 yelled as she slammed her hand against the side of the monitor. The screen flickered and a buzzing sound came over the speakers, and then the screen went black.

"Opps," BlueDragonGirl1 said.

"I take it your computer doesn't like you very much," BlackDragonGirl04 said.

"Shut up," BlueDragonGirl1 growled. "The monitor probably blew a fuse or something."

"With you help," BlackDragonGirl04 said under her breath.

"I heard that," BlueDragonGirl1 shot back.

The computer screen suddenly flickered to life and the submit-new-story page appeared on the screen.

"Hey! It's back where it was," BlueDragonGirl1 said. "And I don't even have to retype the whole thing again."

"Whoopee! I don't see how you could even type anything in the first place," BlackDragonGirl04 said. "You don't even have a space key." She pointed to the blackened space bar key cooling on the floor.

"Damn it!" BlueDragonGirl1 muttered. "That's the third space bar this week." She re-clicked the submit button. "Hopefully it will work this time."

They waited, but nothing happened.

"Um, maybe you should click it again," BlackDragonGirl04 suggested.

"With my luck the damn computer will probably freeze up," BlueDragonGirl1 mumbled.

"I wouldn't blame it," BlackDragonGirl04 said under her breath.

"What was that?" BlueDragonGirl1 asked dangerously.

"Nothing," BlackDragonGirl04 said quickly.

BlueDragonGirl1 sighed. "I guess I'll just have to restart the computer." She leaned over the computer and flicked off the back switch. The humming of the motherboard stopped and the computer shut down. BlueDragonGirl1 flicked the switch on and the computer hummed back to life.

"Now then," she said sitting back down in her chair. "We can . . . . WHAT THE HELL!!!"

The computer screen glowed blue and purple and then changed to glowing red and orange.

"Cool!" BlackDragonGirl04 said. "Nice screensaver!"

"This never happens when I restart the computer," BlueDragonGirl1 said pushing the escape key. "I don't even have a screen saver!"

"And I thought my computer was screwed up," BlackDragonGirl04 said to herself.

"Your computer IS screwed up!" BlueDragonGirl1 snapped at her, pounding on the escape key. "My computer is whacked!" The escape key flew off the keyboard and onto the floor. "DAMN IT!"

"Now what?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

Suddenly, the computer screen glowed brightly, blinding them both.

"Is this supposed to happen?!" BlackDragonGirl04 asked putting her arms up to shield her eyes.

"I don't think it came standard!" BlueDragonGirl1 replied.

The computer screen darkened and BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04 disappeared.


"AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04 screamed as they fell down what seemed to be a dark, endless tunnel.

They fell and fell for how long; they did not know but finally they landed on solid ground . . . or more like "in" solid ground.

"OWW!" BlackDragonGirl04 yelled as she sat up. "That frickin' hurt!"

BlueDragonGirlw1 sat up with an "Oof!" and looked around her. "Wow!" she said. "That was some fall." She looked at her hands. "Are we alive?"

"Why? You think were dead?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked then she looked around her. They were sitting in the middle of a gigantic crater that had steam rising up from all around it.

"Scientifically," BlueDragonGirl1 stated. "In order for a meteor to crash and create a gigantic crater, such as the one we are currently sitting in, it would have to be at least a quarter the size of the earth, and be traveling at a very high speed through our atmosphere."

BlackDragonGirl04 looked at her strangely. "And your point is Miss Scientific?" she asked.

"My point is that no "normal" human being would be able to withstand crashing into the earth at a meteor's speed," BlueDragonGirl1 finished. "And they would certainly not create a gigantic crater such as this one. No matter how fast they were going."

"I hate you," BlackDragonGirl04 said.

"You're just jealously because I'm smarter than you," BlueDragonGirl1 said smugly.

"Am not!" BlackDragonGirl04 shot back.

"Are you two alright?" someone called down to them.

BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04 looked up and saw a girl with silver streaked blonde hair and bright silver blue eyes looking down at them.

"Um . . . . . yeah!" BlackDragonGirl04 called back. "We're cool!" She pulled BlueDragonGirl1 next to her. "Who the hell is that?!"

BlueDragonGirl1 shrugged. "I don't know," she said.

"What do you mean you don't know?!" BlackDragonGirl04 demanded.

"Hey! I'm smart, not psychic!" BlueDragonGirl1 said.

"Are you sure you two are alright?"

BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04 whirled around to see the girl standing next to them and they both fell over in surprised.

"Whoa! Warn us next time when you decide to teleport next to us," BlueDragonGirl1 said.

"But I did not teleport next to you," the girl replied. She lifted herself into the air and levitated above them. "I flew."

BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04's eyes widened in shock as they stared at her floating five feet above the ground.

"Who are you?" BlueDragonGirl1 asked but BlackDragonGirl04 interrupted. "What are you?!" she yelled jumping up to her feet as if she were getting ready to fight the levitating girl.

"What am I?" the girl asked. "I'm a Teen Titan. My name is Silverfire."

BlackDragonGirl04 gaped. She whirled on BlueDragonGirl1. "Good job!" she yelled. "Your damn whacked computer transported us to your fanfic!"

"Wait a minute! If your name is Silverfire do you also go by the name of . . . . ." BlueDragonGirl1 broke off when BlackDragonGirl04 slapped her across the head, sending her flailing to the ground.

"You said your name was Silverfire, right?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked. "Don't you mean Starfire?"

Silverfire looked at her strangely. "No, my name is Silverfire, not Starfire," she replied.

"Are you sure?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked. "Because there is not a Teen Titan named Silverfire."

"I'm sure she knows her own name," BlueDragonGirl1 said as she picked herself off the ground, rubbing the back of her head where BlackDragonGirl04 had hit her. "And it's obvious that she is not Starfire even thought there is a close resemblance between them." She looked at Silverfire closely. "You wouldn't by any chance happen to be Starfire's younger sister, would you?"

"Yes, I am Starfire's younger sister," Silverfire replied.

"And your point to this statement is?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"Your name is Kiona Kina!" BlueDragonGirl1 said.

"WHA!!!!" BlackDragonGirl04 asked. "You know her?"

"You know me?" Silverfire/Kiona Kina asked confused.

"Of course I know you!" BlueDragonGirl1 replied. "You emailed me to thank me for a review I had submitted to one of your fanfics and we've been chatting ever since. Remember? I'm BlueDragonGirl1!"

"BlueDragonGirl1?!" Silverfire/Kiona Kina said.

"WHA!!!!" BlackDragonGirl04 said. "You know her too!?"

"Well, yeah," Silverfire/Kiona Kina replied.

BlackDragonGirl04 slapped her forehead. "Well duh!" she said to herself. "Now I remember you. You're the one who reviewed my fanfic. Remember me?"

They stood there in an awkward silence for a moment.

"Uh . . . . . no," Silverfire/Kiona Kina replied.

"Oh. Well, my name is BlackDragonGirl04," BlackDragonGirl04 said, embarrassingly introducing herself.

"Smooth," BlueDragonGirl1 mumbled.

"Oh yeah! I remember now!" Silverfire/Kiona Kina said. "You're the ex-BlueDragonGirl2. BlueDragonGirl1 kicked you off the account!"

"That was suppose to be a joke," BlackDragonGirl04 growled, glaring at BlueDragonGirl1.

BlueDragonGirl1 burst out laughing. "So, Silverfire, I mean Kiona Kina," BlueDragonGirl1 said correcting herself. "What are you doing here?"

"You can call me Silverfire," Silverfire replied. "I come here to get away from the real world. You know, release some stress, get some ideas for my stories, hang out with my friends. The usual."

"But how do you even get here?" BlueDragonGirl1 asked. "We were sucked in through some type a portal in my computer."

"I send myself," Silverfire replied.

"Whoa! You mean like e-mail?" BlackDragonGirl04 asked.

"Yep! That's exactly what it is," Silverfire replied. "I e-mail myself to Cyborg's computer and he downloads me into this world. It's pretty neat."

BlueDragonGirl1 and BlackDragonGirl04 looked at her strangely. BlarkDragonGirl04 whispered to BlueDragonGirl1. "This girl is weird."

"That's why were friends," BlueDragonGirl1 replied. She turned to Silverfire. "So, this is like, Teen Titan world?" BlueDragonGirl1 asked.

"Uh-huh!" Silverfire replied. "They're the friends I hang out with. Come on!" She took a hold of BlueDragonGirl1's hand. "I'll introduce you to them." She flew up into the air with BlueDragonGirl1 hanging on for dear life.

"Hey! Don't forget about me!" BlackDragonGirl04 yelled. Silverfire held out her other hand and BlackDragonGirl04 grabbed onto it as they flew off.

"I really hope that you have a flyer's license!" BlueDragonGirl1 said to Silverfire as they flew away from the crater they had created when they landed.

"And good insurance!" BlackDragonGirl04 added.

Episode One: End

BlueDragonGirl1: Yay!! I'm done with the first episode/chapter! Don't worry. The whole Teen Titan gang will be introduced in the next chapter.

BlackDragonGirl04: You made me look like such an idiot!

BlueDragonGirl1: That's because you are.

BlackDragonGirl04: Hey! I resent that!

BlueDragonGirl1: Me too. R&R everybody!