Disclaimer:If I had one wish it would be to own these characters. Actually I lied. But this would be a close second . . .

A/N:Well, here it is. What you've been waiting for. The thrilling conclusion to this story. I hope you all approve. Sure, some things may not work out quite right, but just remember: IT'S A FANFIC. So don't be so critical. Enjoy!

oO0 0Oo

tick . . .

tick . . .

tick . . .

Tohru could hear the soft clicking of the clock's second hand. She struggled to open her eyes, her vision hazy.

She squinted into the room. Even though the blinds were closed, the room seemed too bright. Her head throbbed. Slowly she moved her fingers, trying to grasp something, anything, to tell her where she was.

She felt fingers and tentatively probed them, hoping for a reaction from the mystery person.

She could feel them stirring, then they gasped.

Moments later beautiful purple eyes swam into her vision. Yuki smiled down at her, making her smile.

He's okay . . . was all she cared about. A teardrop landed on her cheek as he leaned over, kissing her forehead.

She closed her eyes, relief flooding over her. Slowly she started to remember what had happened the day before, or week before, she had no idea how long she'd been unconscious.

She sat up, with difficulty, having remembered everything.

Turning to Yuki, she looked him in the eyes, "Yuki . . . back at the house,"

"Please don't think about it Ms. Honda, nothing should have ever happened to you. I'm so sorry . . ."

He bowed his head, not able to look at her.

She lifted his chin," Yuki, I wish you would have told me. . . " She started sobbing, thinking about everything he had gone through. "Ky- Kyo told me . . .Yuki . . . I . . ." she couldn't stand to think about what his childhood must have been like.

For the first time in her life, Tohru felt hate. It surged through her until she was sure it would consume her.

Yuki just looked at her, not sure what to say. He started to get up, but her hand stopped him.

"I love you too."

He blinked, then smiled and started to laugh. She looked at him, confused for a moment, then realized he was laughing out of joy.

He leaned down and took her hand, kissing it. When he came closer into her sight she could see cuts still on his face. They were fresh, meaning she hadn't been out for more than a couple of hours. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer until their foreheads touched. Then, slowly, he leaned in and gave her a kiss. She let it seep into her, taking control of everything. All the pain, all the suffering, all the horror melted away and the world seemed perfect.

oO0 0Oo

Later that night, when Tohru had finally persuaded Yuki to leave her and take a shower, she went outside and sat on the step. Shortly after, Kyo came out. For a moment they just looked at each other, then he swept her into a huge hug, crying into her hair.

"I was so scared . . ." he whispered. She was in shock. She had never seen this side of Kyo before. After a moment they broke apart, Kyo looking embarrassed. He was in fairly good condition, he had a bruise on his cheek and a split lip, but otherwise . . .

"Wait a minute," Tohru said, "Why didn't you . . ."

"Akito is dead." Shigure said, walking up the path.

"What?" Tohru said, trying to hide the happiness in her voice.

She looked at Kyo, who was looking at the stars, trying to avoid her.

"How?" she asked Shigure.

He didn't say anything.

After a few moments of silence Kyo spoke. "I killed him."

She looked at him, shocked.

"I knew what was going on, and I never stopped it. But when I thought about what he'd do to you I couldn't handle it. I took off my bracelet and . . . killed him . . ."

He smiled.

Shigure was smiling too. Tohru knew why. For the first time in their life, they weren't afraid.

"But then, what happens to the Sohma family?"

"What?" Shigure asked, confused.

"Well . . . awhile ago, I talked to Akito and he said he was your god . . . that with out him, you wouldn't exist."

"That's partly true. . . he was the head of the family. There's this bond that all the Sohma's have that prevent us from disobeying or being disloyal to him. But now that he's gone . . . I don't know what's going on."

They sat for awhile, until Yuki finished showering. He joined them, and the four enjoyed each other's company without any threats.

oO0 0Oo

The next day, they were visited early in the morning by a nock on the door. Hatori was there, with Momiji, Haru, and about thirty other people Tohru had never seen before.

Hatori cautiously approached the household, all of which were still in their pajamas.

"I've come to tell you that Akito is dead, which you already know. But as it is my duty, here I am. Also, we must appoint a new head of house. This must be done soon, or . . . well, you know."

He let the last sentence hand for a moment in the brisk morning air. The people behind him shifted uncomfortably.

Finally Shigure spoke in a serious, uncharacteristic tone, "I think Hatori should be."

Hatori blinked, surprised.

Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Why me?" he asked.

"You were the one closest to Akito, and no doubt abused the most. I think it's only right. Besides, you know what's best for the Sohmas." Shigure said.

Hatori sat on the edge of the step, meditating in his thoughts. For awhile nothing happened, then (slowly) he stood, facing the people.

"I will," he said, trying to steady his voice. "But things will be different."

He had a harsh tone in his voice, and Tohru could tell that some of the people standing there had second thoughts about choosing him.

"First," he looked around to make sure he had everyone's attention. "People can come and go as they please," he looked at the people on the step behind him, still in their pajamas.

"Second, come to me with any concerns, there will be no more fear or abuse while I'm here."

Yuki smiled.

The crowd started mumbling but Hatori just rose a hand in the air to silence them.

"Lastly. Any of the things, the curses or grudges, from the past are gone. We're a family, and we're people too. It's time we got the chance to act like it."

There was a great uproar from the crowd as they rushed forward. Some of the women were weeping, and everyone was hugging each other and Hatori.

Tohru looked around, smiling with no clue why. She felt two arms encircle her waist in a tight hug. She craned her neck to see Momiji's face beaming at her.

"TOHRU!" he bellowed.

"What's going on?" she asked, confused at the reaction.

Momiji let go of her, moving to the next person, as Yuki spun her around.

"He did it! He's the first one to ever do it!" He said, looking at her.

She smiled, confused as ever. "Did what?"

"The curse! He stopped it! Don't you see?" She just blinked.

He brought her away from the crowd. "When the head of the family dies, all loyalty to them is lost, unless true loyalty was built. We have to replace the dead head of house – which we just did – and that new head of house has an opportunity to make changes if so desired before it's permanent. Ever since what happened with Hatori he's talked about what he'd do if he was head of house. Mainly out of rage, but . . . No one thought it could be done, mainly because no one tried. They simply accepted it as a way of life and went on living. Akito used it to his benefit by keeping us from anyone outside of the family. It was his safety net. But now, Tohru, we don't have to!"

"Yuki, you're not making sense," she said, desperately wanting to know what it was that made him so happy.

"The curse is broken, at least while Hatori is head of house. Meaning," he swept her into a huge revolving hug, "we can do that as much as we want and nothing will happen!"

She fixed her huge eyes on him for a moment, then flung her arms around his neck, hugging him as tightly as possible. All the times she had wanted to do that . . .

They spun around for awhile, laughing and crying, kissing and hugging.


Everywhere on the front lawn of the Sohma house people were hugging and cheering and Hatori was carried off, on the shoulders of some men, into town. Some people had left to go home and tell their families. Kyo was off explaining to Uo what was going on, but she didn't quite understand everything. That didn't keep Kyo from hugging her randomly though.

From then on, the Sohma's lived, loved, and bumped into whoever they wanted with out fear of exposure.

oO0 0Oo

A/N: Oh come on, it's what we all wish would happen.

Well folks, it's been fun. I look forward to starting another Fruits Basket fic soon so look for it!