Disclaimer: I owned Kyla and Trevor and their house.

A/N: this is the last chapter. Crap, I told myself I wouldn't cry. I tried everything to avoid this chapter. Updating other stories, making a new story. But alas, the end always has to come, no matter how much you dread it. This story has been so much fun to write and is one of my longest stories. With out the author's notes and disclaimers it is over 104 pages long.

I would like to thank everyone who reviewed.
eckles: you were my first reviewer, and gave me the longest reviews I have ever seen. You constantly told me "Good chapter" which made me very happy! You help mold this story into what it is, thanks to a lot of your ideas. This story would not have been the same with out you.
Snape's Gurl: I put in Snape just for you. I would like to thank you for being a constant reviewer and being my friend. Also for talking about my story in advisory, (with icky Mrs. A-C)
onlyonceinforever: another steady reviewer! And another friend who would talk to help pass boring teachers. I want to thank you for reviewing and reading. You get a big bear hug that will end up suffocating you because I know you love those.
KrAzYLiKeAFoX: if you are a real fan of Hermione, DO NOT read 'Harry's Adventures in Wonderland'. It is full of Hermione bashing. Now with that said, thank you for reading this and I'm glad you liked this.
ronsREALgirl: first off, awesome name, but I'm not sure if I agree with it. I'm glad you think this story is cute. And good job with sticking with Spanish for three and a half years. God knows I won't.
To everyone else who reviewed or just read: thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed and you say good things about this story.

Here is the end to this story. I had so much fun writing it, so thanks for reading it.

Kyla woke up to sun in her face. Kyla opened her eyes slowly and looked around with a huge smile. The room she was in was large, master bedroom, in a large bed that had deep red, almost crimson, sheets with a black metal headboard that had a pattern of intertwining vines. The room was painted a warm red, with a sponge finished.

Kyla smiled and looked over at Trevor. The years had been to good to him. He had more sun now, so his skin wasn't as pale and neither was Kyla's. He didn't have any freckles anymore and his face was leaner. With all the sun Trevor was getting his usually dark brown hair, was now light brown, with more blond highlights. Kyla had to fight back an urge to wake him. She thought he was so cute and angelic sleeping, and didn't want to spoil it for him. Also, Kyla knew Trevor loved to sleep in Saturday mornings.

Kyla quietly folded back the covers and silently slipped off the bed. She was in a light, metallic blue nightgown, with black lace trimmed around the bottom of her nightgown and along the top of the v-neck cut. One of the things Kyla enjoyed most about waking up in her home, was feeling the cold tile against her feet. She loved this tile; it was deep red color. Kyla padded over to the two doors with white curtains covering the windows. These doors lead out to a balcony. Kyla opened the doors and stepped out onto the balcony. Kyla took a deep breath, taking in the cool morning air and the warm sun on her face. Kyla shivered and quickly came back in the house. She quietly grabbed her pink, knee length bathrobe. Then she went back on the balcony.

Kyla smiled and sighed. She loved her house and the view from her house. The house was located on an old, dusty, dirt road, where the closer neighbor was about half a mile away. The road was a plain dirt road with a stonewall on the other side of the road. Behind the stonewall was a small mass of trees and behind that was large grassy field.

Kyla walked to the end of the balcony and looked over to the vineyard. Yes, Trevor and she owned and operated a vineyard. Kyla was very proud of that fact. She was the one who had suggested to operate a vineyard. At first Trevor was reluctant, but soon warmed up to the idea when Kyla found a vineyard that could be easily managed, only needed a few people to run it, and would make enough wine for them to sell that would keep them alive.

Then Kyla looked down to her front lawn. It had a vine covered stonewall with a small black metal gate. From the gate to her front door was a path of beige and tan colored stones. The lawn had pale green grass growing, but around the stonewall was vivacious rose bushes. On the rose bushes was a creamy yellow color, some with white around the edges of the roses. Kyla loved these roses, but would not touch them. She had no luck with gardening, which was why she was so glad that she and Trevor had Pablo.

Pablo was one of the six workers at their vineyard. He was the oldest of seven, and was in his sophomore year of college. That being said, he would come over to Kyla and Trevor's house to do odd jobs for some extra money. Kyla had decided long ago, that she should get to know his mother, since he was going to spend so much time at her house. At first his mother didn't like her, but once she offered to let Pablo's five sisters and one brother come over and Kyla would baby-sit, the two became close friends.

Pablo liked Kyla also. First it was for her looks, but soon it was because she would let him study or work on a term paper instead of working and still pay him. Another reason he liked Kyla was if he had to bring his sibling, Kyla would gladly take care of them.

Speaking of Pablo, here he came now on his bike. He stopped pedaling when he saw Kyla was on the balcony. "Hola Señora Kyla."

"Hola Pablo, pero por favor llama Kyla."

"Si, Kyla," Pablo answered her with a smile.

"Tú estas temprano," Kyla told him.

"Pueden venir mis hermano y las hermanas?" Pablo asked.

"Si, adoro los pequeños," Kyla told him.

"Gracias," Pablo said, and then went to fetch his siblings.

Kyla headed back inside, took off the robe and jumped on the bed. Trevor stirred, but didn't wake up. Kyla smiled and kissed his neck. Trevor moaned and smiled in his sleep. Kyla poked him, which woke him up. When Kyla saw his pale blue eyes, she smiled and kissed him.

"Morning," he said groggily. "What time and day is it?"

"It's Saturday morning," Kyla told him with another kiss.

"Great, wake me up when it's Saturday night," Trevor said, rolling over.

Kyla wrapped her arms around him and said, "I need you to get up, Pablo is bring the little ones."


"So, I need you to get up," Kyla told him, kissing his neck again.

Trevor rolled over and faced Kyla. "Normally, I would have loved to be waken up this way, but I know there is always a catch. What is it this time?"

"They might want food," Kyla said. "We all know my cooking."

Trevor sighed and said, "Fine, but if they ask for a story you have to give it."

"Don't I always?" Kyla asked, with a sweet smile.

"Yes, you do," Trevor said. "You're wonderful with the munchkins. Do you want one yourself?"

"No, right now I would rather be the fun aunt. The one who gets them sugar high and then gives them back to their parents," Kyla said.

"You're brilliant," Trevor told her with a kiss. "Now I think you should change, it might scare the children if you great them in that."

"Ok, you better change too," Kyla said. "It's might make Pablo feel uncomfortable seeing his boss in his bathrobes."

"Fine, what do you think the little ones want for food?" Trevor asked.

"Pancakes and home fries," Kyla said.

"That's what you want," Trevor objected.

Kyla pouted and said, "I'll love you forever."

"Ok darling," was Trevor's answer.

"Bueno dias," Kyla greeted Pablo and his siblings at the door. "Trevor tiene crepes."

All of Pablo's brother and sisters squealed in excitement and ran into the kitchen. Pablo awkwardly went up to Kyla and said, "Um, Kyla, necesito hablar Trevor."

"Bueno," Kyla said. She called into the house, "Trevor, Pablo needs to talk to you."

Trevor appeared at the door in flannel pants and a white t-shirt. There was pancake batter splattered over his shirt. He kissed Kyla and said, "Only a couple more pancakes need to be made, so I put Miranda in charge. Don't touch a thing to help."

Kyla nodded and headed in. Trevor wiped his hands on his shirt and asked, "Qué está equivocado?"

"Las personas pedían una Kyla O'Connor," Pablo told Trevor, and took a step back. Trevor didn't like to talk about his past. Everyone knew that. Specially when someone asked a simple question and got angry glare followed by an upset silence. People around town knew there was a Kyla, but they all assumed her last name was Mulligan. Pablo cleared his throat and said, "Ellos estarán viniendo aquí, esta noche."

"Como mundo ellos saben venir aquí?" Trevor asked, trying to hide his anger.

"Jasmine," Pablo answered him.

Trevor knew what happened. Jasmine heard Kyla's name and started talking about how great she was and tell the people that Kyla lived here. Trevor sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "Gracias Pablo."

Trevor went inside to the kitchen and saw no one was there. Trevor looked around and wondered where they went. He heard a cry of surprise from out in the back yard, and knew where they were. Trevor walked over to the backdoor and opened it. Kyla was sitting at a picnic table, where Pablo's one brother and five sisters also sat. There was pitcher of lemonade and all of them were eating their breakfast and listening to Kyla's story.

Trevor leaned in the doorway and watched Kyla. She was doing hand motions and making up different voices for every character. The children loved her stories; they dealt with princesses, magic, and betrayal mixed in with a little romance.

On Kyla's lap was a little four-year-old girl with long dark brown hair. She held a small stuffed animal panther in her lap, a gift from Kyla. That young girl was Jasmine, Kyla's favorite. Kyla had been there for Jasmine's birth and was her godmother, so it was easy to understand that Kyla favored her subconsciously. However, Kyla would deny that to the death.

Jasmine loved Kyla also. Jasmine looked up to Kyla and used to call her mama, while she called her real mother by the informal name madre. Everyone thought it was funny, even Jasmine's real mother.

Trevor heard a car on the street, and so did Kyla. This was very odd for their abounded dirt road. Kyla looked up uncomfortably and went to get up, but Trevor signaled her not her. He walked out to the front yard and saw a small green car pulled in the driveway. There were two people in the car and they look as though they were having an argument. A woman stepped out of the car. She had dark round sunglasses on and her hair was frizz free, straight and silky. She was wearing jeans and a white shirt. She walked up to Pablo and greeted, "Hola."

"Hola," Pablo greeted back stiffly.

"Does Kyla O'Connor live here?" the woman asked.

Pablo smirked and asked, "Qué?"

"Um, hace Kyla O'Connor vive aquí?" the woman asked again.


"I've been asking all over town and they said there was only one Kyla, and she lived her," the woman said.

Pablo smirked again and asked, "Qué?"

Trevor walked towards the woman and said, "There is no Kyla O'Connor here."

"Is there a Kyla Mulligan?" the woman asked.

Trevor stared at her for a while and then said, "No."

Just then all of Pablo's siblings came screaming into the front yard being chased by Kyla. Kyla laughed and hugged Trevor, not seeing the woman. Trevor smiled and asked, "Is story time over?"

"Sí," Kyla said, kissing him.

All the little ones made a noise of disgust. Kyla just laughed and said, "Un día que usted querrá besar."

The younger ones all screamed and ran back in to the backyard. Kyla laughed and then notice the woman. She kissed Trevor's cheek and whispered, "Who's this?"

"Listen Miss, you need to go," Trevor told the woman.

"Hey, I just came here to try and find Kyla O'Connor," the woman said.

The man in car got out of the car and said, "Come on honey, let's just go."

Kyla stared at the man. He had fiery red hair and his voice sounded oddly familiar. She took a step towards the man and asked, "Excuse me, but can you say 'you are a hooker and you are very cheap'?"

"I do believe it is, tú estas puta y tú estas muy barata," Ron said. "Am I wrong?"

"Run?" Kyla asked.

"Kyla?" Ron asked back.

Kyla smile and ran over to him, giving him a hug. "Run, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Have you been away so long you can't say Ron anymore?" Ron asked.

"Yes," Kyla told him.

Trevor coughed uncomfortably, while Hermione tapped her foot. Kyla stopped hugging him and turn towards them. She looked at the woman and asked, "Ron, who is your friend?"

"Hermione," Ron answered.

"No, Hermione had frizzy, bushy hair," Kyla said.

"It's called a sleeking potion," Hermione told her.

"Well, it looks great," Kyla told her. She turn back to Ron and asked, "How long has it been?"

"Around eight years," Ron told her.

"Oh, where are my manners, would you two like to come in?" Kyla asked.

"Yeah, we would love to," Ron answered before Hermione could object.

Kyla lead them into her kitchen, followed by Trevor. Kyla sat them down at the table and asked, "Do you want any food, coffee, tea?"

"Some tea," Hermione requested.

Kyla put the teakettle on the stove and sat down. "So, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"Well, Hermione and I are getting married," Ron told her.

"Wait, it's been eight years and you still haven't gotten married?" Trevor asked, sitting down with his cup of coffee.

"Well, we eloped after dating for a few years," Hermione told them. "But Mrs. Weasley never liked that, so we decide for our fifth year anniversary we would get married in a church with family and friends."

"That's sweet," Kyla told them. "But why did you come here?"

"Dumbledore has been trying to track you down for a while," Hermione told her. "He thinks the student at Hogwarts should know a foreign language and he wants you to teach it."

Trevor choked on the coffee he was drinking. He swallowed quickly and started laughing. Kyla started giggling also, and finally Ron asked, "What's so funny?"

"The idea of Kyla being a teacher," Trevor said. "She loves kids, but only certain kids. Plus, she can't teach. I've seen her try, it isn't pretty."

"Mama?" Jasmine walked in the kitchen, and leaned her head on Kyla's arm.

"Hola Jasmine, que pasa?" Kyla asked, picking her up and putting Jasmine on her lap.

"Paco, él es malo," Jasmine said, pouting.

Kyla stroke Jasmine's head and said, "Diga lo que practicamos."

Jasmine nodded and said, "Paco, you are intellectually bankrupt, so go away."

Trevor snorted, and Kyla kissed her head and said, "Trabajo bueno, vaya dígalo."

Jasmine nodded and head out to the back yard. Hermione smiled and asked, "Is she yours?"

Kyla shook her head and said, "She's my godchild."

"Do you have any kids?" Hermione asked.

The teakettle began to whistle and Kyla got up. She poured Hermione a couple of tea and said, "No, I don't have any kids. Although it feels like I have six of them sometimes."

"Kyla baby-sits Frieda's children a lot," Trevor told them. "The kids love coming here and listen to Kyla's stories."

"And I love kids as long as they don't belong to me," Kyla told them. "So, do you two have any children?"

"No, not yet," Hermione told them. "Mrs. Weasley still doesn't believe we're married, so have a grandchild would probably give her a heart attack."

"So, what else is new with you two?" Kyla asked.

"Percy got married to Myrna," Hermione told her.


"Fred and George's business is expanding, and they each have a girlfriend," Ron told her. "Ginny became a healer and I have become a report for the Daily Prophet. Hermione works for the Ministry of Magic in a very important role, which also is deadly boring."

"Hey," Hermione said, hitting Ron in his arm. "What do you two do?"

"We own and operate a vineyard," Kyla told them. "We just lay low, and don't really get involved with the magical community."

"That's interesting, is hard running a vineyard?" Hermione asked.

"No," Kyla answered her. "It helps when you someone who is good with people and numbers," she pointed to Trevor, "and when you have someone who is better with people and knows how to market the wine." She pointed to herself at this point.

"It was Kyla's idea to own a vineyard," Trevor told them. "Thanks to her, we have this vineyard and this house. You could almost say this is her house and I just live here rent free."

"I only keep him around because he can cook," Kyla told them with a smile. "So, you two, where do you live?"

"In a flat in London," Hermione answered. "But were saving up to put a down payment on this house. It's in the suburbs and it's white with blue shutters. There is a white picket fence in the front yard."

"That sounds like a dream house," Kyla said.

"It is, I always wanted a house with a picket fence," Hermione told her.

The four of them started talking for while. So long that Pablo and his siblings left to go home, and breakfast turned into dinner. Hermione and Ron learned about whom Pablo was and his family. Trevor and Kyla learned about Hermione's job and the latest story that Ron wrote. Finally they got to the subject of Hogwarts.

"One thing I never understood was why did Snape hate you so much?" Ron asked.

"Oh that," Kyla said. "That was stupid. My grandfather was Snape's grandfather apprentice, and they had a fight and the Snapes and the O'Connors haven't gotten along since then. It's a really stupid feud."

"Oh," Ron said, nodding his head.

"Are you two going to spend the night in Vera?" Trevor asked.

"We were planning an driving back into town and getting a room at the bed and breakfast," Hermione told them.

"That will take to long," Kyla told them. "You can stay here if you like. We have an extra bedroom, but to warn you we aren't used to have adult company over. It's mostly the little ones."

"Well, what do you think honey?" Ron asked.

"We would love to, if it isn't too much of a bother," Hermione told them.

"No, I'll show you to your room. Do have any bags?" Kyla asked.

"Yes, a couple," Hermione told her.

"Ok, let's get them and then I'll show the room." Kyla and Hermione went outside and grabbed the bags. Kyla grabbed a bag and said, "I really wasn't expecting anyone to ever find me again."

"Well, you did help push Ron and I together," Hermione told her. "And I just wanted to say thanks, I guess."

"Despite the whole selling me out to a Slytherin, I think I should thank you," Kyla told her, as she led Hermione up to the room. "You're the one who told Jonathan to dump me. Thank you so much for that, and you hide the charm from those people. What happened to the charm anyway?"

"I gave it to Dumbledore," Hermione told her.

"Good. Here's the room," Kyla said, and opened the door.

The room was an aqua blue, with wood floors. This room also had a balcony, but this one looked out to the vineyard. Hermione was at how large the room looked. The house from the outside didn't look big, but the inside gave the appearance of a mansion.

"Your house is very beautiful," Hermione said.

"Thank you," Kyla said with a proud smile. "You should have seen it when we moved in. All the rooms were so small, but with a few expanding charms, this place seemed less like a cubical."

"Kyla, we would really like it if you came to our wedding," Hermione said.

"I would love to," Kyla told her. "I'm sure you will make a beautiful bride."

"What was your wedding like?"

"Mine?" Kyla asked. "I never had one."

"Did you elope?"

"No, we aren't married, yet."

"You and Trevor haven't gotten married yet?" Hermione asked.

"No, after spending my whole life engaged to someone I didn't like, I didn't want to get married right away," Kyla told her. "We already act like we're married, right now I only see marriage as a piece of paper."

"But do you want to get married?" Hermione asked.

"Yes I love Trevor, and we do plan to get married, some day."

"What do you think Ron and Trevor are talking about?" Hermione asked.

"I think they are talking about the architect of the house," Kyla said. "Probably saying, 'The design of this house goes back to the eighteen hundreds.' Or, 'They hand carved all of the floorboard carvings.'"

"That's what guys talk about?" Hermione asked.

"It could be, I don't really know." Kyla and Hermione laughed and head down the stairs.

"See the carvings in the floorboard?" Trevor asked Ron, pointed to the craving of grapes on vines. "They are all hand made."

Kyla and Hermione started laughing, announcing their presence. They two guys looked up and grinned at their loves. Kyla went up to Trevor and kissed his cheek. "Hi, what's for dinner?"

"What do you want?" Trevor asked Kyla.

"Pancakes and home fries," Kyla told him.

"It's dinner."

"But I'll love you forever," Kyla protested.

"How does pancakes and home fries sound for dinner?" Trevor asked Ron and Hermione.

"That sounds good, we skipped breakfast," Hermione told him.

"Ok Kyla, don't touch anything. Don't even turn on the stove," Trevor told her.

Kyla nodded and sat down, while Hermione asked, "Can I help?"

"Sure, get the flour and the eggs," Trevor told her.

"Need anymore help?" Ron asked.

"No," Hermione told him. "Go sit at the table with Kyla."

Ron sat down, with his tail between his legs. "Can't cook either?" Kyla asked.

Ron shook his head.

After a wonderful meal, the two couples went to sleep. Kyla sat on the bed and smiled at Trevor. "What? Why are you smiling?" Trevor asked.

"We got invited to a wedding," Kyla told him, grinning.

"Hermione's and Ron's?" Trevor asked. Kyla nodded. "Let me guess, you said yes."

"Not in some many words," Kyla confessed.

"Do you want to go?" Trevor asked.


"Do you know when it is?"

"I can find out tomorrow," Kyla said, still grinning.

"Now why are you grinning?"

"I'm just glad I have you."

Trevor kissed her and asked, "You want to get married?"

"I thought you never asked," Kyla said, kissing him back.

And they all lived, mostly, happily ever after.
