KrysOfDeath: My GOD! The last chapter! O.o

Kish: What about the epilogue? o.o

KrysOfDeath: …That doesn't count. If I'm not over 70 reviews, I'm probably not even gonna post it. u.u

Kish: …I hate you. u.u

KrysOfDeath: ((sarcastically)) I love you, too.

Kish: …Eww.

KrysOfDeath: I agree. ((nods))

(I bet you all think it's amazing that Kish is actually my favorite character. O.o)

Note: I fixed the punctuation problems in the last two chapters. The site is, for some reason, not allowing certain punctuation in certain places. u.u; I'm really starting to hate the site, but it's the only place I can post my fanfics quickly and get a decent amount of reviews. -.-; On that note, this site is SERIOUSLY going downhill. ((shakes head, sighing)) If the punctuation is still wrong, just tell me in a review. ((walks off, grumbling in annoyance))

The Seven Days of Valentine's – Chapter Seven

Sunday. The day where everyone dreads going back to school or work the next day. The day where people enjoy their last day of freedom from busy schedules, classes, and long hours in the office. And this particular Sunday…was Valentine's Day. Kish, however, had no idea about this.

The alien boy had been enjoying a pleasant nap on a light-post in the park, unperturbed by the stares of the park's visitors or the noise coming from the cars in the streets nearby. Oh, no, he was enjoying his free time immensely. After all, it wasn't often he got time off from trying to take over the world.

Rubbing his eyes as he woke slowly, Kish sat up gingerly. Maybe sleeping on the light-post hadn't been the greatest idea in the universe, but then, he'd dreamed about Ichigo again, so it all evened out in the end, right? And speak of the devil… "Kish, could you come down here?" Ichigo was standing near the light-post, holding a small white box with a red ribbon tied around it and looking up at him with a nervous expression.

"Hmm? Sure, koneko-chan!" He jumped down, landing perfectly on his feet in front of Ichigo. Noticing the box she was holding, Kish tilted his head cutely as he stared at it with a curious expression. "Somethin' for me?"

She held it out to him, blushing a bit. "Valentine's chocolate."

"Valentine's? Chocolate?" he asked, taking the box and crinkling up his nose cutely at the strange new words.

Ichigo fidgeted, a bit embarrassed that she'd have to explain it to him. "It's a holiday when friends and… erm… lovers give each other gifts and chocolates…things like that." She looked down at her feet, blushing slightly. "And chocolates are…" Pausing, Ichigo thought of a way to explain it to an alien. "…a kind of candy. They're really sweet and, well…um…" She trailed off, avoiding meeting his gaze.

Apparently he understood, and stared down at the box she had given him. "…So you…got me chocolate."


He stared at her, then narrowed his eyes suspiciously. "Did you give any to Aoyama?"

Ichigo shook her head, still not looking up at him. "He, uh…he's…allergic to chocolate."

"What about Shirogane?"

"He doesn't like sweets all that much."

Kish grinned a bit, staring at the box in his hand. Out of all three guys interested in Ichigo, he was the only one to receive chocolate. How…interesting… Pulling off the ribbon tied around the box and tucking it into one of his hidden pockets, he tipped the lid open just a bit, and could smell the sweet scent of the chocolates inside. "I…don't have a return gift…" he started, tipping her face up with his free hand. "But if you wouldn't mind…" he trailed off, and he could see surprise in her face.

"You're…asking me?" she questioned softly, a darker blush spreading over her face.

He gave a slight shrug. "If you wouldn't mind a kiss, then I'd gladly kiss you. If you don't want me to, then… how about I share these?" He lifted the box of chocolates up to her eye level inquiringly.

Ichigo stood silently for a moment, studying his face. "Anou… Would…both be okay?" she asked shyly, looking back down at her feet. Kish's hand tilted her face back up, then took a chocolate from the box. Holding it to her lips, Kish gave his usual playful smirk.

"Both would be great," he replied as he placed the chocolate in her mouth, then leaned down to kiss her. And for the first time, Ichigo returned the kiss.

End of Chapter Seven

KrysOfDeath: Ugh…I can't write anymore… ((walks drunkenly-ish)) I can't do any fluff today… ((dizzy eyes)) Ten whole pages of humor-y romance stuff. Bleh… X.x ((goes off to sleep))

Kish: What about the epilogue? O.o;

KrysOfDeath: Not until I get 70 reviews, dammit! ((shakes fist))

Kish: All of you…REVIEW! NOW! ((cracks knuckles threateningly))