Brand New Chapter 18 Complete

The week had been slow torture for Rin. With the constant calls from Sesshoumaru and Madame Butt-wipe's continuous nagging and bitching, Rin had been mentally beat down. The only thing that she ever looked forward to during the day was her lunches with Hiten. That was when she allowed herself to breathe and not stress out over her married lover or the bitch that was constantly on her fabulously shaped tail. And what was she doing now? Relaxing with her new lunchtime buddy…

"You know Rin… demon reincarnation and human reincarnation, are not really that different from each other…" Hiten said as the two sat drinking sodas down the street from the studio.

"Really, I always thought that a youkai soul was linked to the earth and that when they died they became part of it and was no longer reincarnated…" Rin said as she slurped up the rest of her drink.

"Not exactly… but I guess that is what old legend says huh?" Hiten said softly.

"Yeah… I guess…" Rin said raising her eyebrows waiting for him to explain demon reincarnation to her fully.

"A youkai soul is linked directly with their youki. Youki is connected to the air… But unlike in humans where reincarnation just happens there has to be a set pattern for youkai reincarnation." Hiten started.

"Wait, what?" Rin asked as question marks began to float all around her head.

Hiten chuckled and tried to explain. "There is tamashii-ichiban, or first soul when the soul is first created it is in sync with a ring of other souls. During this first life, patterns are set and the soul cannot be reincarnated unless the same pattern has been formed."

"Okay, I think I get it but what kind of patterns are we talking about?" Rin asked as the waiter came and refilled her soda.

"People that were met during tamashii-ichiban, if a youkai was an only child in tamashii-ichiban then they will be an only child in all other lives unless circumstances change. Unmarked lovers are lost through reincarnation; marked lovers become part of the pattern no matter which life they are found in. Parents are often the same unless the fates deem it to be different. Likes and dislikes don't often change and looks almost never change."

"So basically, youkai are reliving their past lives in different areas of the stream of time…" Rin said plainly.

"One makes a new life because one has to mold into the new eras. All ideas change shape with the passage of time. But youkai remember far more of their past lives than humans. Partially because we live so long and we aren't just thrown into reincarnation like humans. But the memories are fleeting and vague though they often affect basic youkai behavior…"

"How so?" Rin asked becoming fully enthralled with the new information.

Hiten grinned at his eager audience and continued. "Certain smells may cause anger, sadness, happiness or even lust. I have a personal problem with guys with silver hair because I believe in one life a man with silver hair killed me, though as I've said it's vague."

"Then you wouldn't be able to stand the Takahashi's… Three of them silver hair and golden eyes…" Rin said as she looked down at her watch. "Oh shit, I have to go or I'll be late and have to clean that nasty bathroom… again." Rin said as she stood up from her seat.

"Rin, I'm going to be running some errands for Mr. Taranda in St. Petersburg so I won't be here for about a week." Hiten said as the two headed out the door.

"Well, there goes my lunch time entertainment…" Rin said with a shrug. "So I'll see you in a week then." Rin said with a wave as she began to truck back to the studio.

"Wait, I know I shouldn't butt in but I feel that I should say something. Whatever he did, he didn't really mean it…" Hiten said quickly catching up to her.

Rin froze and turned around quickly. "How did you…" Rin started her eyes wide.

Hiten shook his head and continued. "If he ever lost you once before, in this life or any other… he wouldn't want to do it again. And his instincts are telling him to hold onto you. Just let him know that he's not the only one holding on, you are too. So maybe all he needs to do is loosen up his grip a bit." Hiten hailed a cab and pulled Rin into a hug. "You're a great person Rin, and I knew it couldn't be the Evil Madame because the first day I saw you there was laughter in your eyes. But it was suddenly gone and somehow I just knew…" Hiten pulled away from her and got into a cab.

"Wait…" Rin said as he rolled down the window and looked at her now tear filled eyes. "Is it really still that obvious?" Hiten nodded his head and smirked before telling the cabbie the directions on riding off.

Sesshoumaru sat in his hotel room and eight o'clock at night watching BBC. He was tired, cranky and in need of a long massage. He didn't have any appointments until late the next day so he had all of the time in the world. And he had absolutely no idea what to do with it all. He could try calling Rin, but that hadn't worked the first 500 times. If only he was able to not be a jealous son of a bitch. But it was not as easy as Rin had made it look.

Sesshoumaru pulled himself out of a chair and wandered around his room. Cell phone, laptop, plasma TV, massage chair, Jacuzzi… Which item would help take his mind off of the fact that he was a bastard that had for the umpteenth time ruined the best relationship he had ever happened to fall into. "Scratch the TV and cell phone… Nothing's on and the cell phone got me into this mess…" Sesshoumaru muttered as he loosened his tie and threw it across the bed. "I got it, Jacuzzi then a session in the massage chair while I check my email." Sesshoumaru said as he pulled his clothes off and headed towards the master bathroom.

Just as he made his way into the bathroom, his cell phone began to ring. He quickly grabbed a towel wrapped it around his waist and picked up the phone knowing exactly who it was. "Jaken for the last time, my father is still there, and Inuyasha can handle everything else that has to do with the Miwa account…" Sesshoumaru said angrily while putting in his password for video mode so he could scare the living daylights out of the toad.

"Sesshoumaru?" the timid voice came instead of the fearful croak he had expected. Within a flash Rin's face appeared on his phone screen, she was braiding her hair nervously and then undoing it just to start again. "I was just… my phone and I don't know why I… is this a bad time? Maybe I should call you later." Rin muttered as she got ready to hang up the phone.

"Matte…" Sesshoumaru said quickly. Rin's hand automatically drew back from the phone as she continued to stare everywhere but at the screen in front of her. "Um… no it's fine; I mean how have you been? I was worried that…" Sesshoumaru said as he stared at the picture of perfection she created.

"The story, where did you hear it?" Rin asked suddenly as she looked at him through the phone for the first time during the conversation.

"Wait, what story?" Sesshoumaru asked slightly confused.

"The one about the nitwit child and the demon lord…" Rin said hesitantly as she completed a braid and then tucked it behind her ear.

"I don't know. It's just something I dreamed up when I was younger but I…"

"But you have the sword don't you? And Inuyasha has tetsaiga, though he doesn't know how to use it." Rin said biting her bottom lip. "And chichiue always told a story along those lines but he told Inuyasha's ending and never yours…"

"Where are you getting at Rin?"

"If it were the real thing you did what you intended to do right?" Rin asked intently her fingers back in her hair.


"You said that you made tenseiga stronger so that the next time…"

"Time wouldn't tear us apart… I know Rin but it was just a story. I used to dream up adventures in my sleep. You were often a main character so I went along with it when you wanted to be the girl. But…"

"Would you do it again?"

"Wait Rin; hold up, where is all this coming from?" Sesshoumaru asked as he ran a hand through his silver locks.

"Just answer the question, if you had to, would you fix the sword and wait for me?" Rin asked as she scrunched up her brow.

"Of course I would." Sesshoumaru answered. "You know I would…"

"So you did it. You found me, used the tenseiga, time isn't a factor and now what?" Rin questioned him as her eyes become completely serious.

"We live Rin. That's all we can afford to do… live."

Rin sighed and then smiled at him. "I'm sorry I overreacted… I don't know what…"

"It was my fault; you are a much stronger person than me. You watched me walk down the aisle and like you said, you never were a green eyed monster. I was just, I've lost you so many times to so many different things that everything seems like a threat." Sesshoumaru said as Rin's eyes began to water.

"Sessh… you don't have to hold on to me so tight because I'm already holding onto you." Rin said softly as she wished that he was there at that second to embrace her.

Sesshoumaru smirked after a moment and the spoke quickly. "Rin, if you don't stop crying I'll have to fly all the way to Russia to hold you and wipe away your tears…"

Rin giggled softly and replied. "Can't have you doing that you might end up killing Madame Bad-ass… And I really don't have the money on me to bail you out of a Russia prison."

"Don't worry I have connections with the Russian mob." Sesshoumaru said as Rin's eyes widened.

"Are you serious?" Rin asked panic in her voice.

Sesshoumaru ran his hand through his hair while crossing his fingers. "No…"

Rin looked at him suspiciously and then smiled. "I'm going to pretend I didn't see your fingers cross and let you have one…" Rin sighed and tilted her head to the side. "Koishiteru…"

"Iie… Aishiteru…"

"Kagura, I don't know if that is the best way…" Renkotsu said as the two sat across from each other at breakfast.

"But it's the only way I can be with you. Renkotsu, you said you love me… You want me to be stuck with him?" Kagura asked. "Do you want me to warm his bed or yours?"

"But killing him isn't that a bit extreme?" Renkotsu asked as he picked up a cup of tea and brought it to his lips.

"There's no other way. Sesshoumaru must die." Kagura said as her let her hair down from its usual bun.

"And how do you expect me to kill one of the most powerful demons in Japan?" He asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"By using disposable bait…" Kagura said as she got up and wrapped her arms around Renkotsu's neck while making sure to press her bosom against him. From her sleeve she slipped out a small picture and she tossed it on the table as she nibbled expertly at his ear. From there, she began to plant kisses down his neck until he picked up the picture.

"Who is she?" Renkotsu asked as Kagura stopped her movements and let the flames of rage burn behind her eyes.

"That is Sesshoumaru's little mistress, Rin Tenshi… And he would swim through the flames of hell for her…" Kagura said allowing Renkotsu time to let the gears in his head turn.

"And that makes her the perfect bait."

My world is so complex

Ever since you arrived

You seem to make things topple over

And you put my heart into over drive

What is wrong with you

Because when you are with me

A warm feeling embraces my heart

And my body finally feels free

But what of those complications

The ones that hold me back

The ones that made this room so cold

And turned your pure heart black

Um… here's a chapter. I lost my disk with all of my stories on it so bear with me for a second while I retype things and get stuff off of the internet. For those of you who are true fans of my work and are waiting on updates all I can tell you is… for the first time in two years A.T.T.I.C. will have a new chapter, I was revising it before I made myself complete this. Ouija Board, I've thought about it, I remember the direction I was going and after I retrieve my chapters from FF I'll get back on that. For the handful of you reading Unspoken Fantasies, hit me up mid-August if I haven't done anything yet. Blood Red Moon should be up by the end of the week no later than next Sunday.

My readers know the drill, 8 new reviews before I consider typing...

If you have any questions/complaints feel free to contact me through pm or at goldenkiss500 (at) yahoo (dot) com.



Koishiteru means I think I love you

Aishiteru means I love you

Iie means no (Not knowing that makes you slow)