Hey guys! I'm ashamed that I only have 4 reviews! If you people want more 'Promises' I suggest you read this! Please don't kill me-hides-. Well, Here's chapter 3!


Mir was walking down the stairs and the first thing she heard was...

"You damn rat! I'll make you pay for that"

And the first thing she saw was...

Yuki kicked Kyo in the chest and went flying through the door behind him, Shigure started to cry about how they were destroying his house, and Hatori was sitting at the table drinking tea.

Mir took in all her surroundings, amused at this dysfunctional family.

"An abusive family." Mir said

Everyone in the room turned to look at her, even Kyo who was out in the yard yelling at Yuki, shut up to listen to her.

"Cool" Mir said.

'They're looking at me as if they expected me to say something else. Like 'You guys are weird' or something of that nature.

"Mir this is the Sohma family" Tohru said.

Tohru pointed out all the family members and named them.

"This is Shigure...-point-...Hatori...-point-...Kyo...-point-...and Yuki...-point-."

"Hello everyone, it's very nice to meet all of you." Mir bowed to them all.

"And I'm..." Ayame said putting his hand on Mir's shoulder.

Ayame didn't get the rest out. Mir grabbed his arm, twisted it, and turned him around and pinned him to the ground.

"I'm Ayame."

Yuki and Kyo's mouths dropped open.

"Whoa! I like this girl" Kyo said.

"For once I agree with the stupid cat."

Kyo opened his mouth to yell back at Yuki, but Mir interrupted them.

"I'm so so sorry! I didn't mean to! I was just trained to..."

"Wait you've been trained to do things like that" Kyo interrupted

Mir helped Ayame up and hung her head.

"I'm sorry. I was trained to...to...well to protect myself."

"Mir would you like some tea" Tohru asked kindly.

"Yes I would, thank you. Would you like me to help you" Mir asked hopeful to get out of the room.

"No, you must feel terrible. Please sit and relax." Tohru said and went into the kitchen.

Mir sat down like Tohru had told her to.

"So Mir, how old are you" Shigure asked with a mischievous smirk on his face.

"I'm fifteen." Mir smiled at Shigure, glad that he changed the subject.

"And which animal would you prefer? A cat, a rat, or a dog" Shigure asked with a smirk.

"You bastard! What kind of cheap ass question is that? You pervert" Kyo yelled.

"Well, I'm not sure. I like all of them. I've had all of those animals. I liked the dog when I was outside, and wanted to play, I could be myself with him. I liked the cat when I was angry and felt annoyed, I could always throw a ball at a wall and tell him about my problems. And the rat, the rat was always there for me when I was sad, and I felt like I had his undying love and patience. So in general, I like them all the same." Mir smiled at them.

"Don't look so put down Shigure" Kyo started laughing at Shigure who had childish tears streaming down his face.

"Shigure...I'm sorry...I"

"Never mind him Mir. May I ask you a question" Hatori asked.

"Sure" Mir said.

"When I was bandaging you up, I noticed that you had a cut on your left cheek, and now there's not a mark there for anyone to notice." Hatori whispered so only the two of them could hear, and Yuki, unbeknownst to them.

Mir's eyes widened.


"Mir, would you like to take a walk? I'm sure you could use some fresh air" Yuki jumped in.

Mir jumped at the chance of leaving this conversation.

"Yes! Yes I would love to" Mir said looking around for where they could have put her shoes.

"Ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh..." Shigure and Ayame said at the same time.

"Don't do anything 'inappropriate' to Mir" Shigure said jokingly.

"Yes Yuki, don't do anything unjust to our new friend" Ayame added.

"As if Yuki could lay a hand on her" Kyo said sitting down.

Mir looked down at her feet embarrassed.

"Come on Mir, lets go." Yuki said grabbing Mir's hand and pulling her the front door.

"Ooooowwwwwhhhhh" Shigure said.

Mir stopped in her tracks.

' He wants to play' she smirked 'then lets play!'

Mir walked over to Shigure, slowly swinging her hips as she went. She bent down to where Shigure was sitting and said into his ear.

"You are the one I'm going to have trouble keeping my hands off Shigure" Mir then bit his ear and walked out of the room, Yuki, bewildered, followed her.

"Whoaa" Kyo and Aya said at the same time.

"She's hot" Kyo said.

"She's sexy" Aya said.

"She's cursed, just like us." Hatori said.

Everyone looked at him.

"Yeah" Shigure said. "Cursed with her good looks"

Everyone, except Hatori, laughed and agreed with Shigure.

But outside the door Yuki was thinking...

' What if she really is like us?'


Well? How did you like it? I hope to get more reviews! So get to it! Bye bye love ya!