A/N: Hey! Thanks so much for the reviews. I have good news and I have bad news. Bad news: This is the last chapter of Breaking Point. I can't go anywhere else with it. How many times can I have demons attack them? The GOOD NEWS: I have a sequel planned that will rock! Look for the first chapter of that tomorrow evening.

So please enjoy and please review!


"What do they want with us?" Paige asked Piper in a whispered tone that held traces of fear.

They were tied up with their hands behind their backs, and the ropes around large, metal posts set up around the technology room.

"Well, by the location, I'd say they want to slice and dice," Piper growled, emphasizing the words 'slice' and 'dice.'

"Nice words of comfort," Paige snipped.

Piper sighed. "No fighting, okay?" she whispered. "We need to work together to get out of here. If I could only get my hands free to freeze them . . ."

"Maybe- stupid. But . . . If I can send myself places with those blue lights, maybe I can send the ropes away, too," Paige whispered.

Piper glanced at the men, who were on the other side of the room, talking in whispered and picking up random shop tools – probably to cut them to pieces.

"Try it. If it works, we both run in different directions and hide. Find as many sharp tools as we can and stab them. That seems to kill them," Piper replied. She saw the men look at them, then away. "Do it now before it's too late."

Paige took a deep breath, then said in a loud whisper, "Ropes!"

Piper prayed, but the ropes still held her hands.

"Try again," she said encouragingly.

This time, when Paige called for the ropes, they left their hands and fell to the floor.

"Yes!" Piper said. "Now run, go!"

They both ducked and ran in opposite directions and hid. They could hear the angered roars of the demons as they silently tried to stay hidden and collect enough weapons to kill them alone and escape alive.

Piper found several sharp implements. It only occurred to her then why, in a loony bin, they had a technology room. But there was no time to think about it. It was time to fight. She took the weapons and held them in the crook of her arm, then jumped up.

"Over here, dingbats!" she yelled. Paige jumped from her hiding spot, too. Piper threw her hands up and froze them all. "Start throwing!"

Paige and Piper began to throw as fast as they could. Several of the weapons hit on target and killed the demons. But then the remaining ones unfroze and began to counter-attack.

"Fire thingy!" Paige cried, hand out. The fire thing appeared in her hand and she threw it back at the man. He burst in flame, screamed, and went poof.

The last three disappeared on there own.

"We did it!" Paige cried – when one of the men appeared behind her and held a sharp dagger to her throat, his free hand holding her to him.

"Not quite," he said softly, smirking.

Piper gasped. She went to run forward, but the man snapped, "Any closer and she dies!" So Piper stopped short.

Paige had tears in her eyes and she trembled with fear.

Piper held her hands up to freeze him, but he warned her off again. She lowered her hands slowly. She didn't know what to do now.

"And so ends the Charmed Ones," the man said, laughing. He raised the dagger-

"NO!" Piper cried

-and plunged it into Paige's stomach.

Paige hissed and wriggled. The pain exploded and stars danced in front of her eyes. She gagged when the man wrenched the dagger out of her stomach. Blood dripped from it and blossomed on her hospital gown. He slowly let her slip to the ground.

He then stood and smirked at Piper, saluting her with the dagger before leaving.

"PAIGE!" Piper cried, running to Paige and falling beside her.

Paige's eyes were barely open. Her breathing was ragged.

"P-Pi-Piper," Paige spluttered, coughing.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME! PLEASE!" Piper screamed, then, more feebly, "Please."

Paige gagged slightly, her eyes drooping again.

"No, no, no! Don't close your eyes Paige. Please don't close your eyes!" Piper begged. She shook Paige's arm. "Please keep your eyes open!"

A swirl of blue lights suddenly filled the room. Piper gasped, shielding her eyes from them.

The lights faded and a tall blonde haired man with a kind, concerned face appeared.

Piper stood, guarding Paige. He had done the same blue light show Paige could do, but she didn't trust him.

"It's okay. I'm on your side. I can help your friend if you let me," the man said gently. His tone was calm, but he looked urgently at the near-death form of Paige on the floor.

Something about him convinced Piper and she nodded. "Please hurry." Tears streaked her face, but ceased flow as she watched the man kneel by Paige. He rested his hands over he wound and they glowed a golden color. Piper gasped as the wound healed and the blood vanished.

Paige sat up suddenly, still weak and now confused.

The man stood and backed away. "You're safe for now. Call your Grams – she'll come get you out of here." He didn't give Piper or Paige a chance to reply. He simply left.



Piper and Paige, shivering in the cold outside the Institution, looked up at Grams voice. They were bloody, beaten, sweaty, and exhausted. But the sight of Grams comforted them both, even though Paige had never met her.

Grams embraced them both.

"What happened?"

"We'll explain on the way to the Manor. Can we just go? I don't want to stay here anymore," Piper said.

Grams nodded and guided them to the car.

The drive home was filled with Piper and Paige's voices, explaining what had happened.

They were still explaining when they entered the Manor and sat on the couches to finish.

"I still don't understand why they called us the Charmed Ones, whatever that is. But I guess we really are witches . . . Right?" Piper asked grams.

Grams looked at Paige with sadness and longing, then at Piper.

"I'm sorry, girls. This is difficult. I guess I can explain, since- Well, let me explain."

For the next hour, Grams told them about being witches – and half sisters. She told of Patty's relationship with her Whitelighter. She explained the destiny of the Charmed Ones and that those men were demons who wanted to harm them. She explained that Paige could orb. She explained everything.

When she was done, Piper and Paige were silent with amazement and joy.

"But- well. Oh, I'm sorry. But you won't remember any of this." Grams stood and kissed Paige on the forehead. "Be safe, darling."

She looked away from their confused looks and then waved her hand over them. They slumped over in sleep. Then she sprinkled them with the memory dust Leo had given her. They wouldn't remember meeting each other, the demons who had attacked them, having powers, or anything she had just told them.

After, she whispered a spell to send Paige to a new foster family, to whom she would believe, had always been her foster parents.

Then she took Piper to bed and kissed her goodnight. In the morning, the girls would just think Piper had come home that night.


Piper sat on the front porch the next morning, glad she had been let out early on good behavior. She couldn't stand to be at the institution any longer.


Piper looked up to see Prue sitting beside her.

"It's good to have you home, Piper. We missed you."

"I missed you guys, too. And don't worry, my days of self mutilation are over," Piper reassured her. "I just want things to go back to normal around here."

"They will. This family is as close to normal as you can get." Prue smiled. "Come on, breakfast is ready."

Hand in hand, Piper and Prue went inside, closing the door behind them.