Thank you to all my reviewers! This chapter is for you! Oh and in all my beyblade stories Max's parents are married.


"It's a beautiful, healthy baby girl!"

Max cried as his little girl let a loud wail. Miguel was next to him his own tears falling silently from his eyes. She may not have his DNA but he was going to love her regardless. The doctor put the screaming baby on the scale and read to the happy couple, "6 lbs., 5 ounces, 14 inches. She's big for a baby that was born one month premature. I'm going to have to run some tests on her to make sure she's healthy but not before I let mo...uh da...whatever you are, see her." A nurse cradled the little one and carried her over to Max and Miguel. Max reached over and brushed his hand through her hair. She had Michael's hair. And probably his set of lungs. The nurse gently laid the baby in Miguel's arm. He cried, as he thought about how beautiful she looked. He handed her back to the nurse and followed her to the nursery.

Out in the Waiting Room

"Honey, will you please sit down. Maxie will be fine!" Mrs. Tate looked up at her husband who had been pacing around the waiting room. Tyson and Kai had informed everyone that Max was having the baby. Sitting in the waiting, which was by the nursery, was Kai, Tyson, Bryan, Rei and Max's parents. Mr. Tate sighed as he took a seat next to his wife.

"I'm sorry but this baby is one month early. What if there's something wrong with their lungs? Or their heart? Or their eyes? What if they don't have all ten fingers and toes? What if they're deaf? What if they have a horrible disease? What if..."

"Honey, would you like to put yourself in an early grave?" she asked, silencing his rambling with an icy glare. Kai glanced over at his boyfriend. Tyson was staring out the window with a blank expression on his face. Kai got up and walked over to him. He gently wrapped his arms around his waist. Tyson jumped slightly but relaxed when he realized that it was Kai.

"What's wrong?" Kai whispered into Tyson's ear. Tyson sighed and slightly turned his head towards his boyfriend's.

"I...I think I want to have kids, too."

Kai remained silent.

"It's just that...well...I don't really know how to explain. I just...argh...I want to hold something that came from me."

Kai looked at him confusion written all over his face.

"Like I said, it's hard to explain," Tyson laughed. He placed a kiss on Kai's cheek, buried his face into his neck and closed his eyes.

"I think I kinda understand but if I try and explain it would make it even more confusing." Kai kissed his boyfriend's forehead and whispered in his ear, "How about we try creating a child tonight."

Tyson squeaked causing everyone in the waiting room to look at them. Rei was about to say something when the sound of wailing filled the hospital. Every pair of eyes were fixated on a nurse who was pushing a baby bed to the nursery. Had it not been for the smile on Miguel's face, the tears in his eyes would've caused alarm among them. But since there was a smile they assumed the best and were bombarding him with questions.

"What is it?"

"A girl"

"Does it have all ten fingers and toes?"


"Did she cry?"

"As if you couldn't tell!"

They all laughed and then gathered at the window of the nursery to see the infant. Mr. Tate burst into tears as he looked at his tiny granddaughter. Everyone else just stared in amazement as they watched the nurse bathe her, put a diaper on her and then sticked her in the incubator.

"Amazing that something that small could be so beautiful, huh?" a voice behind the group said softly.

Their attention was diverted towards the doctor who told them that Max was in the recovery room and would be put into a room in about an hour. Turning to Miguel he asked him if they had chosen a name.

"Yes," he said softly turning his attention back towards the child.

"Well?" the doctor asked.

"We've decided to name her Kiska Michael Tate."


Thank SirenWarren09 for your name suggestions! I was going to use your one for a girl but then I came across Kiska which means 'pure' in Russian and I just fell in love with it! Don't worry, there's going to be more babies and more suggestions for names! Anyways review! Oh by the way did you know that Kai's name in Hawaiian means 'sea, willow tree'?