A/n: Yes, I know that I should be working on the next chapter of YOLT or even GDB, but this popped into my head and I wanted to get it out. It's a one shot.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own IZ. I do, however, own one heck of a headache…owwww…

One Last Try.

"Dib, please explain to me why you killed him."

"He was an alien. He wanted to destroy the world. I had to—"

"An alien?"

"Yes! Look, I know it sounds crazy and that you don't believe me, but it's true! He was an alien. He was of the Irken race. Didn't you notice his green skin? His lack of nose and ears?"

"The records show that it was a skin condition."

"A skin condition that left him without a nose? Come on! You're a doctor! How can you believe that? What skin condition in the world makes it so you don't have a nose?!"


"You're kidding."

"I am, but that's not the point. The point is that you killed him, Dib. Alien or not, conspiracy theory or not, you're in here for that reason. It's my job to determine what your motivation was. I know how intelligent you are, and I know that you're not really crazy, and I would hate to put on your charts that you murdered Zim because of a delusion. So, please, tell me the real reason."

"I am telling you the real reason! He was an alien! The fate of the world was at stake!"

"I want you to look at this, Dib. This is the autopsy report on Zim. Read it to me."

"Subject appears to have been stabbed three times in the chest and another three times in the back. Severe trauma to the lungs and…wait a minute…Zim didn't have lungs! His entire body was run by one organ! His squeegaly-spooch! He didn't have any lungs or normal human organs—"

"But he would have if he were human, would he not?"

"But he wasn't human! That's the point!"

"Then why does the autopsy report state that he was? It's all there in front of you, Dib, in black and white. All you have to do is see it. I know you can, just look!"

"No! I'm not going to believe these lies!"

"Lies? Scientific data are lies? Damn it, Dib, I'm trying to help you here! Do you know how hard it was to convince the judge to let me handle your case? Legally, I'm not supposed to even be here, in case of some sort of bias. I'm risking my license here; risking my career and my reputation to try and help you, and you say that I'm presenting you with lies?!"

"Why are you even bothering, then, if it was just a pain in the ass for you?!"

"Because I don't want you to disappear! I don't want you to be locked up in some institution and forcefully medicated! I want you to be at home, safe, and sane."

"I am sane."

"Then prove it: why did you kill Zim?"

"Damn it, I told you, already: he was an alien! An alien! He was going to—"

"No! Stop, just forget it. I'm tired of listening to this. I've spend god knows how long listening to your rants about how he was an alien bent on world destruction when you know just as well as I do that even if he were, he wasn't smart enough to carry through with it. If you're not going to tell me the truth then there's nothing I can do to help you. I'm sorry, Dib. My report is going to show that you are experiencing delusions and possible schizophrenic tendencies. I'll see you in the courtroom, tomorrow. I'm sorry."

"Gaz, wait!"


"Thank you for trying. If I could tell you what you want to hear, you know that I would."

"I know. Goodbye, Dib."



Yeah, I know, it doesn't make much sense…or does it. I don't know. It's fun to procrastinate when I should be studying.

I'm wondering if this scene plays out in everyone else's head the same way it did mine. With there being no character direction or written emotion, is it still effective? Hmmm…

R and R, please.
