Demonic Kittens
By Athena Diagon Cat
Disclaimer: Culcairiel owns Tári, Mith, Nell, Anor, Gaur, Lain and Naith- Oh, yeah, and Tolkien owns Lord of the Rings.
I am Tári. I am Lady Culcairiel's favorite and oldest cat. And I am here to explain why the young Lords Elladan and Elrohir dislike cats so.
It began many years ago, when the twins had just reached adulthood. I, the magnificent Tári, had just come to live in Rivendell from the beautiful Lothlorien. I was not pleased to leave my beautiful home, and so took out my anger on the first person foolish enough to let me out of my carrier.
Namely, Elrohir.
He was terrified of me from then on, but still liked other cats. His brother just laughed.
Then I had my kittens.
Culcairiel always meant well, and so invited the twins to chose one of my darling babies to give to their sister Arwen.
I wasn't there in the room when it happened, but my daughter Mith told me all about it.
Lord Elladan entered first, Elrohir following, most likely making sure I wasn't in the room. Culcairiel handed them each a kitten to hold, my little Nell and Anor. She also let that annoying Isilwen hold Mith, but Gaur scratched her and got away.
That was the cue for Nell and Anor. They had acted so tame that Elladan and Elrohir were quite unprepared. Nell jumped on Elladan's head, leaving some nasty scratches on his face as he did, and Anor bit Elrohir's hand and refused to let go.
Those two knew nothing about kittens and started shrieking and jumping around. Nell and Anor, of course, held on tighter, so they wouldn't go flying across the room. They also started mewing for me, but I was busy destroying Lady Péniel's flowers.
My darlings are all so protective of each other, and Guar came romping back to his sibling's aid, Mith, Lain, and Naith with him. They each latched onto a leg and clawed.
Elladan and Elrohir screamed louder, and Lord Glorfindel came running with his dagger out. Imagine his surprise when he saw six little kittens attacking two full-grown Elves! Thankfully he rescued my babies without hurting him; I left him a dead mouse as thanks. (Believe me, I don't do that for anybody!)
From that day on, Elladan and Elrohir, fearless Orc-slayers, have been terrified of cats, especially me and my children. If only you could see them running away, screaming, from my adorable army! But everyone has their own fears.
…Speaking of fears, keep the Mary Sues away, would you?
ADC: ::shrugs:: I was bored.