A Broken Soul, an Unheard Scream

By. Souls Hatred

Chapter 6 A frightening wakening

The smell of bleach told me where I was before my eyes even had the chance to open. It made me not want to breath, the toxic smell that surrounded me. When I did open my eyes to the white unfocused room, the memory of everything crashed in on me. It made me sit up with intake of breath that made my side break out in agonizing spasms. I curled up and waited for the pain to subside. My eyes scrunched shut willing the pain to disappear.

Through the minutes of pain, her face jumped into my mind's eye. Where was she? I squinted through my eyes to see the white room surrounding me. She was here somewhere. Cringing against the pain, I pushed my self from the bed, dislocated the IV, and walked out the door.

"Wait, where do you think you're going?" a nurse shouted as I made my way past her. Ignoring her comments I turned a corner and head through the maze of corridors. "You should be in bed. Where's your IV?" Her nagging questions and her ability to keep up with my frantic pace made me turn and face her.

"Where's the girl that was brought in with me?" I assumed this, not really knowing if it was true or not. Her name popped into my head, "Kagome. Where is she?"

The nurse just stared at me. I repeated my question hoping she'd hear me this time. "She's not on this floor." I already knew that. Her scent was too faint to be anywhere near here.

"Where is she then?" I tried to grab as much patience as my frazzled mind could handle.

"You really should be back in bed." She eyed my arm clutching my still twitching side. Attempting to grab my free arm and lead me back to my room, I pushed her away.

"If you're not going to help me, then you can leave. I have to find her." With a moment of thought, which I'd made it ten paces down the hall, she sighed and began to lead the way.

I couldn't shake the image of her small body lunging towards the cold water from my mind. It all seemed so surreal. As if what I'd seen was just from a movie and the reason I was in the hospital was due to a minor concussion caused by me falling off my bed and into the table. However, nothing seemed like a dream when I walked into Kagome's room and saw her small frame laying under a white sheet. Her skin looked as pale as ever, but it had a sickly color to it. Her chest hardly moved the fabric covering her and I found myself willing her to take just one more breath.

"What happened?" I asked, closing the door behind me silently and leaning against it. The nurse looked at me with sympathy evident in her eyes.

"You were very heroic." She began, I just choked off a laugh and looked down at my feet. They were placed in socks, white.

"Just cut to the chase."

"Both of you came in here in pretty bad shape. She was obviously the worse though. Her body didn't react to the cold water as well as yours. Hypothermia began to set in before you were out of the water. Then somewhere between falling and being dragged to the shore, her head hit something quite forcefully."

She paused for a moment and I thought she was done. It didn't really answer my question completely, but I guessed it would do. "She's one lucky girl to have you."

I looked up at her then. The expression on my face couldn't have been anything more than confused. To have me? I just happened to guess the right place to go and make it there on time. There was no us. Only a me and a her. Nothing more!

The nurse just laughed quietly and left me there. Assuming I could find my way back to my room if I so wanted to go there. Instead, I turned and opened the door to her room once more just to check on her again.

She was awake now, and her head turned towards me when she heard the door open. A weak smile tugged at her lips. Neither of us said anything as I walked further into the room. "Should I apologize?" I asked, realizing that I'd messed up her plan of suicide.

She smiled and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking." Another pause. "Why'd you jump in after me anyways?"

I was silent for a moment not really knowing the answer myself. "I don't know. One second I saw you fall and the next I was in the water." Kagome nodded.

"What's your name?" I noticed her eyes start to drift as she asked this last question. By the time I replied, she was asleep. I had no idea if she heard me or not, but I took the small smile on her lips to mean something.

I stood by her bedside for a moment more, looking at her peaceful features. She was quite beautiful. Not supermodel worthy, but soft, subtle features that all flowed perfectly together. The pain in my side drew me away from her face and I bit back a groan of pain as I made it out the door.

They couldn't keep me here for much longer. It wasn't like a was completely human, I healed faster then any of them and the ache in my side was slowly dulling away to a soft throb.

It took hours before the doctor was finally convinced I was well enough to be let out. Finally it came down to me getting dressed and leaving the room while he was coming in. That resulted in raised voices and me officially signing myself out and walking out the building doors…only to realize I had no car.

To put a little more pain on my already injured ego, I walked back into the building and asked the receptionist if I could use the phone.

Being the idiotic person that I was, I forgot to wait for the doctor to leave the lobby area. "Don't let him touch that phone." He said in what he hoped was a firm tone. I gave him one look and turned back to the secretary who didn't know who to listen to.

"Either let me use the phone willingly, or I'll take it by force." She looked over to the doctor and shook her head.

"I'm sorry, I can't let you use this phone." I smiled and thanked her. Walking over to the nearest patient I knelt in front of them and asked a gently as I could if they had a cell phone I could use.

"You can't that in here." This time the secretary yelled at me. I glared half-heartedly at her before assuring the person that I'd return their phone. Then I walked out the doors and made a call to my house.

"Hello," my mother answered the phone, I sighed with relief.

"Mom? Can you come pick me up? I'm at the hospital." I realized I'd said the wrong then the moment it was past my lips. She completely flipped at the word 'hospital'. Going on a rampage of question I held the phone to my shoulder before figuring she'd finally listen to me.

"I'll tell you everything later mom, just come get me please! Before this doctor gives me a concussion." There was a slight pause and then a click. I figured she had hung up the phone.

I walked back into the lobby and gave the phone back to its owner. "Thanks."

With the secretary and the doctor glaring holes into my back, the fifteen minutes felt much longer than they should have. My sensitive ears picked up the soft vibrating sound of the doctors pager and I watched as he dashed down the hallway.

A shiver of unease raced up my spine. I hate hospitals. The place smelt of death and sickness under all the bleach. Figuring I had a few minutes, I walked back to Kagome's room, just to see her one last time before she came back to school.

When I got there though, she wasn't. Her bed was empty. The sheets in a heap on the floor. Something was wrong. The girl had an ability to find all the dangerous things. This was no exception. She was in trouble.

AN: Ok, there's this chapter. Sorry for the spelling mistakes and other grammar things. I know this took a while, but I've had weeks where I haven't even been able to touch my computer, much less write on it. Hope you enjoy this chapter.