Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or any one from the series.

By: Souls' Hatred

A Broken Soul, an Unheard Scream


I just wanted to see her smile and hear her laugh, I never wanted to see her crying and hear her screams of pain. Never did I realize how my life was going to be changed by this girl.

My life was perfect, or at least I took it to be. Never wanting to look on the hard times or my ever-lingering past, I instead looked at my present life. Seventeen and always getting older. I think it's interesting how you can't wait to get older but then after a certain age you wish you could grow younger.

A half-brother that I never heard from of course gave me no grief. In fact, it was quite pleasant to be away from him seeing as he always has been trying to mortally wound me. Damn good thing I'm not a mortal, I'd be long dead by now.

However, that's not what this story is all about, no, instead it's about a girl. Now you're probably thinking, 'Why the hell is a guy writing his life story for the whole world to read and criticize?' Ok so maybe you're not thinking that, but I am. Seeing as I could have any girl in the whole school, my eyes just happened to fall on the one no one expected.

You've most likely figured it out by now that this is going to be one of those stories where I change the life of a suicidal girl. Instead, this story is about how a suicidal girl changed MY life.

My name is Inuyasha Takishite, and this is her story one never to forget.

A/N: I don't know why I'm writing this. To get this idea out of my head and onto paper…and I know it's not original either. Bite me!