Smile like You Mean It



Do I really need one? Go find someone else's' InuYasha fanfic and read theirs. They're basically the same.


Save some face, you know you've only got one
Change your ways while you're young
Boy, one day you'll be a man
Oh girl, he'll help you understand

Smile like you mean it
Smile like you mean it

-The Killers.


Friday , 3:00pm.

Paper work. Paper work. Paper work.

That's all her life consists of. But then again, she chose this. Just as she had chose her past.

Every day is the same to her no matter how hard she tries, she can't make it different and she can't change the history.

As much as she'd love to try.

"Higurashi-sensei? Sumimasen, I really need help with this question. Gah! History is so hard, how can you stand to major in something as evil as this?" The student snorted and plopped some papers on her desk in an inelegant fashion.

Why I major in it? Because it's all I have to remember them by. "Ah! Daijoubou, daijoubou! Let's see…Problem 23, correct? You seem to be doing fine, all you need to do is look on page 223 for the answer. Be sure to read over the paragraphs on that page carefully, Mio-chan. I know history is rough but it's good for you to know."

"History class always seems to love to come back and bite me in the butt." Mio grinned wolfishly at Kagome. "That's why I've been taking it every year since first year. And here I am in my sannensei!"

"Oh, you're doing fine. By looking on your old scores, your participation and grades have gone way up. I am very proud of you. I'm glad I could help you." Mio smiled sweetly and thanked her teacher before scrambling out of the classroom, late for the long walk home with her friends.

"Oh Eri! I'm sorry, I can't go to the movies with you and Houjo. Someone at home has been waiting for me to come home for a very long time." A younger Kagome bowed apologetically and started to run off towards the shrine.

"Its that damn two timer isn't it, Kagome-chan. Why can't you just drop the fool? He's nothing but trouble and heartache."

'You Don't know the half of it, Eri.' Kagome shushed her and gave her a quick hug. "It's fine. I'll be fine. Thank you and I'll talk to you guys later."

"I'm calling you!"


A knock at the door snapped her out of her musings, startling her. "Come in! I'm just doing after school work."

The door opened and cloth, red cloth, flashed in the sunlight. Kagome gasped and in shock, turned quickly to the person.

"Hajimemashte. I am Shino Shiro."

"Hajimemashte, Shiro-san. What can I do for you? Please, take a seat, I need to try to finish some of this." He nodded and drug a stool to sit at the front of her desk, facing her. The young teacher peered at him over the rims of her glasses, taking in his features carefully. The man had a strong jaw line, short black and neatly cut hair, big green/gold eyes and lightly tanned skin. If she hadn't been so used to men's physiques she would have said he had no muscle tone. But he certainly did have muscle under all the neatly pressed clothing. She swallowed as the collar of his shirt dropped a little, exposing soft, firm body underneath. His unnatural eyes caught her stare and followed it, grinning.

"Like what you see, Higurashi-san?" Even his smile was brilliant, movie star-ish and white. If she had been younger, this man could have turned her into a puddle of mush easily. Thank God for maturity. He flexed and she blushed, burying herself in her school work. She was trying so desperately to ignore the strangely handsome man in front of her.


"Bad words aren't nice, Sensei-san."

"Bite me."

He looked shocked for a minute before flushing red, laughing at her. She peeked at him again, watching his facial features curiously. His eyes lit up and sparkled with unshed laughter tears, making him look younger. 17 or 18 perhaps. "What do you want, Shiro-san. I really need to get my work done. Being a teacher isn't easy, you know."

"Hai, hai. I was wondering… Do you think you can fit my son in your class? He is home schooled but I'd really like him in a history class. He won't learn it from me and I thought maybe a teacher could do it. I, myself, taught for a couple years in high school algebra but when he came around, I dropped everything to help him. I got a different job so I could be with him more." He propped his elbows up on the mahogany desk and stared directly into her eyes. "I already asked the school board and the principal. They told me, all I had to do was ask you. So is it alright?"

Kagome stared back, blue eyes darkening slightly before she nodded. "It would be my pleasure, sir. May I ask your son's name?"

He squirmed in his seat and blushed lightly (to which she smiled) and stared at the jewel around her neck…near the curve of her breast. "Shippou." He looked up at her, startled, and grasped her hand. "Don't ever call him by that name! Don't…Call him, Kit or something. Just do not call him Shippou." She searched his face and found it indecipherable, "Promise me, ok?"

"I promise." I'll just have to see if it's who I'm thinking it is. "I shall talk to you later, Shiro-san. I'll be waiting for your son's arrival in my class. Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu." Kagome stood, showing the handsome man out the door, bowing respectively as he disappeared from her room.

"It's nice to see you again," The man looked into her eyes longingly, knowingly. "…Kagome-chan."

"Sumimasen! What did you say? Shiro-san!" He kept walking, never once acknowledging her shouts.


Later that night, after all her school work had been done, Kagome closed up her classroom. The wind whipped past her as she walked out the door of the school ominously. Creepy… Someone is watching me! Kagome spun around…

…only to find nothing.

"Thank God." She backed up against her SUV, putting a hand over her eyes wearily. "It's just my imagination. It's just my imagination. It is just-my-imagination."

"Imagination, huh woman? Me?" A deep rumbling voice growled in her ear. Kagome's heart fell in the pit of her stomach, churning with all the acids and wonderful bubbly stuff inside and she turned slowly in horror…

Coming face to face with the creature that had been watching her.

"Who are you! Get away from me, youkai!" She squealed and toppled over, scrambling away from the beast. Who didn't really look like a beast at all but more like….the most famous supermodel in all of Shinjuku.

"Darling, chill out." The man, no, demon said. He flipped his hair over his shoulder in a girlish flick of the wrist.


Just like his.

"My name is Naku." He gave a mock bow, reddish brown eyes glittering in a feral way. "And yours would be, my lady?"

"Higurashi Kagome." She bowed back, her eyes always locked on his.

"Aso desu ka? Pleasure to meet you." He winked and grasped her hand, pulling it to his lips slowly.

"The pleasure is all mine, I'm sure." She snatched her hand back and dug around in her pocket for her keys. "It was nice meeting you, Naku-san. I have to head for home, goodbye." Kagome scrambled to unlock her door, balancing her bag on one shoulder.

Naku watched in amusement, leaning against the side of the car. A lock of black hair tumbled down his cheek past his lazily hooded eyes that followed her movements. He was tall, around 5' 9", easily dwarfing her 5' 4" figure. His clothes were fancy, but not overly fancy like other models, and his body was lean and gangly. Very attracting.

Kagome wondered what was under all those fancy-shmancy clothes.

Abruptly, Naku burst into laughter, snorting and coughing softly.

What WAS it with men laughing at her?!

"Bah!" She growled. "I have to go. Goodbye, Mr. Naku. May we never meet again."

"Oh come now, don't say such things! I truly," He came up behind her and grasped the top of her hips, "Enjoy," He leaned down above her shoulder, eyeing the soft paleness of her skin. "Your company, Higurashi-san." Just as he was about to take his prize, she clutched her briefcase and swung it as hard as she could behind her, nailing him right on his forehead. And temporarily knocking him out.

"Gotta go bye!" And she jumped in her car, leaving the incapacitated demon on the ground.

"Holy fuck!"

"Holy fuck." Kagome stared at the road, driving home as fast as she could. What was up with these people/demons? What was going on? It has been a very long time since she had last been in the Feudal Era. And the Feudal Era was when she last saw ANY demon's at all. Why the hell were they popping up everywhere now? Well….not really…Just in the school parking lot.

Why WAS a demon (and a pretty popular one for a matter of fact) in a high school parking lot?

Could it be…No it couldn't? I, I mean 'we', did away with him a while ago.

かみさま! (Kami-sama!)

The roads were a bit…watery because of the weather. This made driving a little hectic. Kagome growled as some jackass gave her the finger, which she lovingly returned, and sped down the road, heading for the local bar.

Hey, even teachers need their fun.

Finally, before she got into the bar, she cooled down and regained some of her brain's back. (Sheesh! I'm glad there weren't any cops around…) She pulled open the door to the Smokey Dog and the pub lived up to its title. Smoke poured out and into her nostrils, nose and eyes. Burning. But she didn't care. Kagome pushed her way to the bar and scrambled up onto the stool, slouching and ordering one long island ice tea.

"Aren't you a little bit young to be drinking, missy." Grrr…..

"Can it, Whiskers. I've had a bad day." Kagome growled to the bartender.

"Oh you know I just love teasing you, sweetheart. Now wanna tell me what's wrong?" Whiskers said in a father-ish tone, handing her the liquored up drink to which Kagome took one big slurp.

"Life is what's wrong. This guy came into my classroom, hit on me," Kagome started out. Not to mention he flashed some nice skin… "And then when I went outside to my car, I got practically mauled by Shinjuku's top model, Naku. Don't ask! I don't know why he was there but he was!" Kagome was in near hysterics by the time she was done telling her tale. Of course, she censored it, not telling Whiskers that Naku was probably a demon fledgling from one of her most feared and hated enemies.

"Wow, darlin' you've had a strange night. You can one more drink on me. Just…take a cab home okay?" The old bartender smiled and patted her hand caringly. "And take care, there's some creepy critters here tonight. I don't want my favorite girl getting hurt tonight."

"I'm a big girl, Whiskers. And yes I'll take a cab. I'm not that stupid. I are a teacher after all, dontcha know?" She giggled as she made fun of herself, the drink already going to her head. Whiskers just laughed along and went off to help other customers.

"All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
I got a feeling I'm not the only one
All I wanna do is have some fun
Until the sun comes up over Santa Monica Boulevard…"

The music blared wildly throughout the packed bar. Whisker's Smokey Dog was the best bar in town! Little did Kagome know… She had lived here all her life yet she knew almost nothing about anything. She had spent most her time in the feudal era chasing demons, killing demons, finding shards, saving lives, loving, caring…

…watching the ones she cared about move on in their lives.

"Oooh I hate my liiifeee…..Hate it so fucking much…" Kagome sang softly to herself, tracing the rim of her drink with her forefinger. Everything was getting blurry… she only had four drinks! Now…what was that thing about not mixing up drinks…and only staying to one type of drink the whole time?


What time is it…? Kagome staggered towards the door, earlier she had called "Mel's Cabs" for a ride home. But, every time she looked out the window, no Mel's Cab waited for her. "God damnit to fookin' hell…oooo Whiskers! How are you?" Phew! Quick save.

For some reason she didn't want to be caught cussing in front of dear old Whiskers. He was such a good old fart. Kind of like her grandpa. Poor grandpa, still old, still taking care of the shrine, still fighting fake monsters.

'I should really go visit him…'

"Kagome-chan, where is your cab, hunny?" Whiskers asked accusingly. "You aren't planning on driving home are you? That's it! I'm finding someone to drive you home." Whiskers yelled out to someone. I wasn't listening, too busy watching the flashing lights of the disco dance club across the street to be listening. Bah silly people and their silly, idiotic, pretty…entrancing flashing lights!



"Are you listening to me?"

"No not really."

"This is…uhm…Who are you?" Whiskers asked the man (I think it was a man…very pretty man if it is.) cautiously.

"A friend, I know her." The guy said and gently grasped my elbow, leading me out of the club. "G'night, old man. Seeya later."

Whiskers spluttered at the old man comment and shoo'd us out of the bar, growling evil little things at the stranger.

The guy had a nice hand. Nice warm hand. And pretty clothes but too bad they were kind of mussed and ruined with dirt. I feel like I know him…

"Get in the car, Kagome." The man said gently, ushering me into the passenger's seat. "I'll take you home."

Kagome had her head pressed against the cool window, her body felt like it was over-heating and her left thigh itched really, really bad. She was half tempted to scratch it but wasn't in the mood to hike up her skirt in front of a stranger.

"Do I know you fro-um…oh my God! Let me out of this car right this instant! Naku-san….I swear if you do anything to me I'll…I'll…" Kagome spluttered and scooted away from the evil man.

"Oh hush, Kagome-chan. I didn't follow you to the bar, I'm just helping you out." His eyes stayed locked on the road as he drove the CORRECT way to her house.

Did she tell him when she was drunk?

"No you didn't." What the fuck!

"How did you…shit...crap crap!" Kagome squeaked and stared wide eyed at Naku. "Naraku…?"

Naku grinned and placed a hand on her knee, massaging it with mock comfort. "Correct and incorrect, darling-one. Remember Kagura and Kanna?"

"So you're an incarnation?" I thought he died… "Does he know about me?"

"Indeed." Naku smirked at her. The same kind of smirk Naraku himself used to do during their battles. "He has…a clue. But who says I'm going to share you, my little Teacher. I'm sure I could teach you a thing or two." He waggled his eyebrows and slid his hand up her thigh. "If you know what I mean."

Kagome raised her hand.

And smacked him soundly across the face. "Jackass."


Japanese words and suffixes used:

The little boxes (if you don't have the kind of computer to see the hiragana) are supposed to be the Japanese characters for Ka-mi-sa-ma. I can type that way because of my WindowsXP. It has some sort of thingy in there that allows it. If you have a WndowsXP go to:
Control panel

Regional languages (or something akin to that)

Then dink around on there and find out what you need to do in order to switch it so you can type in Japanese. A little language bar should show up on your toolbar on your desktop.

There ya go. )

sensei suffix for Teacher

Sumimasen Excuse me

Daijoubou Okay (I think)

chan suffix usually for a little child, pet, or sometimes a dear friend. Sometimes even used between lovers. Usually endearing.

Sannensei Third year. Junior. Ichinensei would be freshman. (I think its sei…that or it could be sai. But I'm sure sai is for how old you are.)

Hajimemashte Nice to meet you.

Shiro White (and its Shino's last name.)

san Mr. or Mrs. Or Ms.

Hai Yes

Douzo yoroshiku onegai shimasu May our relationship be prosperous. Usually said after you meet someone.

Aso desu ka? Ah really?

Kami-sama Kami can mean Paper, God, or Hair. In this fanfic, it means God. Sama is a suffix that is less than –dono which is a suffix for someone of royalty such as a lord. So instead of SesshouMaru-sama wouldn't it be -dono because he's a lord of the Western Lands? Bah!


Come on...Press that pretty purple button down there...
