Sry I havent updated in a while but here is goes…I dun own ne one….

Kagome's eyes flew open to meet with golden orbs. With his face so close, Kagome jumped in surprise, sending her mouth unto his. This surprised them both but after the shock wore off they went full throttle into the kiss. That one kissed showed every emotion that they had inside them. They unleashed everything they had bottled up over the years in that one simple kiss. It started out slow and passionate but soon grew to be powerful and demanding on both their parts, each wanting to be the dominant one.

The kiss lasted for a few minutes till they had to pull away for air. Kagome slumped against Inuyasha for support and was breathing heavily. Inuyasha, on the other hand, was staring at the beautiful vixen in his arms. Kagome picked up her head and stared at Inuyasha. She picked up a small hand and brought it do his cheek and caressed it lovingly. Slowly, she picked up her head and brought it to his face. She then placed her mouth on his and this time, the kiss was sweet and innocent. There was no force or roughness, just pure sweetness and innocence.

Inuyasha pulled back and stared at her ( they are doing a lot of staring aren't they? ) and saw tears on the brink of falling. Slowly each tear fell silently out of her eyes. Quietly he continued upstairs where he placed her on the bed. It was then that he wiped away her tears. He pulled her so suddenly towards her chest that she nearly had the wind knocked out of her. Knowing all he could do was hug her he did. He traced small circles in her back in hopes of calming her down. After all she sobs subsided he turned her to face him. "What's with all the tears? Why are you crying?" he asked her, concerned. "I'm crying Inuyasha for you. I'm crying for how I feel. I'm crying for everything. I'm so confused right now. I don't know who you love. Are you just using me cuz you see me as a replacement? A copy of what you really want, for do you truly love me? Tell me Inuyasha. I have to know!" she said whispering, on the verge of tears again.

He stared at her confused. He loved her. Didn't she see? Didn't she understand. He came here to be with her and here she is crying for him and herself. Grabbing both her small, delicate hands in his large and callused, yet smooth, hands he spoke. "Kagome I love you. I don't see Kikyo in you. I don't see any of her in you. You are pure, while she is evil and tainted. She doesn't really care about me, she wanted me to change. You like me how I am. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, don't you see? I LOVE YOU!" he practically screamed the last part. Kagome looked him in the eye and could tell he wasn't lying. Every emotion from love to guilt ran through his eyes and mind.

"oh Inuyasha" she said while flinging her arms around him. "I love you too." He looked at her and with a nervous voice asked her a question that was plaguing his mind. "Kagome, will you be my mate?" He waited for a moment, and when the answer didn't come, he got up and went towards the door, but a hand grabbed his wrist. "Wait! Inuyasha, don't go. I accept. I will become your mate.

Sry this is kinda short but I updated en way…hope ya like! Review plez!

Closing statement:

Cause I just cant look its killing me.And taking control.Jealousy,turning saints into the sea . Swimming through sick lullabies.Choking on your alibis.But its just the price I pay.Destiny is calling me.Open up my eager eyes.Cause Im Mr.Brightside