Zap: New story.

Yami: People, please don't kill her, b cuz she is in a bad mood right now.

Eruna: Aww...Poor little hikari mad?

Zap: Shut the hell up, eruna...

Yugi: -glances at them nervously- please do be kind to her...

Zap: I don't own yugioh...

Ch. 1: The Arrival

I know I belong somewhere...

"Get Dr. Baku, quickly! X457 is making movement!" Dr. Seito exclaimed. "Yes sir, we'll get him immediately!" The three gaurds that were gaurding the entrance said, heading down the hallway.

No one can save me...I'm not here for nothing...

"Experiment X457 is stirring! We need Dr. Baku to come at once!" Gaurd A yelled, running through the door. "Yes sir." Dr. Baku said calmly, following the gaurds to the main room.

I'm here for something...

"Dr. Baku, we need your presence, now." Dr. Seito stated firmly. "I'm here, aren't I?" He asked, punching a code in. "Password confirmed. Welcome, Dr. Baku." The computer said. "Ah yes, it looks like it's waking up." Dr. Baku said, noting the squirming red dot on the screen. "Come and help me unhook it." He stated, nodding to the other two doctors. "Yes sir." They said, following him to the main operating room.

...And i'm not going to give up...

Dr. Baku walked into the room, and drained the fluid from the tank. Dr. Seito stood beside it when it opened, and caught the specimen. He then covered it up. "Take it to room 287." Dr. Baku said, turning away. "Sir, what's it's name?" Dr. Corr asked. "...Yugi." Dr. Baku said, before leaving. "Yes sir." Dr. Corr said, heading to the room where the specimen was meant to be put.

"Are you sure? You know how experiment Y376 isn't keen coming in contact with other experiments, don't you?" Dr. Corr asked. "Yes, and no, I highly doubt that he will hate this one- after all, it does have the same DNA." Dr. Seito said, pressing the entrance code in. "If you're sure sir." Dr. Corr said, walking into the now open room. He set the specimen on the floor, then went to the entrance. He spotted angry violet eyes glaring at him as he left. "This was not a good idea..." He muttered, motioning to the doctor next to him to follow. Dr. Seito sealed the entrance, and followed the other doctor.

Big violet eyes opened, and the experiment sat up. "Where am I?" X457 asked, blinking a few times at the sunlight streaming through the window. No answer. X457 got up, and took a step. He stumbled, and fell to his knees. "This is hopeless...everything's hopeless..." He muttered. His ears twitched when he heard shuffling. "Who's in here?" He asked, spreading his wings out. "No one. Leave me be and we'll become great friends." A voice said, grumbling half-heartedly. "Who are you?" X457 asked. "I'm Y376, or Yami." The voice said. X457 folded his wings into his back. "This place looks like an asylum..." He said. "Get used to it; this is your new home." Y376 said, showing himself. "You mean we had another home before?" Yugi asked. "Yes. We used to be normal 'humans'." Yami said, disgust lacing the last word."What are humans?" Yugi asked. "Nothing you would remember." Yami said, turning his back. Yugi sighed, and went to the white bunk bed in the corner. "You get the bottom bunk; My powers tell me you're afraid of high places, and the dark." Yami said, smirking as yugi's eyes widened. "How did you know?" He asked, fright etching his voice. "I have a power to tell what your inner being is." Yami said defiantly. Yugi turned beet red. "Don't be ashamed; your customs are just what make your personality up." Yami said, making a high pounce onto the top bunk. "You have a talent too; a child your age wouldn't be able to talk well." Yami said. " did you do that...?" Yugi asked in awe, respecting the elders talent. "Once you get more experienced, your powers will emerge." Was all that yami said, before the lights went out. Yugi shuttered, but got comfortable.

"X457! Get up!" Yami demanded. "It's Yugi...and I'm up." Yugi muttered. "It's about time." Yami said angrily, shoving a muffin in front of yugi. "Breakfast. Don't stay in here long; we have class in thirty minutes." Yami said, walking over to the window, and sitting down on the window seat. Yugi blinked, and bit a peice of the muffin off. "Hey, this is banana!" He exclaimed. "Yup. I looked into your bio this morning." Yami said, eyes transfixed on the clouds outside. "Will we ever get to go out there?" Yugi asked, pointing his finger to the window. "Maybe. It depends on what Mr. Corr says." Yami said. "Oh, and yami?" Yugi asked. "What?" Yami asked resentfully. Yugi flinched. "I had a wierd dream last night..." He said thoughtfully. "Really?" Yami asked, turning interested violet eyes to yugi. "Continue." He said. "Well... I was there. You were too! And we were talking..." Yugi said. "We were talking about things..." He said, trailing off, as if searching for the right words. "There were a bunch of stuff there that I don't know what it was. I'm frightened, Yami. It really scared me. People...People that were...normal...lived with us; we were normal! No wings, no powers, no nothing!" Yugi said, becoming very quiet. He searched yami's eyes for a reaction, but yami's face was emotionless. Finally, he spoke. "It was just a dream. None of it was real." He said. Yugi could hear that he was keeping something, but didn't push the matter. "Come on; we have to go to class."

Zap: There you have it people...

Yami: She is still in a dazed state..maybe a trip to the hospital?

Eruna: Never! I will continue for her! Mwahuahuahua!

Yugi: Please be kind and review...