I have finally wrote the prequel sequel to Belleza and Trigger I hope everyone enjoys the back story of at least my favorite experiments and just so you know this chapter wasn't originally planned. I first wanted to start with the activation of 447, but I wrote that entire chapter and then I thought of this one that would have just been perfect for the story and so I added it to the storyline I probably won't type up the second chapter at least for a short period of time, but not immediately. Now you must read!

237 and 447: The Beginning

Pain Only Begets More Pain

In a lone hallway late at night an experiment ran crying down the short corridor. The experiment holds her hands cupped over her eyes running desperately to get away from the horror of the truth. The experiment runs through a hallway door and slams it behind her. A marking on the door is the only thing that can prove her identity as experiment 237.

237 sat down on the bed in the vacant room designed especially for her. All she did was cry into her drenched hands. The sound of tears dropping against a cold floor was the only thing people could hear, until 237 lifted her face and began to speak to herself while she still cried, "I shall cry forever, because I have just as much love to give others as any other experiment, but the problem is, is that I have no one to requite the passion I have built up in my heart. A feeling of burning looms in my soul, and I have no way to douse the flames. My love is like a crystal goblet that when light caresses it, creates a beautiful pattern from its perfection, but when dropped it shatters into thousands of tiny shards of crystal that never can and never will be replaced, and it is also like the red, red, rose that when potted in soil it grows in a beautiful blossom, but without the soil, it wilts to the ground and dies in a brownish haze of death. But no I will do something to make my life the right one for me! If life on this earth deals me a hand of pain and misery, I will not fold in the game! I will not lose in the game of life! I will take what I have been given and I will beat all the problems and losses in this world and I will bind someone who loves me, because I have all my love to give someone and they will receive it and they will return it, because I will do anything in my power to subside the flames of love and passion, and fulfill my yearning for love and to slake my feeling of lust. I have the power to make my life my own, and I will harness this ability and will use it to perfect my craft.

And perfect my life. I will use my mind and my body to make a front of warm love to consume the hate that has been built between the relationships that I have construed. My friends laugh at my need and want to lay in the arms of someone who can protect me from my nightmare; Ito bask in the glow of the one I love; to feel love's sweet kiss upon my lips; to have my love requited. I sp4end everyday feeling lost and left behind by the explicit romance I see around me. I feel marooned on an island in the ocean of the forgotten, and I'm never to see another soul for the rest of my life and possibly even after death. The world seems to forget me, and I have seemed to forget the world. When time has taken my final breath, I will never again be so willing to go passively into the night. I have a purpose that I must fulfill, my newly found purpose in life. I will do anything I can, to make sure I succeed in my quest of life. I will no longer sit back and take the obscenity that is so crudely shoved in my face. I will fight till the end of time, to ensure passage from this realm into the beyond. I today take a sep into a new moment of my life, a time when my life is under my control. My life is under my control."

237 sat on the bed just repeating that final sentence again and again in her mind 'My life is under my control' 237 soon got an idea to do something that no other experiment had ever attempted before and something that no other experiment even dared to do. 237's wings fluttered behind her as she reached for something to write on. She wrote chemical equations and mathematics charts and DNA formulas down on a small scrap piece of paper. Every now and then she muttered incoherent phrases about what to look like and what to change and more often then not would crumple hundreds of sheets of work just to start from scratch.

"There I'm done and now I shall get to the project I have in hand. Until tomorrow I wait and I will show the world that I am a force to wrecken with if you get me angry and right now I'm very angry!" she said as a feather from one of her wings descended to the room floor. "That's never happened before I'll take to Jumba about it…"

237 woke up the following morning with the intent of changing what she had been taught was the world. 237 pulled the covers of the bed off of her and she slowly got up and opened the door to the outside hallway. Unlike the night before, she slowly walked confidently forward and headed for the main lab that Jumba uses for all his experiments, genetic creations or not, and strode along like nothing had ever happened the night before.

237 finally got to the main lab and locked the door behind her. The room was dark on all sides with boiling vials laying about the place. 237 looked at her notes that had taken her easily hours the night before and started to pour mixtures together.