Against All Odds

By: Kelly

Okay guys, this is the sequel to Do You Dare?. I would advise you to read that one before this one to fully understand it.

Disclaimer: I own Jade Marie Winston and Kelly Brooke Curtis, but no one else. I am not S. E. Hinton, there fore I don't own the outsiders. Not S. E. Hinton, No outsiders. Got it? Good.

A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this and make sure and read Do You Dare as well. Please R/R!

Dedication: To All the people that have ever reviewed or written a story. Writers make stuff worth reading and reviewers make stuff worth writing. One cannot exist without the other so thanks guys!


"What?" he asked, his voice raspy.

"You heard me. Im Pregnant."

End Flashback

Just two years ago that scene had played out, followed by one with some very unhappy brothers that I won't get into. Now me and Dallas Winston had a beautiful baby girl to raise along with her 6 uncles. Me and Dallas had also gotten married shortly after the pregnancy. It had been a nice down to earth ceremony in the church I attended when I was younger with my mother and father. Darry had walked me down the aisle and it was lovely. I had a gorgeous diamond ring that the guys helped pick out around my neck on a chain now. It was on my finger, but I was afraid I'd loose it. Dally had moved in the house, into my room and my little girl slept in a small bed next to ours. Today was her 2nd Birthday and she was running around the house like a crazy ape. She was walking and running, and talking somewhat, but her speech was still weak.

"Mommy!!" Jade Marie Winston whined as she tugged on the hem of my pants.

"Yes baby?" I asked as I picked her up.

"Num Num." She said. 'Num Num' meant food. She was hungry.

"In a few minutes baby. " I said as Dally walked in. He hadn't done anything I had expected him to do when I told him I was pregnant. He hadn't left me. He hadn't even mentioned it. The first thing he said to me was, I love you. He had talked to my brother's employer about a job and now Dally was working for the Manager of the DX as a full time mechanic. This moved Soda down to part time, but he didn't mind. He had wanted more time to be a teenager anyway. Two-Bit had been really helpful as well. I hadn't wanted to quit school and Darry or Dally would let me, being sixteen at the time. Two-Bit had babysat and taken care of Jade while I went to school and Dally worked.

"Hey Baby." He said, kissing my lips gingerly. I smiled at him as I continued cooking Jade's birthday dinner.

"Hey my other baby." He said laughing sweetly as he picked Jade up and kissed her forehead.

"Daddy. Stinky." Jade said pushing him away slightly. She was still a daddy's girl, no matter how stinky daddy was. Dally laughed and dropped her on the couch to watch TV next to Pony.

I guess I should fill you in on what I have done since my Pregnancy with Jade. I continued going to school until I had her and then I only missed a few days. I was ridiculed quite a bit over having the toughest guy's around baby, but Dally made sure it didn't last long. I still laugh at the thought. I had graduated top of my class just like I was suppose too. (LOL). After graduation a wealthy man from the Soc side of town ask me to be the dance teacher at his dance school. I gladly accepted. I make pretty good money. I mean we get by. I love teaching them. I teach all ages from 6-16. They make up three separate classes. 6-8 in one, 9-12 in one and 13-16 in one. The school is pretty close to where the town divides so it's really no big deal for any of the guys to come and see me or me to go to work.

"Baby!" I heard a voice yell.

"What Dallas? Im cooking!" I yelled laughing.

"Come here!" He said exasperated. I walked back to the bathroom where he was and noticed a hand sticking out of the door.

"What?" I asked.

"Towel." He commanded.

"Dallas, you should have thought about that before you got in." I joked teasingly.

"Please baby." He said whining.

"Fine, whiney hiney." I said, handing him a soft towel and walking back into the kitchen to cook. I noticed Darry and Soda had just walked in followed by Steve, Tim, and Curly.

"Hi bros." I said hugging them and smiling at Tim and Curly. I know what your thinking. Tim and Curly??!? Well since Jade came along they have been around more. I mean they still are the biggest hoodlums ever, but not around Jade. I think Dally had a lot to do with that. They love her and she loves them. Now you have to understand. Things haven't changed much in two years and a baby; but they are considerably better. The gang still goes to rumbles and they still get banged up, but Jade is too young to understand. Socs still jump Greasers and they still fight back. It's just now most of the greasers look out for Jade. She's like everyone's baby.

"Cooking much?" Tim asked smirking at my pants that were covered with flour and other kitchen ingredients.

"No. I randomly roll in flour." I said sarcastically. He grinned at me and sat down on the couch. Jade had jumped up and ran over to Sodapop, but smelling him, she pushed him away as she had done Dally.

"Are you trying to tell me something J?" he asked. He had nicknamed her J, giving her the excuse that Jade was just too long. She laughed and nodded at him.

"Are you telling me I stink?" he asked picking her up and swinging her around in the air a few times. I laughed as I watched him. She was giggling insanely and it was just adorable. He finally put her down on Dally, who was now clean and smelling good and went to shower himself. Dally caught his daughter and began tickling her.

"Daddy!" She squealed. He stopped a few moments later and looked around at the familiar faces surrounding the living room.

"Fancy seeing you here." He laughed at Tim.

"Awwe, Dal. It's the kid's birthday." He said rolling his eyes. I walked into the room and sat down next to Dally. He leaned over and kissed me while Jade watched making a face at us.

"You know what? Your getting old." I informed her. "2 is really old." He eyes got wide and she laughed at me. I went into the other room and brought out her birthday cake. After a round of very horrible singing of Happy Birthday she opened all her presents. She was happy as a I have ever seen her. That night I put her in bed and as I was coming back downstairs I overheard Time telling the guys something.

"They jumped Curly the other night and then called a rumble. They apparently have nothing better to do."He commented. I could hear Darry cursing under his breath. I knew there hadn't been a rumble in sometime now. I mean not since Jade's last birthday. There was one the day before. I really didn't want Dally going. I was going to run out of excuses to give Jade as to where her daddy and uncles were or why they came home hurt. I reentered the living room, sighing.

"Your going aren't you?" I asked them. Dally looked at me as he pulled me close.

"Baby, you know as well as I do as long as we live here there are things that I have to do and going to a rumble is one of them."

"Dally! Get a clue! Does it do you any good whatsoever? You go. You come home beat up. Then you do it again a few days later. What is the point? Your still gonna be a greaser and there still gonna be Socs!" I said stomping into my room. Life wasn't fair, but there wasn't much I could do about it right now.