Disclaimer- I don't own the O.C.

A/N- Hey guys! Thanks so much for the reviews, and please keep writing them, because they mean a lot to me and I take your feedback into consideration. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Marissa was the first one to see Jimmy, standing next to the baggage claim with a sign in his hands that read "Dysfunctional Teens from Newport Beach." She ran over to him, almost knocking him over with her hug.


"Hey kiddo," Jimmy managed in a stifled voice, unable to speak from Marissa's huge embrace.

Ryan, Seth and Summer made their way over to the two of them.

"Hey guys."

All three offered him wide smiles and warm hellos.

"What's with the sign?" Ryan asked.

"Can't a guy have a sense of humor?"

Seth took this moment as his chance to intervene with some sort of witty statement, which tended to be his natural greeting.

"Jimmy, have you completely forgotten? You're talking to Ryan here-"

Ryan shot Seth a sardonic smirk, silencing him as usual. The five of them stood around in a circle, taking everything in. They were all so overwhelmed- seeing Jimmy, being together in Hawaii, getting away from Newport for a week…

Jimmy broke their daze.

"Guys, did you check your bags? Or are we just gonna stand here…"

"Umm, just Sum…"

Marissa laughed at the thought of her friend having packed an entire suitcase full of shoes, makeup and accessories.

"Right, Cohen, come help me with my bags."

Summer waited for him to start whining and arguing with her, just like old times. But now, Seth knew that was what she wanted. The best way to get under her skin was to act cool and complacent, as if he could care less that they were in one of the most romantic spots of the world together.

He agreed with a short "Okay Summer," and walked over to the belt as piles of suitcases began to roll through the airport.

Confused, Summer followed, leaving the other three by themselves. Jimmy was still amazed that he was finally getting to see them.

"It's been too long guys."

"Yeah, yeah it has."

Ryan offered Jimmy his hand, and was pulled into a tight hug instead. He was taken aback at first, but then gladly accepted.

Meanwhile, Seth and Summer had been waiting for her luggage to come by. They stood in complete silence, and it was making both of them incredibly uneasy. However, Seth didn't show it. Instead he stood, tapping his foot, and looking out at the Hawaiian landscape through large glass windows.

"So, Hawaii, pretty cool, huh?"

Seth turned back around, but didn't look at Summer. He focused his attention on the luggage in front of him, trying to find her suitcase. His response sounded casual and disinterested.

"Yep, pretty cool. Is that your bag?"

A large, Louis Vuitton suitcase was approaching them. Seth leaned down to check the nametag, confirming it was Summer's. He then hiked it up on his shoulder, and started to walk back to where the three were situated.

"It has wheels, Cohen."

Summer smiled to herself, walking behind Seth.

Okay, I know him too well. Any second now he should turn around and complain that he's a man, and its bad enough that he has to carry around her designer luggage, and how he doesn't want to make his first impression in Hawaii as a rich, spoiled teen with a questionable sexual orientation.

"Good point." He put the bag down and wheeled it the rest of the way.

Summer was completely flustered. Why was he acting like this? What happened to her neurotic, sarcastic, mumbling Seth Cohen? She sighed and followed along.

What am I doing? Seth thought. Proudly wheeling a designer suitcase through an airport to prove a point? Next thing you know I'm gonna be bobbing my head to the newest Britney Spears single. What am I trying to prove anyway? God, I don't even remember. But it seems to be bothering Summer, which means it must be working.

The five of them finally reassembled, and followed Jimmy to his car. Before getting in, they stood outside and took in the landscape. Sure, they lived in one of the most beautiful counties on the mainland. Even so, Hawaii was still breathtaking, and the four teens were amazed to be there.

The car ride was short, only about fifteen minutes from the airport. Marissa sat in the front with her dad, while the other three squeezed into the back- an oddly quiet Seth in the middle.

"I can't tell you happy I am to have you guys here. I mean, Hawaii's great and all, but still-"

"It's not the same."

Marissa finished her father's thought and smiled at him.

"Yeah, no, it's really not."

Jimmy paused to reflect on the town he missed, and then continued to speak.

"So, how's it going there? What scandals did I miss out on? Or did all the drama cool down once Jimmy Cooper left?"

Marissa laughed.

"Oh no, you missed a lot."

"Yeah? Fill me in."

None of the four teens felt like recapping the turbulent past few months in Newport Beach. That was what they were trying to escape from, and this vacation was supposed to be as normal as possible, free from drama.

Summer, whose words had been few since the beginning of the ride, decided to comment.

"You know Mr. Cooper, what happens in The O.C., stays in the O.C."

Everyone laughed and decided to drop the subject. After all, Jimmy had moved to get away from the chaotic drama, hadn't he?

A few minutes went by of complete silence. The situation was so overwhelming that no one found speaking necessary. Soon after, they drove down a large strip of land, much like that of Newport Beach. A large house mounted on the top of a hill appeared in their vision.

"This is it," Jimmy announced.

"Wow, dad. This is amazing."

"Yeah, well. Good job."

Jimmy turned towards Marissa and smiled, while Seth finally decided to speak up.

"I feel like we've been thrown into an alternate world of Newport Beach."

Ryan laughed. "Are you gonna add that into the comic book?"

"I like the way you think Ryan…but remember man, I'm the brains, you're the brawn. I'm the one coming up with the executive decision here."

"Seth, I'm not even part of your comic book, relax."

By this point, Jimmy was completely confused with what Ryan and Seth were talking about.

"What comic book?"

Seth was about to explain the animated world of Orange County to Jimmy, when Summer spoke up.

"Don't even ask Mr. Cooper, or we'll probably never get out of this car."

"Oh, really, Summer? Well it's nice to see you're so dedicated to the team project."

"Shut it Cohen."

Summer smiled and slapped Seth's upper arm with the back of her hand.

"Ow, God. We're gonna have to write in an evil double personality for Miss Vixen, aren't we?"

"That's what the rage blackouts are for."


Seth laughed as Summer got out of the car. He leaned back in the seat and realized that they had just had a normal conversation. And it was completely painless. Well, sort of. Stroking his arm from where he had been hit, he smiled to himself. Maybe, he didn't have to prove any point to her. Maybe, this vacation would reunite them naturally, and Seth Cohen's superpowers could finally take a rest.

"Dad…this place is amazing."

Jimmy was giving the grand tour of his new home, which proved to be absolutely astounding. The interior was decorated with contemporary furniture, and bright welcoming colors. However, it did seem a little much for one person.

"Don't you get lonely?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, I do."

There was a solemn moment between the five of them, and Jimmy's eyes reflected his sadness. Quickly, he brought the conversation to a more uplifting note.

"But now you guys are here, so don't worry about it. We're gonna have fun, okay?"

"Yeah. Of course we are."

Marissa's words were sincere and comforting, and the topic changed immediately.

"Oh…I forgot to show you guys the best part."

A smile appeared on Jimmy's face as he ushered the kids to the back of the house. A moment later, they were standing in front of a pair of glass doors, covered by transparent blue curtains.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

The four teens stared at him blankly, waiting to see what was so extraordinary. Jimmy dramatically heaved the doors open, revealing one of the most beautiful beaches any of them had ever seen. Right outside the doors was a light wooden porch, with two steps towards mounds of white sand. The strip of beach, literally ten feet away from where they stood, looked smooth and pure, leading the way to a vast turquoise ocean.

"It's beautiful."

Marissa was the first one to speak after the four had remained speechless for what seemed like several minutes. She walked outside onto the porch, and rested her hands along the railing. Ryan watched her from inside the house. Her hair was blowing lightly behind her, and he could feel her watching the tide rush up the shore. Slowly, he walked up behind her, and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Marissa looked over her shoulder and smiled at him.


Ryan wrapped his arms around her waist, and pulled his head forwards, resting his chin on her shoulder.

"Hi," he whispered.

They turned around to find that the three others were no longer standing in the doorway.

"I guess we're missing the tour," Ryan said.

Marissa smiled, and took his right hand in hers.

"Come with me." She began to lead him off the porch and out to the beach.

"Where are we going?"

Instead of answering, she brought him to the shore, right before the water met the sand. They stood, holding hands, and watched the sun set in a pink sky, soon to disappear behind the foggy horizon.

"I never thought I would see a more beautiful sunset than the one in Newport."

Ryan smiled and they stood in silence for a few minutes, until Marissa spoke again.

"Promise me something Ryan."


Marissa turned her face from Ryan's back to the fading sun. She paused for a moment before she spoke, and drew in a breath, intriguing him of what she would ask.

"Before the end of this vacation, let's sleep out here, and watch the sun go down together."

She turned her face back to his, and saw the element of surprise in his eyes.

"That's it?" he asked.

Marissa didn't respond and looked down at the sand below her. He realized that, for whatever reason, this was important to her, and it quickly became just as meaningful to him.


She lifted her face back to his and smiled. He hadn't asked why, and that was one of the things she loved about him. Just knowing that it meant something to her was enough for him to understand.

A few minutes later they came back in the house, their shoes full of sand.

"I wonder if your dad's done showing them around yet," Ryan asked, as he emptied the sand out of his boots and onto the porch.

Marissa ignored his comment.

"Wow, Ryan, we really need to get you a new pair of shoes."

"Excuse me?"

"Well, we're in Hawaii and you're wearing boots…"

"Oh, I see, and is there a problem with that?"

He leaned into her in his playful way, and she started to laugh and push his chest lightly.

"I think we'll take you shopping for a pair of nice shoes this week."

"Well I happen to like my boots."

Ryan smiled and grabbed on to her arms, pulling her closer to him.

"Oh really, you do?"

"Yes, I do."

Laughing, Marissa quickly snatched the boots that were sitting on the porch, and ran out to the beach with them in her hands.

"Hey!" Ryan shouted, running after her. She felt him approaching her, and slowed down, eventually stopping short and letting him catch her. They tumbled over into the sand, his arms wrapped around her waist. They were both laughing hard, and he pulled the shoes out of her hands and placed them back down on the sand.

"Who do you think you are, huh?"

Marissa thought for a second, and the appropriate answer quickly surfaced in her mind. Turning toward him, she leaned in and whispered seductively, "who ever you want me to be…"

Gently laughing, he smiled at her and then turned on to his back, looking up at the sky, now engulfed in evening shades of pink and blue.

"I'm never gonna live that one down, am I?" He asked, calm and settled in the sand.

Marissa paused, and then answered him.

"No, you're not."

Ryan smiled and began to reflect on the first day he had come to Newport.

"That was a long time ago, wasn't it?"

"Yeah, it was, in ways…"

"What do you mean?"

"When you first came to Newport…well, it feels like a thousand years ago. I remember, everyone thought my life was perfect, and I guess, from an outsider's perspective it was. I had the richest father in the county, I had been dating the captain of the water polo team, my friends always invited me to the fastest parties…but, I hated it. No one could tell how unhappy I was, how much I just wanted out, of all of it…"


Ryan put his hand over hers, and stroked her hair. It felt so painful for him to watch her recount her past…he just wanted them to be happy, now, and not have to remember everything they went through when they felt alone and imprisoned.

"No, wait," she said.

"That was what my life was like, everyday, until that day you walked down from the Cohen's house, with a cigarette hanging out of your mouth, and this tough look on your face, like you couldn't be bothered by the world."

Ryan thought about this, and how right she was. He had tried too hard to act like the world couldn't hurt him, only because he knew how vulnerable he really was.

"But, I saw right through that..."

Marissa smiled and put her free hand in his hair.

"And, I guess, that's what automatically drew me to you…you were just like me. Trying to put up this front, that the world couldn't touch you, like you were invincible, when really, you felt like you were dying inside..."

It was hard for him to comment on this. He knew that everything she had said expressed how he felt exactly, and he didn't want to try to explain it in his own words. Instead, he asked,

"So how doesn't it feel like a thousand years ago?"

She thought about this, knowing the answer could be long and reflective. But, it didn't seem necessary to explain. Instead, she answered,

"Well, you still smell the same…"

They laughed, and Ryan leaned into her. He stroked her forehead with his thumb, and kissed her gently on the lips.

"I love you," he whispered.

"I love you too."

He smiled, and before kissing her again, he said,

"Well, I guess that's one other thing that hasn't changed."