WAH! I feel so LOVED! Yay, for Loyal Minions!
DISCLAIMER: I OWNZ0RZ NOTHINGZ0RZ! (If there's anyone you wanna blame for the L33T, blame Tameon.Guy at school And Megatokyo.)
Kumori Sakusha formerly Saelbu: Aww...Thankies!
The flickering flame: glares Damn your superior guessing skills...And now I haff updated!
Hathors-Favorite: Wai! Loyal Minion Numbah One, I command you find more Loyal Minions! Uh...Please...? And in case you didn't notice, I SO stole the name of the maid from Eerie Queerie...Mitsuko...Heh...Unfortunately, this one isn't as long...FORGIVE ME, MY DEAREST LOYAL MINION!
"Move outta my way!" Mai shoves Mokuba and opens the door. "Gasp ! Thunk" She fainted again.
"Oh, boy..."
"I warned her."
"W-what's going on in here?"
"What the hell?"
Seto and Jou were in the process of...Dun dun dun! Kicking Big 5 ass! Hah! You all thought it was something else didn't you?
"Try an' kill off MY boyfriend, will ya?" Jou was closing in on Nesbit and the rest of the Big 5. (Tries to hold back snicker Nesbit...)
"Aah! We're sorry! We'll never do it again, we swear!"
Jou smirks. "And I'll make sure of it..."
"Katsuya, that's enough."
Jou turns. "You can't tell me you honestly believe them?"
Seto smirks. "Oh, no...It's just my turn."
(I'll leave it to your imaginations as to what exactly they're doing to them.Evil grin)
Mokuba shut the door again. "You'd think they'd learn. sigh Oh, well."
Everyone else just looked kinda scared. When Jou and Seto finally came out from the room the group turned to them, still looking kinda scared.
"Uh, you guys finished with whatever it was you were doing...?" Yugi asked, cautiously.
Jou nodded. "Yup, and now I'm starving! Seto, can we go out for dinner?"
"I don't care."
"Shweet...Hey, you guys wanna come?"
"Sure, why not?"
"We don't have to pay do we?"
"All right."
Mai woke up and murmured, "Ok..."
Everyone sweatdropped. "I guess Mai's coming, too..."
"Who said they could come?" Seto asked and Jou stared at him. "...Fine...But, I'm not carrying her again..." He gestured towards Mai.
Jou smiled. "Of course not. Mai! Wake up!" He bent down and slapped her face. "Oh, Mai! Wakey, wakey!"
She stirred. "Ooohhhh...Wha' 'appened...?"
"You fainted. Again." Yugi supplied.
"Oh...Jounouchi, stop hitting me!"
He stopped. "Sorry."
"Yeah, right..." Seto whispered.
"Shut up!" Jou whispered, elbowing him. "Well, let's get going! We going to Burger World, right?"
Seto sighed. "I suppose."
"Which car are we gonna take, Onii-sama?"
"Hmm? Oh, well, I think the Jeep's too small for everyone to fit in...So, that means we'll be taking the limo."
" 'Kay!"
They all piled into the limo and Seto drove them to Burger World.
"Ah, watch out for that old lady!"
"I see her!"
"The light's red, Seto!"
"I know!"
"My leg!"
"Turn left."
"Aah! No, not there! There!"
Let's just say it was a very traumatizing experience...
"Thank, Ra...we're here..." They all hurried out of the limo and standing on shaking legs, ran into the restaurant. They chose a table big enough for all of them and sat down. Mai sat next to Jou who was sitting next to Seto who was sitting next to Mokuba who was sitting next to Yugi who was sitting next to Honda who was sitting next to Anzu who was sitting next to Mai who was sitting next to- (Bam AH! Okay, I get it!) Anyway, they were sitting down and a waitress came to take their order.
"Hello, my name is...Oh-my-God...You're Kaiba Seto!"
Seto groaned. "Not again! Yes, I'm Kaiba Seto, no I won't give you an autograph, no I won't let you introduce me to your friends, no you can't take a picture, no you can't have my number, and NO I will NOT go out with you!"
Mokuba snickered as Jou glared at her.
"Aww...Well, can I take your order?" She said dejectedly.
"Yes, I'll take the Insert name of burger joint type food here..."
"All right, and you?"
"Before I order, who's paying for all this?" Honda asked and Seto, sighing, raised his hand from the table. "Awesome...I'll take the blank and the blank and the blank, too. Oh, and a blank and-"
The waitress took everyone's order and went to the kitchen.
Jou was twitching. "Stupid twitch Waitress twitch...Must not kill..."
Seto sweatdropped. "Just calm down, Katsuya..."
Jou took a deep breath. "I'm okay..." He smiled. "Perfectly fine..."
Seto raised an eyebrow. "You're sure?"
Jou nodded. "Yup. Positive."
Seto smirked. "Only fools are positive."
Jou scowled. "Oh, shut up!"
Seto snickered.
After our absolute favorite Bishi's finished their lovely meal of FAT they prepared themselves for the ride home.
"Must buckle in...Must buckle in...Where is it...?"
However, they were a little late in preparing themselves...
"Oh, it hurts!"
Back at the mansion...You know that sounds so much cooler than 'Back at the ranch'. I'm gonna say 'Back at the mansion' from now on...Err...anyways...They quickly evacuated the death trap that is Seto's limo.
"Oh, Ra, I thought I was gonna die!"
Seto sweatdropped. "Oh, come on. I'm not that bad of a driver!" They all stared at him incredulously.
"You're crazy!"
"Uh, Seto...sweetie...?"
"The hell did you just call him?"
"Shut up, Honda! Anyway, Seto...I think I'll do the driving from now on..."
"But, you don't have a license."
Jou mumbled under his breath, "I'm not even sure how you got yours..."
"Nothing, nothing! Ha ha ha...Umm...Hey! Why don't you guys spend the night?"
Everyone readily agreed, not wanting to risk Seto driving them home.
"Yay! A slumber party! Jou, go get some movies and I'll go make some popcorn!" Mokuba sounded, heading for the kitchen, dragging Mai and Anzu with him.
"But we just ate!" Seto protested.
"...Why do I date you?"
"Because you love me, remember!" Jou said, cheerfully, digging through the movies in the entertainment center.
"Oh, yeah...Now I remember." Seto sighed, flopping onto the couch.
"What? Since when have you been dating? And since when do you love him?" Honda screeched.
"Uhm...It's been what a month?"
"Yeah, that sounds about right. Where have you been, Honda?" Jou shook his head. "Honestly."
Honda's jaw dropped. "You're joking..."
"Well, it's certainly news to me!"
"That's because you're an idiot."
"I'm a what?"
"You heard me."
Honda glared at Seto while Jounouchi snickered then suddenly switched tactics.
"Yuugi! You knew about this!"
"Yeah, I found out about umm..." Yuugi looked at his watch, " Two hours ago. It wasn't a very pleasant experience."
"Just what are you saying, Yuugi?" Jou looked at him.
"I'm saying that watching you two make out is not the most fun thing in the world."
"They were doing what!" Honda shouted.
Jounouchi grinned. "Making out. Want a demonstration?"
Honda made a face. "God, no!"
"So, you don't mind about us, do you?" Jou asked.
"Well...As long as he" He stared at Seto. "is good to you...And you don't kiss in front of me...Then I guess...I don't mind..."
"Wonderful! Now, we only have to break the news to Anzu and we're done for now!" Jou smiled.
"...What do you mean 'break the news'?..."
"That's not exactly true..."
Poor Seto is ignored
"Eh? Why not, Yuugi?" Jou axed, confused
"Because Mai doesn't remember what happened before she fainted."
"Oh..." Jou shrugged. "Oh, well."
"She likes you you know." Yuugi told him.
"Oh, I know. She was SO coming on to me in the virtual world."
Seto's ear quirked. "She what...?"
"Oh, yeah. She was all 'I should reward you for finding the ship.'"
Seto's eye twitched. "...Was she...?
"Yeah, and then when I told her I was seeing someone she was all 'Well, they can't be better than me!' I had to threaten to throw her off the ship to get her to quit! Man. Mai is such a slut!"
(Not MY opinion, I swear!)
Seto's eye twitched again. "I'll kill her."
Jou blinked. "Huh?"
"I will kill that stupid-"
Jou's eyes widened and he moved to stop him. "Aah! NO! Er, I mean...No...I think Anzu is quite...attatched to her...Yeah...She might be...upset if she, uh, dies...Yeah..."
Seto eyed him. "Fine."
Jou sighed in relief. 'Crisis averted...' "Thank you..."
"But if she does it again, she's leaves!"
"Absolutely! Now, why don't we go pick out a movie, huh?" Jou led him to the entertainment center.
Seto nodded. "Alright."
Meanwhile Yuugi and Honda were staring in horror. Jou looked back and said "He's a little over-protective."
"I am NOT over-protective!"
Jou snickered. "Whatever you say, Seto. Whatever you say."
"You know, they've been gone for a while to just be making popcorn." Yuugi noticed.
Jou shrugged. "Nah, not really. They probably got lost on the way to the kitchen."
Yuugi's jaw dropped. "You can't be serious! Mokuba still get's lost? And he's lived here
how long!"
Jou shrugged again. "I know I still do. And I've lived here for like a month."
It was Honda's jaw that dropped this time. "You what?"
"Oh, yeah, didn't I mention?"
"No! You most certainly did not!"
"Oh. Well, guess what guys? I've been living here for a month. Is that better? Better late than never, right?"
"NO, It's not better! Gawd, what's gotten into you?"
Jou thought. "Well, Seto for starters."
"AAH! I so did not need to hear that! The images! The evil images!"
Jou chuckled. "Ok, ok, seriously?"
Honda nodded sourly. "That would be nice, thanks."
Jou rolled his eyes. "Well, it turns out that dear old dad is a dear old drunk and living with him for one more second may have been hazardous to my mental and physical health."
"Alright, I get that. But why Kaiba?"
"I'm still in the room you know."
"Because, I've liked him longer than you may think."
And Seto is ignored again.
"Wha-? And just how long have you liked him then?"
"Umm...When I first laid eyes on him?"
Honda decided to faint then.
Yuugi poked him with hit foot and Seto blinked, dazed. "...Cool..."
Heh Heh...And the pot thickens! RE-BIEW PUH-LE-ASE!