Shattered Ring

A/N: This is my first time trying this so tell me if it sucks. Here's my idea: to tell the story of Yami Bakura's death and the aftermath through poems. Is it any good? O.o

I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh. Pairings for this story are as follows: Bakura x Ryou, one-sided Seto x Ryou (of course :P), Yami x Yuugi, Jou x ...nobody yet, Marik x Bakura x Malik.

Oh, by the way, the name of the chapter is the character whose point-of-view it's from. This one's Ryou.

are you really


did you leave me here

among false friends

and even falser enemies

among a false king

and a plastic dancer

and one man who

in his anger at his father

might just destroy us all?


why did you



i can't


i must

it feels like such heresy to say it but i think you're gone for good this time and you're never coming back to me ever ever ever again?

Uh... Yeah. That's it for this chapter. :)