The Defenders

Author's note: To make this story easier to understand, I will be using the year 1996 as when Greymon fought Parrotmon which the kids all saw that made them Digidestined. Also this will deal with Digimon and Pokemon as separate time lines or dimensions. This also has some aspects of the Age of Apocalypse.



"Keep attacking him!" Tai yelled. The Digimon nodded and continued to battle Apocalymon. "He'll pay for doing this!" Tai said,"He'll pay for threatening our world!"

Apocalymon attacked each of the Digimon, and through them back towards the ground. "You can't stop me!" he gloated as he hovered above them, "I am Apocalymon! I could destroy this entire world if I wanted but, I offer you a choice."

"Whatever it is, we don't want it!" Matt yelled.

Apocalymon ignored him and said,"You have destroyed my servants, the Dark Masters. If you join me, you shall become the rulers of the Digiworld!"

"Forget it!" Tai said,"We're going to save the Digiworld, and that means taking you out!"

"Man!" Sora thought,"Its up to all of us to save both worlds, but Tai's making it his problem alone! Tai, if you only knew how much everyone looks up to you, even Matt, although he'll never admit it! Tai, I..."

But she never finished that thought because at that moment a brilliant light exploded from the east and enveloped everything.

Near the Indigo Plateau

Ash, Misty, and Brock were walking down Victory Road, when Pikachu suddenly started crying, from his perch on Ash's backpack, "Pika! Pikachu! Pika!"

"What is it, Pikachu?" Ash asked.

Pikachu hopped down and pointed down the path. "Chu! Chu!"

The ground suddenly began to shake as a Rhyhorn pulling a trailer thundered towards them.

"Ahh!" Misty cried, grabbing hold of Ash."Its gonna hit us!"

The Rhyhorn stopped a few feet in front of them. "What the?" Ash asked.

The trailer looked somewhat like what a truck would pull. The top slid open and three figures rose up. "Prepare for trouble!" one said.

"And make it double!" the other said.

"To protect the world from devastation!"

"To untie all peoples within our nation!"

"To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

"Hey, guys!" Ash said,"There's something that's been bothering me for a while now! How come if you're bad guys, you want to 'protect the world from devastation' and 'unite all peoples within your nation?"

Jessie, James, and Meowth looked at each other, then got into a huddle. They conversed for a few minutes, then turned back. "Never mind that!" Jessie said,"We have more important things to discuss!"

"Like what?" Brock asked.

"You have not only stopped our attempts at capturing Pikachu,"Meowth said,"But you've also ruined Team Rocket operations across this globe!"


The trio had stepped off the platform before it descended back into the trailer. Now it was rising again with a new figure on it. "Someone would like to talk to you about that!" James said.

"Presenting.."Jessie said.

"Our one.."James said.

"And only..."Meowth said.

"The Boss!" all three said as the figure stepped forward.

"Hey,"Misty said,"You're the Viridan City Gym Leader, Giovanni!"

"I was,"he said,"Untill you destroyed my gym!" He pointed at Ash. "I challenge you to a Pokemon match!"

Ash clenched his fists. "So your the mastermind behind Team Rocket, huh? Well, I'll stop you too! Get ready Pikachu!"

But they never got the chance to have that battle, for at that moment a bright light shot from the horizon, claiming everything in sight.

part 1 coming soon!