Alright guys, it's been a long run, but even the most best friendships must come to an end, Sora and Tai from Digimon, Cody and Grace from Student Bodies, Hawkgirl and GL from Justice League (lol I used to be obsessed with all those shows, but they all ended!!)

Broken Promises

Chapter 10

Promises Are Easily Broken

That was the last straw. When Jack saw her body topple to the soil, his dad's voice had been silenced, completely wiped from his head. Now there was no longer a doubting sense about whether he loved Kate or not. His mind was focused on one thing, kicking Ethan's ass.

Jack ran to him, he had to do this as quickly as possible for Kate's sake. Ethan shot out a balled fist, but it missed Jack's jaw by an inch. Jack punched as hard as he could and came in contact with Ethan's jaw once again.

He yelled furiously and tackled Jack to the jungle floor. He was on top of him and had the advantage, he swiftly grabbed the knife from his belt and tried to plunge it into Jack, but he moved at the last second, only receiving a small gash across the cheek.

He hit the knife out of Ethan's hands and they watch as it slide across the small weeds. Jack took this moment to grab the knife Sayid had given him. He took it quickly and jabbed it with force into Ethan's gut.

Ethan groaned and fell off of him, holding his hand to the wound to stop blood from gushing out. Jack stood up panting and yelled to the trees, "Locke, now!"

Locke and Boone immediately appeared from nearby bushed and rushed to apprehend Ethan. They each grabbed on of his arms and dragged him while he struggled into the jungle. Jack didn't care a shred what they did to him.

He quickly rushed over to Kate, kneeling on the ground he gently lifted her head of the ground, her eyes fluttered open, "Hey," she mumbled.

Jack smiled weakly and once again wrecked another shirt by ripping the sleeve and wrapping it around her wrist, "You're going to be okay, Kate," he told her. He lifted her up into his arms once again, leaning his head down he placed a soft kiss on her forehead, "You're going to be fine."

Her eyes fumbled open as she blinked away the exhaustion that weight all of her body parts down. She groaned as she attempted to sit up, and noticed someone in the cave turn all his attention towards her.

It was dark out and all the midnight insects were chirping. Seemed like everyone else at the caves had fallen asleep, except for him.

He dropped the medical supplies he'd been shuffling through and sat down next to her, surprised as she sat up by herself, "Feeling better?" he asked.

"Much actually," she replied, "How's my bruises?" she asked moving a hand to her cheek.

"The one on your cheeks subsided quite a bit, as have your neck and knee bruises," he answered in doctor tone.

She chuckled, "Am I going to make a full recovery?" she questioned looking at her heavily padded wrists.

"Yeah, I've checked out all your injuries, all are healing quickly, I just need to know if you have any lost memories," he stated.

"The last thing I remember is you kissing me, on the forehead in the jungle," she disclosed quite bluntly, "That was a dream wasn't it?" she replied back giggling nevrously.

Jack smiled, it was a different smile, like he was concealing something, "I don't know," he replied then shifted closer to her, "did it feel like this?"

His lips gently pressed against her, not rushing anything. Jack pulled hesitantly away and she smiled at him, "yeah it did actually, but I would've preferred this," she explained then crashed her lips onto his.

As he deepened the kiss his hand slide up her back to rest in her hair, while the other snaked around her waist and lowered her back to the blanket which she'd just risen off of.

His lips trailed across her face, and he gently planted small pecks on her bruised cheek. Her hands slide up his arms to his shoulder and quickly began to make quick work of the row of buttons that stood in her way.

She pushed it off his shoulders as he began to trail kisses from her lips to her neck, pausing for a moment to look at the needle mark. Kate's hand wrapped around the back of his head and brought him back up to meet her lips.

Her breath caught, when his hands reached under her shirt for a moment, and before she knew it, the fabric was discarded on the floor as well. His head dipped down as he lay kisses all over her stomach until he reached her pant line.

He stopped and looked up to her for a sign to continue, she smiled and he began to undo the button on her cargo pants until she tilted his head up to meet her eyes, "No, it's your turn," she reminded and he chuckled.

She sat up on Jack's lap, her legs on either side of him, bracing herself. Her lips gently ran over the scratch from earlier that day and she managed to unbuckle his blue jeans. He held Kate tight to him, and kissed her shoulder and his hands undid her pants.

He gently lead her back down to the blanket and Kate finally got her answer to the question that had been plaguing her.

His eyes opened slowly and he felt a pang of déjà vu. Kate's head was nestled against his neck. She was lounged on top of him once again though this time was exceedingly better then the last.

Jack arched and eyebrow her way and wondered in his mind as he lifted his hand and placed it on her bare back. The purr came from the back of her throat and Jack smiled as he kissed her awake.

She didn't hesitate to kiss him back and smiled when she was fully awake, "Morning."

"It's not morning yet," Jack beamed back, "we don't have to get up for another couple of hours," he explained as he held her hand in his, kissing the back of it gently.

"And you had something planned?" she asked provocatively raising an eyebrow, still not turning over from on top of him.

"Not if you don't want to," he added and kissed the side of her neck, she instantaneously melted against him. He loved the way her body felt against his, the way her hair was soft on his face.

"I never got a chance to thank you," Kate remembered as she looked up at him, "You saved my life, Jack."

"It was my fault it happened in the first place," Jack divulged as he kissed her shoulder softly, "I promise Kate, I'm not going to let anyone hurt you like that again."

She smiled and kissed him passionately on the lips before settling back into his chest, falling into sleep once again as he alternated between caressing and kissing her shoulder.

She kissed his neck. His words, his promise ran through her mind as she closed her eyes. She knew he meant well, and any other girl would fall head over heels just for that sentence. But Kate knew all to well, that promises are easily broken.

The End

Tear, it was a nice ride, like a bumpy roller coaster and I'm glad you all came along it with me (Oh god I'm getting teary) Nothing can cheer me up…

Suddenly Thriller starts to play

OMG can it really be??? Charlie, Sayid, Michael, Locke, Jack, Boone and gut wound Ethan come out

They all start dancing to the song Thriller and do the routine but Charlie's doing the wrong steps and suddenly he knocks over Sayid which starts a chain reaction and they all topple over.

Charlie (crying): I told you I couldn't bloody do this…

Ah that was nice… feel free to add anything lol

Jess Lol thank you very much for the good luck, 'cause I'm gonna need it. 2 ½ hours of biology WHAT HELL IS THIS!?!? Answer: BIO HELL

Auroramist Nah, the Energizer Bunny would've blocked the life claiming blow with his drum.

JasmineHR yeah I know for being a made up character I envy her too, Lol you want some story, guess what, after exams you guys are gonna get steady updates on my other story daily! Yep I got it back!! Does Thriller Dance

FanOfLost When I read "Jack need to tell his father's voice to go to hell" lol I laughed so hard because I thought "yeah that'll make him look saner.
A) No Kate's the only sane one, therefore she must be terminated

B)But you can't get rid of Christian Sheppard, he's like that ketchup stain on your favorite top

C) Yeah he's dead, I kinda did that without doing it (because Ethan can dance like that guy from Footloose…)
D) Locke gave up on Charlie because he said and I quote "He's not worth my crack, hallucination triggering fruit salve" and he left… Boone just grunted…

E) No I won't I don't know what an apical meristem is

Pink Pinker Lol yeah I like random babbling too, and he is sane I mean come on who would NOT do the Thriller dance, I was doing it while I wrote…

Alright guys, well that's all I wrote, but I started the new post-island fic, and I got my other story back! Yeah for island one-night-stands. Keep checking for updates
