A Hangman's Tale
Randy was getting ready for the last and final showdown with Adam. This time it was for keeps or until eternity ends. Both Randy and Adam had one thing in common Vicky, Randy's wife, the battle scars are fully healed from the last meeting Adam had with Randy. This time it will begin and end in the wrestling ring. Both men have established there names with the fans who know the truth about them in and out of the ring. The name of this match will be called the Hangman's tale meaning the looser will be hanged by the undertaker and the winner must read the poem the hangman's tale in old English. Or read it so other people can understand it. It was two weeks before the match and the papers were to be signed around 12 noon that Friday afternoon. Adam arrived by limo and went though one entrance and about 15 minutes later Randy arrived by limo as well. Both men were dressed in very well tailored suits. The press was called to witness this signing and they were going to ask some questions about this match and what will be at steak or who will live to see the next day. The moment has come to sign the papers, Adam came to the table first to sign his name, and then it was Randy's turn and while he signed the paper Adam saw Vicky from the concer of his eye in the mean while Randy had both eyes on Adam to make sure that he won't try anything. Randy had backup around the concer. After that both men took questions, First up was Randy they asked how are you feeling about this match and what are you true feelings about Adam (edge). I am very much ready for this match and how I truly feel about Adam will come out in the end as long as he stays the H-E-L-L from my wife or he will be in some major trouble. Then it was Adam turn and Adam simply said I will be the only man standing when it is all done. Adam went over to Vicky and laid one big kiss dead smack on the lips, Once Randy saw that he went right into ass beating mode, Adam went running for his life until he meet the fist of Dave then the foot of Paul who held him until Randy came down the hall at full speed and when Randy stood over Adam's body Randy said I want you to Remember how much pain you were once in before, I will send you back there again and one more time in the ring.