Holy God this chapter took such a long time to write…mainly because I started writing the mini-story, then got writer's block on it, then realized how terrible it was. The original focused too much on how much Yuna missed Tidus, and had too many intended fragments. I don't think that makes a very good story. This one focuses more on the deception aspects of Yuna ditching Tidus for Bickson. In my opinion, the new plot is much more plausible. The old summary is basically Yuna mourns Tidus, two years later Bickson drags paralyzed Yuna (whose body gave up on walking when Tidus left her) out of her hut and makes her move on, happily ever after. Stupid, I know…probably one of the crappiest ideas I've gotten. It was almost as bad as my Aurikku one...I know it makes me cringe as well. I just reread it…god that is such a crappy story. I now know why I gave up on it. Well, I'll stop talking about how crappy the first idea of this story was, and just begin the story already.

Oh, and Final Fantasy X-2 happened, but it I get something wrong, point it out to me. I've never played the sequel to FFX, and I haven't finished FFX. I know almost the entire story, though. I really have been reading too many fanfics with major spoilers in them…ESPECIALLY Blessed, Cursed, Beautiful…which is the greatest Rikka (Rikku/Wakka) story I've ever read. Very good .

Disclaimer of Dear Satan:intense sarcasm: Yeah, I own Final Fantasy 10. It's all mine, folks. Okay, maybe the Japanese guys owns a LITTLE…maybe a LOT…maybe it ALL. Crap, I only own a COPY of the game. Grrr………………………

Yuna twisted the diamond ring on her ring finger nervously, taking in what she was about to do.

Five years earlier, she wouldn't have dreamed of doing this. Five years ago, she was gallivanting around Spira, being such a huge ditz as she searched for a person who would never return to her. She was foolish then, nineteen and still as naïve as a five-year-old.

She wasn't like that anymore. She was twenty-four and couldn't beat around the bush anymore. Tidus was gone. He's a dream. It's a simple as that. It took her years to find that out, but she finally faced the facts head on. It was harsh, but she found out that its reality.

She stood up, and walked to her closet, taking out a plastic covered dress and placing it on her bed. She closed her door, then slowly took off her shirt and skirt, and carefully slipped the white dress out of its plastic. Slowly, she picked up the dress and with much care, undid the zipper and put it on. She zipped the back up, then adjusted the dress in the mirror. It was a fluffy, white strapless dress with rhinestone and embroidery detailing. It was a wedding dress. Her wedding dress, that is.

Yes, Yuna was getting married, and to an unlikely person. Five years ago, she had been mourning Tidus when Bickson had reentered her life. He took her under his care, helping the broken girl as she accepted her loss. Somewhere in there, she had begun to fall for him.

She felt bad for falling in love with Bickson, but that feeling didn't last long. Tidus wasn't in her life anymore, so she was fair game. She deserved happiness, and Bickson gave her happiness. There wasn't any reason to dwell on a person who didn't truly exist, so she let herself fall in love.

She planned to date Bickson for a few months, then go to another man, meet new people, and finally settle down. But months turned to years, and time just seemed to fly by her. Before she knew it, it was their four-year anniversary. She gave him a new waterproof watch, a new suit, and tickets to the Junior Luca Goers game, while he gave her a tiny, black box. On that day, he got down on one knee and proposed. That's when Yuna realized that everything in her life had changed.

They had spent the next year planning their big day, picking out everything from the caterer to the wedding invitations. They had pinpointed the date, and had everything exactly perfect.

Today was the day, the big day. She was going to be married, and the thought of it seemed so foreign in her mind. It just never seemed possible to her, but here she was, in an insanely expensive dress, walking out to all of her bridesmaids, who were fighting each other to put on her makeup and do her hair.

"I get to do her lipstick!"

"No, I called lipstick fifteen minutes ago!"

"I'm doing mascara!"

"No, I AM doing mascara!"

"I'm going to curl her hair!"

"No, her hair needs to be straightened, and I'm doing that!"

"Move you; I need to do her eyeliner."

"Why do you get to do eyeliner? I'm doing it!"

The screaming and yelling was all anyone needed to know that it was really going to happen. People don't fight each other to put on someone's mascara just for any old reason. After 20 minutes of cat fighting, she was ready. She walked to the Besaid temple as the organ music began.

She spotted Wakka, then quickly walked to him. The tall Besaidian man linked his arm with hers. "Ready, Yuna?" The nervous woman nodded slightly, almost unsurely. Wakka noticed her nerves and quickly added, "You'll do fine. This isn't like you and Seymour's wedding, ya?" Yuna smiled weakly as they walked down the aisle, down the rows of friends and family that were graciously awaiting her appearance.

The duo approached the alter, and Wakka lifted Yuna's veil slowly, quickly kissing her cheek before whispering in her ear, "Good luck."

The priest's talking became a bit boring, and Yuna drifted into daydreams.

She was getting married. To Bickson. It didn't seem right. She was meant to be here, but Tidus was supposed to be the person she was facing. Did she really love Bickson? Was he really the person she was supposed to be with? Right about now, she wasn't sure.

Five years ago, she had been hopelessly in love with Tidus. She had promised herself she would never fall in love again. But here she was, minutes away from exchanging vows with his rival. Was this right? What must Tidus be thinking of her right now, while he's in the farplane doing whatever he's doing right now?

She realized that she never truly thought of what Tidus would think of her and Bickson. For one, Tidus HATED Bickson. They were blitzball rivals, and blitzball was Tidus's life. Two, Tidus was just as in love with Yuna as she used to be with him. He must be looking down on her right now, ashamed that she broke the promise that she sweared to good Yevon she'd keep. Maybe this wasn't so good after all.

She wanted to run. It didn't matter where. She couldn't be here. She couldn't marry Bickson. She tried to move, but it was almost like her feet were glued to the temple floor. Instead of running, she was limited to blinking back the tears. The tears she desperately wanted to spill.

Bickson saw her watering eyes, and patted her affectionately. "It's okay honey, it's a lot to take in."

She wanted to tell him what was wrong, but the words wouldn't come out. She couldn't just tell him that she didn't want to marry him, even though she wanted to tell him so badly. She just couldn't go through with this.

She nodded, pretending to go along with his theory. Life is much simpler when you make a man think he's right.

Suddenly, she was jerked back to Spira. Bickson had already said "I do", and the priest was beginning her vows.

"Do you, Yunalesca Rinoa Braska, take Bickson Squall Lucasan as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, in wealth and in poverty, until death do you part?"

Oh Yevon. Was she going to do it or not? What would Tidus think, up there in the farplane?

Yuna realized something at that moment. Who cared what Tidus thought? He was in the farplane, and life is too short to dwell on him. She had given Spira everlasting peace and happiness, and she deserved something in return. Bickson might not have been Tidus, but he loved her with his whole heart, probably even more than Tidus ever did. And who knows if Tidus really loved her. All she knew was that she was facing a man who loved her more than air, and she couldn't turn him down. Oh, and she loved him too.

Confidently, bravely, she mentally pushed the memory of Tidus away, then faced the priest and spoke only two words, "I do."

From that moment on, she would be happy. She would be complete. And if she was wrong, she'd have her whole life to find out what she'd been thinking.

Well, that wasn't very angsty, but in its only way it kind of was…but I like it. I've never written a wedding story, nor one when Yuna told Tidus to scram (so what if it was just in her head!). This one was definitely different than my other stuff. I think it's by far better than the first story, even though the other is darker. I mapped this story out to be called Jagged Piece of Glass, and was going to be VERY dark, but the words just didn't flow that way. If people would prefer a much darker story, I'll rewrite it…again.

PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME REWRITE IT! It's been so hard to write over twice. It was so annoying :(

I 3 U guys,
