So, it's taken a year but here's the next chapter of It Wasn't Meant To Be! I can't believe it's been a whole year. I am so sorry. But I am slowly getting round to updating all of my stories, because I don't really like having them all unfinished.
If you've stayed with the story thank you so much, and if there are any new readers I hope you like it and please leave a review!
I don't know if I've said this already but... Disclaimer: I don't own charmed and the dialogue in the flashbacks istaken from the show.
Chapter 19: A moment of need
"I know of your struggles, Belthazor, of your witch. I know that's why you've come to me."
It was obvious for everyone to see. My love for Phoebe did not belong in a demon so it was written all over my very being for the world to notice. Despite this I still tried; still tried to save her and her sister's because my love for her would not let me do anything else. Just like Phoebe's love for her sisters made her agree to the Source's terms. But even though I did all I could, it wasn't enough. The battle still took Prue, and all I could do was try to help Phoebe through her pain. However the fact of my demonic heritage prevented me from doing even that properly. It was another sign that things could not work out; another sign I ignored.
"Cole!" Phoebe exclaimed, a look of relief spreading across her tear stained face. She ran over to him and embraced him as if she would never let go. "I was afraid you weren't going to make it to the funeral." she whispered.
Cole looked apologetic, "Well, I… I can't make it… or, shouldn't anyway. The Source has got every demonic bounty hunter out there looking for me."
Phoebe released Cole, and folded her arms resolutely, "Yeah. So what else is new?"
"This is different." Cole told her gently, "Saving you makes it a different, makes me a traitor… and he not going to stop until he finds me and I don't want that happening at Prue's funeral."
Phoebe shook her head tearfully, "I don't understand. Isn't it harder to track a demon in a cemetery, Cole? You have to go. I need you there." she pleaded.
Cole nodded.
I knew my fears weren't groundless, but I couldn't bring myself to cause Phoebe any more hurt. She needed me there so I would be there. However complicated that might be, I would make it that simple, just for her.
Phoebe's P.O.V
I did need him there. I needed someone I could lean on, someone who I could be with and make me see that not everything was bad in this world. Evil had taken Prue away from me and I was damned if I would let it take Cole away from me too. Prue would have wanted him there too. I know she would have. Even though they didn't always see eye to eye, we had Cole to thank for Piper's life and Prue would forgive him the world for that. I couldn't even bear to think what would have happened if Cole hadn't of saved us; if he hadn't managed to get Tempus to turn back time and if I was now burying both my sisters. Although I do know one thing; he would have been there for me, just like he was now. That I was certain of, whatever might have happened he would have been the constant. He would have been there for me whatever. Because he loved me.
'This time I'm gonna make sure it turns out right
I wanna be your everything and by your side
For the rest of my life
This love feels the way that love should be
Look in my eyes and realise there's no disguise
Cause I'm in love with you'
"You can't save every innocent, Phoebe, or stop every demon."
How true his words were. There was a deeper meaning in them than either of us realised at the time; we didn't understand how his words unconsciously mimicked his plight. I couldn't save Cole and Belthazor couldn't be stopped.
"How about you and me go someplace? You know? Drop off the face of the earth together, disappear?" Cole suggested hopefully, only half joking.
Phoebe smiled, "Hmm. Don't tempt me."
Things were finally getting back to normal after Prue's death, or at least as normal as they could be. Prue was dead and nothing could ever fill that hole in my heart, but Cole was back and I was never going to let him go. It was a fool's paradise but I was happy.
"Things have changed, Phoebe. We can't pretend we can go on like this. It's only a matter of time before The Source finds me, which means every minute you're with me, you're in danger." Cole spoke the words grudgingly, unwillingly, but he couldn't deny the truth of the matter.
Phoebe looked up, her face etched with determination, to gaze into his eyes, "I've lost too much already Cole. I'm not losing you, too."
I knew how much she was hurting, but I didn't want to be the cause of any more hurt. I was putting her in danger and I would never forgive myself if she were put in danger simply by my presence. But she wouldn't let me go, her will was stronger than mine. Sometimes I wonder if it hadn't, maybe things could have worked out for both of us. However I know that a strong will was part of who Phoebe was, and it was the reason our love survived as long as it did. For me, it was worth it. A moment's happiness with her was worth all the suffering in the world. I can only hope it was for her too.