A/N: Yeah! Heather finally got off her lazy ass, stopped procrastinating and beat Kingdom Hearts, anyway… OMFG! What was up with that ending? I mean, I loved it, but seriously, couldn't it have focused just a bit more on Riku instead of Kairi? Grr… And what kind of friend IS Sora? If it was my friend behind that door, I would've tried my hardest to get him out, not just nod my head and say 'Yeah, Riku, well you just stay RIGHT THERE while I finish my other business, that OK with you?' But at the same time I have this new respect for Kairi, I mean, I still don't like the girl, but pretty much after Hollow Bastion and the whole scene with Sora sacrificing himself for the princesses I guess I just started liking her better!

Embracing Destiny

By: FallenAngel0104


"Son, I'd like you to meet Prince Sora Everheart, soon to be King of the South."

Riku smiled at the boy and stuck his hand out, shaking it in the politest way he knew how.

If one saw Riku at the age of nine they would coo and coddle and poke at the boy, marvel at the soft, silky strands of silver hair and be fascinated, spellbound even, by the odd blue-green color of his eyes, beautiful yet mischievous eyes that matched the color of the sea.

Yet, no one did, because it was not right to touch a prince.

Riku was Prince Riku Daemons II, Prince of the North.

Now like most people you would probably know that the North and the South do NOT under any circumstances get along, and normally if it weren't for the annual reunion every nine years, these two boys, Princes Sora Everheart and Riku Daemons would have never met.

But destiny is often funny like that, and she always has a reason for things being the way that they are, even if, at the moment it seems like it should not happen.

And Riku and Sora's meeting was destiny, even if their father's did not appear to like that fact.

But as fate would have it, on the morning of the 24th of June, Riku and his parents arrived at the Kingdom of the South, with the intention of staying there for the five days and four nights that made up the reunion.

Now, if one saw Sora at the age of eight they would giggle and pull him in for a large hug, petting his spiky brown hair and cooing about how ADORABLE he was, with his big brilliant blue eyes and shy demeanor.

And that's exactly what the people did when they noticed Prince Sora Everheart, age eight walking down the street.

If Riku or Sora noticed the awkward tension in the air, neither showed it.

"Boys, do entertain yourselves, the adults have business to discuss before tonight's ball," Byrna Daemons said, smiling at the two, fake of course, but neither boy noticed that either.

Sora grinned and nodded, taking the other boy's hand and dragging him out the door.

When Sora reached the courtyard he dropped Riku's hand, turning to grin at him.

Riku felt a mischievous grin of his own tug at his lips as he watched Sora try to catch a petal that had fallen from a nearby Sakura tree.

"How old are you?" he asked, an amused grin on his lips as he watched the innocent boy.

Sora gave up on the Sakura petal and collapsed to the ground, sneezing as he did so.

"Eight," he said proudly, holding up eight fingers.

Riku laughed, and sat next to Sora, looking out across the courtyard and to the ocean behind it.

"So, what do you people do for fun around here?" he asked regarding Sora with bright blue-green eyes.

Sora's entire face lit up and he grinned at Riku.

"Swimming and sparring, they're the funnest things to do!" he cried, excitement showing on his face.

Riku frowned, that was honestly a tough choice, he'd always wanted to go swimming but he loved to spar and he had never fought against someone who was actually trying to win.

"How 'bout we swim now and we can spar tomorrow?"

Sora nodded and leapt up running towards the ocean.

"I'll race you!"

Riku laughed and followed him, protesting about the fact that Sora had cheated, all he got as an answer was Sora sticking his tongue out.




The reunion passed, too soon for Riku and Sora, and they sat at the Paopu tree in the courtyard, ready to say goodbye but not ready to part ways.

"Hey, Riku?" Sora whispered, watching the sun slowly dip over the horizon, casting vivid orange and brilliant amethyst light over the two Princes.

"Hmm?" Riku asked, turning to look at Sora, grinning as he noticed the red hue to the boys face.

"Well… I was thinking… I'm gonna miss you a lot when you leave and go back to the North, I mean you're the only one who actually ever played with me… and well… don't forget me okay?" he said frowning.

Riku smiled, though it was a sad smile and lacked none of the usual mischief it had normally.

"Yeah, I'll miss you too, and duh, of COURSE I'll remember you! I couldn't ever forget you, you're the best friend I've ever had!"

Sora nodded and smiled at him, plucking a fruit from the tree.

"Do you know the legend of the Paopu fruit?" he asked. "If two people share one, their destinies become intertwined. They'll remain a part of each other's lives, no matter what. At least that's what mum said, I don't know what 'intertwined' means but I do know that we'll be a part of each other's lives, like forever… So, do you wanna share one with me…?"

Riku leaned close to Sora and grinned, whacking him playfully in the head.

"Of course, and no more acting serious, it gives me the creeps…"

Sora smiled and gingerly pushed a piece of the fruit to Riku's lips and Riku did the same.

Destiny's funny like that…

A/N: Continue? First Kingdom Hearts fic and I'm hoping that this'll be good enough to continue… So review and give me the incentive to post the next chapter! Which'll definitely be longer. Review!!