The sun was shining warmly on Kagome as she sat on the bank of the river. It was a hot summer day and she had

finally gotten away from Kaede and picking herbs to relax by the cool water. She stretched out and layed on a towel that she

had brought from her own time. She wore some shorts and a tank top insted of her uniform, deciding it would be much too hot

for it. She looked up into the treeline and caught a glimpse of Inuyasha looking down at her. She smiled at him, he returned it

with his own, brand of InuYasha lopsided smile.

It had been a whole month since they had fought Naraku. It was tough but they made it through. Kikyo had been one of the first casualties in the battle. Naraku

figured he could destroy Kikyo and rid himself of the distraction, and in turn cause one for InuYasha. It almost worked until Naraku decided to turn on Kagome. InuYahsa

went wild, changing into his demon form, running toward him in a blind rage. Everyone attacked at once, Kagome, with the little strenth she had left, notched her bow, and

let it go. Sango released her Hirakotsu, and Miroku opened his wind tunnel as InuYasha attacked. They won.

Miroku had began courting Sango, and moved into Kaede's village.

'You see her down there, just go to her.' "Feh."

"Did you say something InuYasha?" Kagome looked up, sheilding her eyes from the sun with her hand. He jumped down from his perch. "Ain't you ready to go yet, I don't

have all day to hang around here ya' know?" He sat and folded his hand into his robe. "Did you have plans?" She said with a smile. She began to take her top off. "Oi!

What the hall do you think you're doing!?" He jumped in front of her. "I'm wearing a bathing suit under this thank you!" She took off the rest of her clothing revealing a

modest black two piece suit. "Doesn't look like much." InuYasha snorted. Kagome slinked up to him. He began to blush, hard. "Inu..." She whispered. His mouth went dry

as he tried to lick his lips. "Yeah..." he beagn shakily. "Sit-boy." She said just audible enough for him to make out. "Shit." slam "Come on InuYasha, I just want to take a

dip." She said from the water. 'I'll show you a dip wench.'

InuYasha smirked and crouched down. "InuYasha?" Kagome had to admit she was slightly scared. The he leaped at her. "Ahhhh!!!!" He grabbed her by the waist as they

both crashed under the water.

Kagome burst through in a fit of giggles. Then she saw the funniest thing she would probably see, a very soggy Hanyou. She began to laugh harder. "Hey InuYasha, you

under there?" She said as she lifted the hair from his eyes. "Feh." He opened hi fire rat robe as water began to pour out, and , a fish. Kagome laughed harder than she had

ever laughed in her life, and InuYasha loved every minute of it. The he did it. He reached up to Kagome's face and brushed her hair away. They both blushed. He began to

regret every doing it. He turned to walk away, but Kagome grabbed his hand. There was a long silence before she spoke.

"Why are you afraid of me?" The question shocked him, and would've shocked her, but she done playing this game, she needed his answer. He turned to see tears forming

in her eyes. "I...Ka-...I'm just a Hanyou...." He sighed and moved towards her. "...I'm not one or the other, I don't belong with humans, or demons, I have no place in this

world." Kagome threw herself into his arms. He stiffened but relaxed and took a deep breath. " Kagome, I...I'm not could I even begin to taint what you are,

with what I am?"

Kagome finally understood. Why he held everyone at such a distance. He felt unworthy.

"InuYasha, I don't care what you are, because I....I love you for who you are." She braced herself. She began to feel a pain in her heart when he said nothing. Just as she

was about to let go, he wrapped his arms around her and drew her into a tight embrace.

"Kagome..." He breathed into her hair. For the first time in his life he began to feel whole.