Disclaimer: I don't own Underworld. If I did, people would hate me.

This is my first fanfic, so if it sucks, I'm sorry. Please be nice with reviews. No flames, please.

The rain poured down as Selene and Michael ran through the almost deserted city. There were Death Dealers trailing them, and they knew it. A hooded figure ran out of an old building and stopped in front of the pair.

"Come with me," the figure said, the voice obviously that of a woman.

"How do we know that we can trust you ?" Michael asked.

"You have no choice but to trust me," the woman said.

Selene glared at the woman.

"Who are you ?" she asked.

"I'll explain later," the woman said. Then, she pointed at the building that she had come out of. "Go in there."

"Why ?" Selene asked.

"It's safer than staying out here," the woman said.

Reluctantly, Michael headed towards the building, Selene following him closely. Before following Selene and Michael, the woman walked to the nearest manhole and threw the cover off, making as much noise as she possibly could. The Death Dealers, assuming that Michael and Selene had gone into the sewers, practically jumped into the manhole. They had fallen for her trick.

Once inside the building, Selene and Michael were led into a large room that was full of chairs.

"Please, have a seat," the woman said, indicating the chairs.

"I think I'll stand," Selene said.

"Deja vĂș," Michael murmured.

"What ?" the woman asked.

"I think I've been here before," Michael said, looking around.

"It comes as no surprise that you recognize this place," the woman said.

"What do you mean ?" Selene asked, suspicion apparent in her voice.

"He was sired by Lucian, so it only makes sense for him to remember this place," the woman said.

"What do you know about Lucian ?" Michael asked.

"I know that you wouldn't be here unless he was dead," the woman said. Then, with lightning speed, Selene pulled out one of her guns and pointed it at the woman.

"Lycan," Selene hissed. The woman put up her hands in surrender.

"I understand why you don't trust me, but I must insist that you lower you weapon."

"And exactly why should I ?" Selene asked, glaring at the woman.

"Because my daughter is asleep in the other room, and if she were to wake up and walk in on this, it would probably scare her out of her wits."

Much to Michael's surprise, Selene put her gun away.

"So, who are you ?" Selene asked. The woman threw her hood back to reveal that she had long, light brown hair, and cold, gray eyes.

"I am Khalid. And you are....?"

"Oh, um, I'm Michael," he said, stepping foward and shaking Khalid's hand.

"And your name, Death Dealer ?" Khalid asked.


"Might I inquire as to why you're running from your own kind, Selene ?"

"It's a long story," Selene said.

"Well, we have nothing but time."

Michael and Selene proceeded to explain their situation, both of them conviently "forgetting" to mention their kiss.