Diz: Ahh... Will you guys kindly accept my humble apology? Reality keeps hitting me in the throat and it's been awful. First of all, my laptop went completely haywire one day and I had to beg a friend of mine to fix it (which he did - after three months of begging) and then I moved into a new place that didn't have internet (and barely had electricity) and... The excuses could just go on forever. I'm deeply sorry that this chapter is long over-due, however.

This isn't the chapter I originally had planned out. I have no idea where that chapter is. If I find it and it's better than this one, I'll replace it pronto, but for now, this will have to suffice!

Also, I want to thank you guys, truly. Your words touched me and I'm sincerely overjoyed that so many are willing to comfort a whiney authoress like myself. The group in question deleted my story after I sent a rather angry message to the founder of said group. You guys are fantastic!

Disclaimer: Standard disclaimer applies. I do not own InuYasha. This is intended purely for entertainment value and constructive criticism. I am not making a profit from this story.

Perfect Doesn't Always Seem So Perfect
Chapter Eleven: 'I Wouldn't Test You Anyday'
Authoress: Dizzy Loser

Kanna was not having a good day. It was the day after she asked Kouga to ask her out and the rejection still stung as bad as it did yesterday. Kagura wasn't helping, either. She had been the one to insist that Kouga would never turn her down and there she sat, waiting for classes to start and nursing a broken heart. She closed her eyes and tried to will Kagura's annoyed yells out of her mind.

"Kanna! Are you listening to me?" Kagura was more than slightly annoyed. She was in the middle of giving her baby sister lessons on how to win back her man from that SLUT Rin and all Kanna could do was stare blankly at the ground.

"I'm listening, Sister." Kanna voiced blandly.

"Then what did I say?" ...Kanna didn't respond. "That's what I thought! I TOLD you two days ago, as my prodigy, you're expected to complete our four on four ratio! I TOLD you that I had Sesshoumaru, Kikyou had InuYasha, Yura was about to make headway with Miroku and YOU'd finally get your precious playboy! How complicated is it? How did you manage to mess this up royally!"

Kagura paused her to give Kanna a chance to defend herself. "I do-"

"AND, worst of all, you let that two-bit tramp take him! You let RIN HIGURASHI take your guy! It's disgraceful! This isn't how it's supposed to be! The four most popular guys with the four most popular girls! This is how our lives are supposed to work, Kanna! We have CLAIM on these men and you abandoned your clai-" Kagura's words were cut off by the exasperated growl Kanna suddenly released. "Ex-CUSE me?"

"I did NOT let Rin take him, okay! Rin apparently already HAD him before I asked Kouga! It's not like I didn't TRY to get him! I LIKE him, okay!" Kanna's breaths came out in short gasps. She hadn't raised her voice to her sister like that, well, ever. Her eyes widened immediately after this outburst, however and she froze, staring at her volatile sister in horror.

"...Are you quite finished?" Kagura suddenly stoop up, grabbing Kanna by the shoulders to ensure she stands as well. Towering over her regretful sister, she grabbed Kanna's chin and narrowed her eyes onto the much smaller girl's eyes. "You will never talk like that to me again. Do you understand?" Kagura's voice was suddenly soft and deadly, an underlying promise of pain and humiliation for Kanna.

Kanna gulped and nodded her head as best she could.

"You WILL make sure that you get Kouga back. I don't care what you have to do. Sabotage their supposed relationship, seduce him, just get him back. You may use Yura any way you see fit to ensure you get my desired result. Do you understand this?" Kanna nodded once before Kagura released her chin and pushed her aside roughly. "I'm tired of your presence. Go find the girls, I'm going over to my beloved Sesshy."

As Kagura walked away, Kanna raised one trembling hand to her chin and choked back a terrified cry. 'I like Kouga so much... but he's with Higurashi. How am I supposed to do this?'

Rin's day wasn't starting off any better than Kanna's. It wasn't because of her sister, though. Oh, no, Kagome was being perfectly fine. It was her stupid, foolish, idiotic, retard, dumbass, fake boyfriend.

He came over early this morning while she was getting dressed and refused to leave, insisting he "had to walk his fair maiden and her lovely, young companions to the castle."

She was in the process of throwing something at Kouga's head to make him get out of her room when the doorbell rang.

"Ayame and Sango, thank GOD. Go downstairs and open the door." She growled at Kouga as he bowed and stepped out of her room. Kagome side-stepped him as she walked in.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"Trouble in Hell. Why the fuck did I agree to help him out?" The sentence was muffled, because Rin pulled on her hoodie at this exact time, but Kagome was able to clearly hear the undiluted anger.

"Because you like Koug-"

"Hell no, I don't!" Rin interjected.

"Because you like Kouga as a friend and knew he was in an awkward spot." Kagome finished, rolling her eyes at her sister.

Rin pouted. "I'm going to end up strangling him with my bare hands."

Kagome shrugged and walked out. Rin sighed, long and deep, before grabbing her bag and walking after her sister.

The two girls were joined at the bottom of the stairs by their two best friends and Rin's 'boyfriend'.

Kouga grinned and offered Rin his hand, to which she smacked away. "Oh, how you wound me, sweetest." He looked around the small area before throwing an arm over Ayame and Sango and leading them out of the door. "Since my beloved won't teach me right now, I'll settle for these two ladies."

Kagome and Rin shared a look with Sango and Ayame, the latter of which was looking highly pink.

The entire walk to school was annoying and set Rin on edge. She wasn't use to having to put up with Kouga's antics this early in the morning. She sighed before she sat down at her spot under the tree and surveyed her group. "I need a Monster in me,"

"...Well, I'm no Monster, but you can call me whatever you like." Kouga grinned gleefully as he ducked the hit Rin was trying to land on his leg. He plopped down next to her and leaned his side against the annoyed girl.

"I'm going to kill you." Rin said very matter-of-factly.

"I might let you, if you're into that kinky necrophili-OW!" Kouga shot up and rubbed the shin Sango accidentally kicked.

"Whoops. Did I do that? I can be so clumsy." She smiled slow before leaning back on her elbows to stretch out.

"Clumsy and you, my dear damsel, do not belong in the same sentence." Miroku came up on the group's right and made a spot for himself next to Sango. Sango's eyes narrowed.


"Hey, dorks." InuYasha and Sesshoumaru walked up behind Miroku to look out over the group.

"Talking to yourself AGAIN, InuYasha?" Kagome asked him, smiling sweetly as he turned cold eyes to her.

"Higurashi, I wouldn't test me today." InuYasha began, folding his arms and looking down his nose at the still smiling girl.

"Oh, I wouldn't test you anyday, InuYasha." Kagome happily informed him. InuYasha looked stunned, as did the rest of the group, until... "You'd fail anyday of the week, I don't need to test you to tell you that."

"Why you-" InuYasha unfolded his arms, and started to clench his fists when Rin stood up quickly.

"Got something to say, InuYasha? Say it to me?" Rin took a step forward, as did InuYasha.

"You and your sister are uppity bitches and I would take great pleasure in destroying you." InuYasha spoke very slowly, dragging out the end of each word. Throughout this entire exchange, Sesshoumaru stood with his hands in his pockets and watching the scene unfold with disdain.

"My SISTER is no uppity bitch, InuYasha. I, however, am a downright she-devil if you insult someone I care about." Rin's voice was soft and made Kouga wince.

"Hey guys, let's calm down, okay?" Kouga stood up and forced his way in between Rin and InuYasha, who both turned their glare to him.

"What the fuck are you doing on her side, anyways?" InuYasha shouted the same time Rin shouted, "What the fuck, aren't you on my side!"

"I can't let you insult my woman and her friends, InuYasha." InuYasha and Sesshoumaru's eyes shot open and InuYasha turned an incredulous stare to Rin.

"Your WOMAN?" He spat out. "What the hell does that mean?"

"It means I'm dating her." Kouga said bluntly, quickly grabbing Rin around the waist and bringing her flush against him. "She and I are now one."

Rin rolled her eyes, but kept her stare fixed on InuYasha and Sesshoumaru. "Yeah, it's true. One and forever, birds of a feather, blahblah."

Kouga grinned and placed a soft kiss on Rin's cheek. "See?"

InuYasha frowned and began to open his mouth, but quickly shut it. "Wha-..." He shook his head.

Sesshoumaru, for his part, was sure that his hearing and eyesight had failed him. When did Kouga start associating with people below him? And why Rin?

'What do you mean, why Rin?' His mind countered.

'I mean, why, out of the other three, would he choose Rin?' He thought, his face completely showing nothing to acknowledge the beginning of the battle in his head.

'Does it bother you?'

'Y-no. No, it doesn't.' Sesshoumaru grimaced internally when his mind spoke back one last time -

'Then why does it matter?'

'I don't know...'

End Chapter Eleven

Diz: So, this chapter is just, kind of like a peace offering? It was hastily written and thrown out there to let you guys know I'm still alive and I'm determined to try and update this more. Good news for you guys? I already have the next chapter written and will post it whenever I think I've gotten enough reviews. I don't know if you guys will be able to top last chapter, though - over 20 reviews for one chapter? Pretty good, guys. Let's keep it up. I even accept anonymous replies, so any and everything goes. Just try to be nice, please? Oh, and I wrote this fast, so I'm aware there are mistakes - I just really wanted to get this out there and I'm planning on going over and fixing the mistakes as soon as I can. Okay?

Quest For Answers Session:

Question: Can I find the group that placed you in the community for bad stories?
Answer: It's still out there, but I'm no longer on it. I don't know if someone had something to do with this or if it was my less than thrilled message, but my story's not on the community anymore.

Question: What's with your chapter names?
Answer: I suck at names, so I just decided to pick a random quote from each chapter and use it as the header.

Question: Can you review/look at my Rin/Sesshoumaru story?
Answer: Sure! If you don't want to leave a link to the story in a review, you can PM it to me and I'll give it a look over, okay?

Question: I haven't gotten a reply from you for my review and this makes me mad.
Answer: I'm sorry! Lack of internet, so I didn't know who to reply to or whatever, but if you review this chapter, I promise you'll get a hand-crafted reply directly from me to you, okay? :)

Anymore questions and I'll be sure to answer them! Just remember, reviews make me happy and make me want to write more. Who knows - if you guys give me a spectacular number of reviews, I'll write an exceptionally long(er) chapter and post it in a week. How's that sound? Sound fantastic? Then hit the review button! ;)

Dizzy Out!