Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.

Extra chapter!

Chapter 9 Our future

It has been two weeks since the ninjas all returned to Konoha village. It was hard to fall back in their normal lives routine. Kiba, Shino and Chouji were sent on a mission as soon as they came back. Lee went back to training to forget about the identical twins he had met on the festival. After spying on Hinata and Naruto, he found out that the twins weren't from Konoha village. He cried when he had to say goodbye.

As for our beloved couples…

"Shikamaru? Were are you taking me?" Ino was blindfolded and Shikamaru led her to some place unknown to her.

"You'll see when we get there." He smirked. He kissed her lightly on her cheek. Ino felt some branches sliding across her head. She realized they were walking in the woods. Suddenly they stopped. She could hear water flowing, it sounded like a waterfall. Immediately she had an idea of where they could be. She started thinking real fast. It was Sunday evening and they were at a place near a waterfall. They must be at…

Shikamaru took off the towel. Ino blinked a couple of times and saw that she was right. They were at their special, secret place. Her heart skipped a beat. She felt warm inside. It was unbelievable that she had such a sweet boyfriend. The guy that always said that women were troublesome is doing, what he used to consider to be troublesome, lovely things for her. She looked at him and he smiled at her. "Shikamaru." She whispered. "I…"

"Sst." He placed his finger on her lips. "You don't have to say anything. I know." He took her by the hand and they walked over to the lake. They changed into their bathing suits, which they had on under their clothes. They dived in and swam over to the waterfall. Shikamaru swam through the water coming down. Ino followed him and they ended up in a cave behind the waterfall. They climbed out of the water and cuddled up in a corner of the cavern. Shikamaru wrapped his arms around her. Ino was sitting in front of him and let her body rest against his.

She turned her head and kissed him on the lips. This time she turned her entire body and embraced him without breaking off the kiss. Their tongues were entangled with each other. It was very passionate and intense. Shikamaru's hand was massaging her head. Ino untied his hair and they slowly dropped to the floor. Ino laid on top of him. Shikamaru kissed her back with such love and intensity. Ino tingled all over.

After a while they stopped kissing. They stared at each other. Shikamaru moved away a strand of hair of her face. Ino was looking down on him, smiling. Her beauty, her sweet smile, her soft skin and her supple hair amazed him. From that moment on, he knew that…

Neji was still training in the woods this Sunday evening with Tenten. He had to go on a mission and he would be gone for one week. She was feeling sad, because this would be the last night they got to spend together. Neji noticed that she wasn't as focused as always. They stopped for a second.

"Tenten?" Neji looked at her suspiciously. Tenten looked at him, wondering what he wanted to say. "Is there something the matter?"

Tenten realized that he saw that she was feeling a little bit down. There was no point in trying to hide it anymore. She sighed. "I… it's just that… I will… I am going to miss you." She said while looking down.

Neji walked over to her, he grabbed her chin and gently lifted it up. She stared him in the eyes. A tear fell on the ground, she looked away to the side. He leaned in closer. This made her look straight into his eyes again. He whispered. "Sweetie, listen to me." He grabbed something out of his pocket. It was a brown feather. "This feather is special to me." He looked at it. "When we were fighting to get Sasuke back from the sound five, I was fighting this guy who almost killed me. When I was lying there I regretted the fact that I might not be able to tell you how much I cared for you. Thoughts of you somehow ran through my mind and that kept me going. I wished that I could see you again." He smiled. "When I got well, the medics told me that I was holding something in my hand real tight." He looked her in the eyes. "This feather… They said that some angel probably watched over me that day and that this might be one of the feathers of the wings. I can't think of any angel other than you."

He grabbed her hand and gave her the feather. "Whenever you're feeling lonely, take hold of this and think of me. Wish upon this brown feather and I'll be home sooner than you think." He smiled. "Because after all, my wish came true. I got to see you again."

She smiled back at him. She felt a lot better. "Thank you Neji." She kissed him.

During the kiss he had a feeling. He then knew that…

At the same time somewhere back in the village Naruto and Hinata were having a lot of fun. They went to the theatre and they went to a small carnival. They took some pictures together to remember this day. And Naruto won her a teddy bear.

"Hinata! Lets go get something to eat." He said with a loud voice.

"Ok, where do you want to eat?" She asked him

He grinned. "Ichiraku!" He pointed at the ramen bar.

Hinata smiled. "Ok lets go." They sat down and ordered some ramen. The ramen girl started talking to Naruto again.

"Oeh Naruto! You're here with her again? Are you sure she isn't your girlfriend?" The ramen girl teased him.

"Well actually she is." He answered dryly. Hinata giggled. He looked at her and winked.

The ramen girl was dumbfounded. "Really?" She looked at Hinata surprised. "Are you sure you want him to be your boyfriend? I mean he is rude, he eats a lot of ramen, he is careless, he is almost never serious and not to mention…"

"Ok thank you, we got the picture!" Naruto shouted embarrassed.

Hinata laughed. "Yes I know about his flaws, but you forget that he is strong and kind and sweet and funny and not to mention… he is Naruto." She shyly smiled at him. "And he loves me." She said proudly.

He gently caressed her cheek. "I do." He said softly.

The ramen girl laughed. "Well ok, if that's what you really want, a lazy, mischievous and…"

"Thanks again for drawing a very clear picture!" Naruto shouted again. They all laughed. She went to prepare their order.

Naruto gazed at Hinata. She noticed it and looked at him from the corner of her eye. "What are you looking at?" She questioned him with a smile.

"You." He stroke her hair. "You are definitely worth looking at. There is nothing else that catches my eye, but your beauty."

Hinata blushed. "Naruto I'm impressed. Where did you learn to talk like that?"

Now it was Naruto's turn to blush, he looked away. He mumbled. "Err… Lee taught me."

Hinata laughed. "Haha! Lee! It surprises me that he could give good advice after all." Naruto was now more embarrassed. She took out the pictures and looked at them together. One picture had them as Tarzan and Jane. Another one had them kissing in the Ferris wheel. They also took a picture with a clown. The last picture they saw was the one where Naruto gave her the teddy bear and Hinata kissing him.

"Naruto…" She said abruptly. "No matter what anyone says you'll always be my teddy bear." She kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back. First gently and lovingly. Then powerful and passionately. They stopped and Naruto gave her a sweet kiss on her nose.

"Hurry up with our ramen!" Naruto yelled all of a sudden. His impatience made Hinata laugh. He looked at her. There it was again. That smile. The one that lights up his heart. He now knew that…

Somewhere, the same Sunday evening, the same time Sasuke and Sakura were walking around in the village. Sasuke was walking Sakura home after a long day mountain climbing together.

Sakura sighed. "I had a fun, but exhausting day. Great! We should do this more often!" She said excitedly. She laughed. Sasuke smiled at her.

They were walking side by side. Sasuke pulled her close to him and placed his arm around her shoulders. They continued walking this way. Sakura felt very safe and comfortable in his arms. They looked at each other. She quickly kissed him on the cheek. He kissed her back on her forehead. His soft lips on her skin sent shivers down her spine. They had arrived at her house. Sakura's back rested on her door and she was staring at Sasuke. When he gazed into her eyes he could not believe he once doubted that Sakura truly loved him. He placed his hand next to her head on the door. He leaned in to kiss her. Sakura giggled. She was teasing him by evading his lips. He tried again and she did it again. She laughed.

He smiled back at her. "You're such a tease." He said with a sexy, low voice. He stared at her with such intensity, that she couldn't look away anymore. It was like he placed her under a spell with his eyes. He grinned and made a move to kiss her again. This time she didn't resist. Their lips touched. Her mouth opened a bit and his tongue slipped into her mouth. She had a funny feeling in her stomach. And their kiss became more and more intense by the second.

Now he placed his other hand next to the other side of her head on the door. She embraced him by wrapping around her arms around his waist. Slowly her hand went to the doorknob and she opened the door. They walked in without breaking off the kiss for one moment. She jumped up and Sasuke caught her in his arms. While they were still kissing he walked over to the couch. They stopped to catch their breath. Sakura smiled at him.

He smiled back at her. "You just couldn't resist huh?"

Sakura smirked. He placed her on the couch and went to sit next to her. Sakura asked if he wanted to watch a movie. He nodded and she turned on the TV. They cuddled on the couch.

Sasuke was stroking her hair and when the movie was finished he saw that she had fallen asleep in his arms. He picked her up and placed her on her bed. As he was looking at her sleeping like a baby he had a thought. He was sure he knew that…

"I am definitely going to marry this girl."

-The End-
(For real this time)

Author's note: That isthe end people! I hope you liked my story, just as much as I liked writing it. Thanks to all you reviewers! Tell me what you think. Greetszzzzzz.