The Analytical Impossible

By: M14Mouse

Disclaimer: Don't own Ratchet or Clank. Now, isn't that sad.

Summary: A two-part fic on the friendship of Ratchet and Clank. ((Spoilers to ALL Three games!))

A/N: This idea has been bouncing in my head for quite awhile. After beating the third game, the idea wanted out now! So, who I am to deny my mouse muse? First part is Clank's POV and next week, Ratchet's POV will post. Enjoy! Read and Review if you wish.

--Friendship is the hardest thing in the world to explain. It's not something you learn in school. But if you haven't learned the meaning of friendship, you really haven't learned anything.—

Muhammad Ali

(Clank's POV)

We are the analytical impossible. The probability of our friendship to work out is one in 23,768,900,701. I have done the calculation myself. Twice. Yet, I attach myself to his back and help him fight and escape countless battles. For the past two years, we have rarely left each other side.

Probability and logical says we should have never meet and save several known galaxies. I learn to lean toward Ratchet's point of view about our meeting. He calls it, fate. It was fate that brought us together. I crash land on the planet that he was stuck on. He wanted off the planet and I wanted to save the universe by finding Captain Qwark, the greatest superhero of all time. I believe he could save the galaxy from Drek. I couldn't have be more wrong.

Now that I have process that bit of information. I am curious why Ratchet want to get off the planet. He never did say. Perhaps, I will ask him about that later.

Well, we travel from planet to planet following leads and gaining new experiences. We meet people and creatures that I never dreamed of meeting. Until, I found out the truth. Captain Qwark ally himself with Drek. How could he do this? I couldn't understand why someone like Captain Qwark would do this to universe. Captain Qwark was beloved and greatest superhero of the galaxy. Yet, he threw away for money and power. I just didn't understand and I was so lost and confused.

But Ratchet's reaction to this news was different than mine. He wanted revenge. He didn't care about the universe. I didn't see the logical in this and even to this day, I don't see the logical. I learn that creatures like Ratchet are illogical. This illogical being was driven to get Qwark. His blood pressure and his pulse had raise. Something in his body just drove him to be stronger and more determined than before. Despite our differences, I couldn't abandon him. He made a point of saying that getting to Qwark would lead to Drek. In some ways, Ratchet was correct. But by the time we defeat Qwark, Drek had went forward with his plans. Drek made the biggest miscalculation of all. Drek threaten to destroy Ratchet's home planet.

Most of all, he made Ratchet angry.

Never make Ratchet angry.

Ratchet push through Drek's armies and destroy Drek's machine. In end, we have saved the galaxy. A new thought came to me. Now what? What do I do now? In the process of fleeing, I came to injury the circuits in my right arm. I couldn't point it out as he walk away from me. As he walked away from me, I felt hurt and abandoned. Since I meet Ratchet, I was never alone. I didn't like this feeling. It made me feel hollow. I couldn't express it as I walk in the different direction. For that brief moment, I was crashed.

His voice rang out to me.

"Well, aren't you coming back to the ship? I need to take a look at that arm."

He came back for me. That hollow feeling was gone and I was happy. We could have part ways at that point but we didn't. I and Ratchet become instant celebrities and heroes to the galaxy. For first six months, we were busy with interviews, magazines, holo-movies offers, and endorsement deals. Even during that time, we rarely left each side.

After saving the world, our friendship truly began. I got to see a different side of Ratchet. The fighting Ratchet was not much different from the normal Ratchet. Ratchet is a very focus, smart, and driven creature. Although, he doesn't process some information well like computers or the female kind. He is brilliant when it came to mechanics. He can build things out of metal and a few parts that I could not believe. We would have discussions about what he was building. He would have such fire in his eyes and face. He always said it was possible to build it. If I did not believe it could not be build. I would so. When he was wrong, he would smile a little and shrugs.

"Oh, well. Back to the drawing board. I get some day."

In some cases, I was wrong. I would say so. Ratchet would smile and say I told you so. It was never mean tone but in almost a friendly tone. We would play videogames and hunt down monsters if the need arose. It didn't matter if he was lombrax and I was a robot. We were friends. Those were the peaceful time for us and I enjoy it. Two months after the barbecue at Al's, we were no longer need. I would catch Ratchet staring at the stars or shine one of his old weapons. Drek had changed him. He didn't realize at the time. He was a solider and a hero. It was in his blood now.

Then the incident with the Proto-pet came to our attention. I could see the fire in his eyes came to life but I didn't want to get involve with a thief. So, I was offer a more comfortable living space while Ratchet was away. It was a strange time for me. I was surrounded by staff but yet, I was alone. Sometimes, I would have the urge just to call Ratchet to see if he was well. I would watch his missions on the holo tube. He hasn't lost his edge at all. He was still very much a soldier, a fighter, and a hero as before. I got myself into trouble which is entire my fault. I did not pay attention to my surroundings as I should have. Ratchet came to my aid. I saw the worry look on his face when he found me again. I did not want him to worry so about me.

At the moment, we were fighting along side each other again. I must say that I did miss it. At end, we did save the galaxy again. This time the threat was from Captain Qwark. He was trying to regain his former glory. I believe I and Ratchet had a convention about that later. Captain Qwark is the most annoying man in the galaxy. How did he become a superhero is beyond our understanding. Yet, Ratchet point out something. Qwark have always been a hero and he was always in the spotlight. He loved it and when he lost it. He sought to reclaim in any way he could. We made a decision to retire from the superhero business.

Always it is known that life doesn't go as you plan. I got offer one deal to this holo-movie and then it took my career off. I become a superstar while Ratchet became a shadow. He became my butler in my flicks, a role that did not fit him at all. He wouldn't let me go to the movie set alone. He would cheer me on and congratulate me when one of my movies did well or I won another award. I see moments of jealousy in his eyes but yet, he never let get in the way of our friendship. Despite of my movie career, I would never let Ratchet go alone on his missions. He would take missions for the Galaxy Rangers or someone that need our help. We were a team.

As a team when we fought off the invasion on Veldin. Didn't they learn anything from Drek? Don't mess with Ratchet's home world. You will lose. We found out about Dr. Nefarious from president. The president had the nerve to call Ratchet a good chuffer with a gun. When we found the man who defeat Dr. Nefarious was none other than Captain Qwark. When we were able to return Qwark's memories and then the president did again. He made Captain Qwark a head of the mission against Dr. Nefarious. Didn't the president realize what Qwark had done in the past! He nearly caused the destruction of two galaxies.

Didn't he realize that Ratchet could have leaded the mission with no trouble at all! The press and the politicians appear to favor the fabulous Captain Qwark because he appears extraordinary while Ratchet looked so normal. He didn't have big muscles or superpowers. He just had this understanding of weapons and armor. Nothing more than a common soldier. He wasn't! He was extraordinary! He was a hero. No one seems to see it. At least, I thought no one saw it.

But again, I was wrong. One of the few times, we were to eat in the cafeteria on the Starship Phoenix. I watch as Q-Force was barking orders at the Galaxy Rangers to get out of line. So, they may get to meatloaf first. The Galaxy Rangers did not move but once Ratchet entered the line. The Galaxy Rangers step across for Ratchet but not for them. The look on Qwark's face was priceless. In that moment even Qwark realized that he would never gain the respect that Ratchet had received. There were so many moments like this that I couldn't understand until now. After autograph signing to promote one of my holo-flick, a robot approached us. I thought it was another fan but he didn't even pay attention to me. He reached and shook Ratchet's hand and thanked him for saving his troops. Then he would salute Ratchet and Ratchet would return the salute. Then the robot walk away.

Sometimes, it would come in form of shouts and cards. Sometimes, it would come by the meetings on the streets.

"Hey, Sergeant!"

"Thank you, Commander!"

"Nice to see you again, Captain."

Ratchet would react in kind. He wouldn't know their names but he would answer them in return. While I have adoring fans and great holo-flick career, Ratchet has gained something much more profound; he earned their respect worth of a hero. In those soldiers' eyes and in mine, he was a hero.

He didn't do it by being super ego like Captain Qwark. He did by himself. I have never been so proud to have him as my best friend.

At the risk of saving the known galaxy, we risk our own lives. I came close to lose my best friend and I could do nothing. I was trap in a cage. I felt helpless as I watch him fight my evil self. Didn't Dr. Nefarious realize that Ratchet wasn't so easy to beat? He defeated my evil self in no time.

He walks over to me and knocked me down from the cage. He looked down at his feet in remorse and guilt. It wasn't his fault. I watched everything thought the vid-link. I could understand how Ratchet could have been fooled. Clunk was just like me in everything. He would not let me take the blame but I saw guilt in his eyes afterwards. After the universe is safe again, we will talk about this. The incident needs to be address for both of our sakes.

Now, I wait as Ratchet checks his weapon one last time before the final battle. His head was held high and he was ready.

"Ready, Clank?" He said.

"I am ready." I said.

Here we are again. We are the analytical impossible. But somehow, we make it possible and for that I am glad.

The End.