Disclaimer: Now, I'm sure we all know that Rurouni Kenshin and all related characters are the lovable property of Watsuki-sama and Watsuki-sama alone. I do not own them, so to make myself feel better I reserve the rights to this fic – courtesy of my tired but very creative brain at twelve o'clock in the morning.

Author's Notes: Again, it's all in the summary. This is sort of like a sequel to 'It's All In The Oro' – another one of Kenshin's handy handbooks. This one is kind of sad, because this really is how Kenshin thinks of himself.

I wanted to give this a longer title, but there you go. It wouldn't let me. So here it is:

Sessha The Unworthy One – A Rurouni's Guide To Atonement For Sins

There's one main thing you need to remember while reading this handbook, and that is this:

You are unworthy of anything good that may come your way. Be it hospitality, memories, or even affection – you don't deserve it.

But that alone isn't enough to make up for those terrible, terrible sins. So try these out for size:

1. Protect the weak, innocent and defenceless. Even if your crimes didn't involve taking lives, it helps make up for what you've done if you try to protect them. It also helps you turn over a new leaf and be a better person.

2. Take a vow to yourself that you will never commit those same sins again. And keep it. Holding yourself to something will hopefully prevent you from slipping back into those bad old ways.

3. Wandering for a certain amount of time is a good opportunity to think about what you've done, and try to make amends. We suggest a period of anything from a year to ten years, depending on your crimes. It's also a good way to go about protecting the innocent (see number one) and can help remind you just how unworthy you are. (Hint – very)

4. Call yourself something that reminds you how unworthy you are. Like a degrading nickname, or something. An idea is the word Sessha, which means 'this unworthy one'. And don't try to fight back when other people call you names. You deserve every bit.

5. If you have a crush on someone, forget it. You are not worthy to be with someone untainted by sins, and are completely unworthy of their love, should they choose to return it. Make sure you know that, even if they don't.


First of all make it perfectly clear to the person or people offering you these wonderful things that you do not deserve them At All. Decline if at all possible. However, if they insist on feeding you/sheltering you/befriending you, make sure you repay their kindness in full, and then some more. Offer to work for them 24/7. Buy them gifts. Help them with whatever they need. (Of course, such situations should be avoided At All Costs) And make sure they know who you are and above all, how unworthy you are.

So, to sum up: protect the innocent, wander around, keep your vow and at all times, remember: you're not worth it.

((Awww…. I feel so sorry for Ken-san now. Review please people!))