Sadly I don't own anything that belongs to the one and only God known as J.R.R. Tolkein. But I do own myself. And I shall be using my actual name in this.

Summary: The Usual. Girl falls in Middle Earth and meets all of the wonderful characters, and goes on the wild adventure that everybody else wants to go on. And finds out that the whole thing is true: ALL OF THE BAD GUYS, THEY WANT TO KILL YOU.!!! This is my first story so be nice.


The rating may go up in time due to some bad words but right now it is PG. Now without further to do, I give you: Out of All of the People in the World, WHY ME!!!

Italic is elvish

"You know I don't speak Spanish, You know I don't speak Spanish, You know I don't speak Spanish, You know I don- "

"Jess quit playing with the DVD player!!!!!, it's getting REALLY ANNOYING"

"But Mom that part is really funny." whined a 15 year old girl in the living room.

"No It WAS really funny, now you have just mad it really ANNOYING!!!!"

"OK fine I'll put in a different one."

"Thank you"

Jessica goes over to where the DVD movies are, switches from Anchorman to her favorite movie of all time. She skips a couple of chapters until she comes to one of her favorite scenes. "This is no mere Ranger, This is no mere Ranger, This is no mere Ranger, This is no mere Ranger, This-"


"Yes mom?"

"Why child?"

"Because you love me and you will never get rid of me because you love me"

At that she had to admit it. She did get on her nerves but she is her daughter and she loved her. "Are you going to bed any time soon?"

"What time is it?"

"9:30 pm"

"Yeah I just might do that. Night mom."

"Night child, sleep tight"

3 hours had passed and everyone was fast asleep except for Jessica. The night before she had a dream about the Lord of the Rings. She dreamt that she was with everyone and causing the one thing she does best. Madness. She did admit that that was her favorite thing to do. Just driving everyone up the wall.

She hoped that she would have that same dream again. Not because of causing madness, but because she felt like she was free of stress and just doing what she liked to do without anybody giving a damn. Of course there was a limit for her it seems.

Jessica sighed and rolled over on her side. Until she was fast asleep.

The next morning Jessica woke up at 12:30 in the afternoon as always. Got out of bed as lazy as possible, stretched, brushed her hair and went out into the living room to find everybody else waiting for her. But instead, there was a little sticky note on the T.V. that said:

"Mom, Dad and Scott went out, will be back before dark."

"Must be getting a really early head start on Christmas presents, oh well the house is all for MMMMMEEEEEEE!!!!"

She tried to do the Gollum expression but failed horribly.

"OK what to do first, mmmmm I know!!!!" She ran over to the DVD player and popped in The Lord of the Rings. "Home made marathon here I come."

After seeing The Fellowship and Two Towers special edition non stop, she couldn't help but fall asleep. Shocking isn't it?

She woke up to find the warmth of the sun shining down on her face, trees overhead, birds singing and the wind blowing making it a perfect day. Then it hit her.

"OOOOOOOOKKKKKKK, this is weird."

She got up and looked around from where she was standing.

"Yup, I'm not in California anymore."

"Who are you?" came a voice from somewhere she was standing.

"Holy crap I swear that I am just an innocent 15 year old girl who would never hurt a fly, well actually I would because you know how annoying they can be and possibly spiders and other creepy crawlies but that's not the point. The point is that I have no idea what the point is."


"Oh that God he, she, it, is gone" Jessica start to move away.

"I didn't say you can move, now halt"

"Ok fine by me"

Now let me give you a brief description on what she is going through: 1-waking up in a place you know in not your comfortable couch is quite scary. 2-All of a sudden, the trees start talking to you, 3- Getting the shit scared right out of yea because you are thinking that you will probably never see your parents and your little brother who is only one minute younger than you again.

"What do you think we should do with it?" (We shall call him elf A)

"Well, for one, we shouldn't call it an it, clearly she's a women in odd clothing."(elf B)

"Should we take it I mean her to see Lord Elrond?" said A

"I think that would be wise. Do you all agree?" said B

Elf B looks at what seems to be about 15 elves and they all shake their heads in seeing that that is there only option.

"Alright I will see if it will cooperate, I mean her." Said B

He jumps down in front of Jessica.

"Wow your hot"

Elf B just stares. Then he looks up in the trees to his other companions who are all as confused as he is.

"Excuse me my lady but are you alright?"

"Couldn't be any better, you?"

"My lady would you please come with us, we must take you see Lord Elrond."

"Sure ok wh- say that again, who am I seeing?"

"We are taking you to see Lord Elrond"

Now most of you would probably have fainted by now, but no not this girl, this girl's strong. She stared in complete shock and THEN fainted.

Now a lot of you will probably write: OMG this is the worst first story ever written. You should never write again. Although I hope you wouldn't.

Just to let you all know, I suck at beginnings but they will get better.