Angel Charms -

Chapter 1 - Winged Boy

Late at night, lights off, stars bright. It was the perfect night. So perfect, that something was bound to happen. It was too quiet, too beautiful. The stars twinkled, and nothing moved. A breeze blew through a field. A bright light filled the area, coming from the sky and hitting the ground, it looked like a bridge.

When the light had passed, a small boy lay in the grass. He was wrapped in simple garments, a t-shirt that was way to big and a pair of shorts that were just a little to big for him. He was asleep, curled into a ball. He was so cute. His brown hair ruffled when the wind blew, then resumed it's former position. He couldn't be more than, 8 years old.

But the boys age wasn't what was strange. Neither were the clothes he wore, or his hair. Not many people could see it, but it was a prominent feature. The boy was wrapped, as if to keep warm, in beautiful, white wings.

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That was 8 years ago. Now he is 16, considered an adult, and is fully capable of caring for himself. His wings still protrude from his back, but most people can't see them. They somehow move like water around people as he walks. His hair is a wonderful chocolate brown and his eyes were a deep lavender.

His clothing had not changed much. He still wore shirts that were to big for him, his current one was gray-ish and had a picture of wings on it. He wore jeans now, and red and white tennis-shoes. His hands were in his pockets, and his head was down.

The street was crowded, no one noticed him. The boy walked to a different part of town. Rich people were here, rich-er anyways. There were less of them, so he could spread his wings once he got to a space with no people in it. He watched sadly as the people around him walked with their friends, talking, laughing, having fun.

A girl with long pink hair and captivating blue eyes was window shopping. She would sooner or later actually enter the shop and buy something, but for now she stayed outside. She suddenly felt something and her eyes stopped flowing over the dresses in the shop and turned to face the boy walking towards her. He paused and stretched. Her eyes widened and she stopped moving. As he approached, she still stood there.

Just as he was level with her, passing her, she grabbed his left arm. He stopped, eyes wide. No one had ever stopped him before. He turned his eyes to look at her. She wasn't looking at him, but at were he had been. She now turned her head to face him, smiling.

"My name is Lacus Clyne. Those are very nice wings you have there Angel Man." she said. The boy jumped.

"How can you-? I can see-?" he didn't know what to say. No one had ever commented on his wings before, no one had ever been able to see them. She just smiled.

"What is your name, Angel?" she asked politely. The boy looked at the ground.

"I...don't have one." he answered sadly. The smile faded from Lacus's face.

"Why! That's not right! Everyone needs a name. It helps us to find out who we are! I know! I'll give you a name, Angel."

"You'll what?" He asked. Lacus circled him, taking in every bit. She stopped after she got back to his front and stood where she had been before. Lacus looked like she was thinking hard. Suddenly, her face brightened.

"Kira." It was short and simple.

"Kira..." he said softly and slowly.

"Yes. That shall be your name! Now come Kira! I wish to spend the day with you." she grabbed his left arm again and pulled him along.

They went to more dress shop than Kira had ever taken time to notice. Lacus also seemed to have a duty to the store. A duty which included trying on every dress in her size. She looked great in all of them, but chose a simple white and blue one. She paid for it and they left.

"Where to next?" she asked herself.

"Not another dress shop, please?" Kira asked, shyly and politely.

"Oh!" Lacus seemed to remember he was there. "Of course not! Where would YOU like to go Kira?"

"Huh? Me?" he blinked a few times. He'd never been asked that before. Kira lifted his gaze to the skies. Lacus knew what it meant.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking. Of course you'd want to be there. Any angel would. I understand perfectly. So if you want to go, go." she looked sad. Kira let his gaze drop from the sky to the ground.

"I...I can't. I don't know why, but I can't." he said softly. Lacus looked at him.

"That is why you are sad, is it not?" she asked. Kira didn't respond. "Mm hmm...I thought so. Mr. Kira Angel, do you eat?"

Kira looked up. Eat? Yea, he could eat. He didn't NEED to, but he could. "Um...why not?" suddenly he was being dragged again. Kira folded his wings up for their own protection.

"Ta da! McDonalds! I believe that's it's English name..." Lacus said, stopping in front of a moderately large building with a built in playground. "Come on Kira, you can order."

"Cheeseburgers, I guess....and fries, I like fries..." Kira told Lacus, who bought the food since Kira didn't really know how.

"I didn't know you liked fries THAT much, Kira..." Lacus said as Kira stuffed half the box into his mouth at once. He paused and chewed them, then swallowed.

"Sorry...I don't usually eat food. I can survive without it you know..." he started on his cheeseburger, taking normal sized bites.

"It's ok Kira. I understand perfectly. Well, kind of. I've never met an angel before, let alone talk to one. But I've seen them in books and oral stories. Though, I always thought that angels were different. You have proven that to me Kira. Thank you." she smiled.

"For what? Being a cursed angel?"


"Yea...what else would you call an angel that's forced to live on earth? One that can't remember what heaven, or wherever we live, is like. I've been on earth since I was 8. I've had to figure everything out on my own." Kira seemed depressed.

"Again, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I'm just glad I met you."

"I'm just glad I met you" Sounded familiar to Kira. "I'm glad I met you. I wish you didn't have to leave."

Sounded familiar to Kira.

A 10 year old boy. Blue-black hair and green eyes. A cut on his right shoulder. Kira remembered now. He'd met that boy...6 years ago...

"Kira? Kira, is everything ok?" Lacus's voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, sorry. Were you saying something?" Kira asked, finishing his burger.

"Yes. I said that I had to leave soon. You see, I'm actually playing hooky. My father is kind, but I have a strict schedule most days. I'm using today to it's fullest. But I'm sure my whole household, family and workers, are frantic by now. So I'm going to have to return soon."

"Oh." Kira became a bit more sad. He had a friend, and they had to leave. Lacus got up to leave.

"I hope we meet again, Kira." she said, putting a hand on his shoulder, then brushing it against his right wing before leaving. As she had brushed his wing, Kira had shuddered. It seemed to send something like a shock through his body when she did that.

Kira stood up, threw away his trash, and followed her out. He climbed to the top of the McDonalds and spread his wings. He took flight. Soaring over trees, buildings, everything. Kira looked around for the girl that gave him a name. Her pink hair stood out and he began to follow her from a great height.

Kira remembered being afraid of heights at age 8. He could never bring up the courage to take flight. This fear had followed him till age 10. When he met that boy... Blue-black hair and green eyes...

Lacus ran through the gates to a large house, and Kira saw it was the biggest thing around. "Wow..." he said in awe.

Lacus ran into the house and Kira landed on a pillar. Night was coming on, and his wings seems to glow slightly. He covered himself with the wings, hiding everything from view except a bit of light. Memories, he hadn't thought of anything from his past in a long time. But he had to remember the girl with pink hair, his new name, and that boy with blue-black hair.

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Guess his name, get a cookie. The boy with blue-black hair that is.

Also, should I continue this story? I have.....a lot of it written.....and more characters -all Gundam pilots and Kira's....nvm- come in later.
