Summary: Set after X2. Olivia is a mutant. She just hasn't discovered it yet. Both the Brotherhood and the X-men try to recruit her. Whose side will she turn to? Will a certain blue teleporter affect her decision? Kurt/OC, slight Toad/OC

Rating: PG-13

Pairing: Kurt/OC, slight Toad/OC

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, do not own X-men or its characters. I just make them do things. -evil laughter- I do, however, own Olivia.

A/N: Hiya, peoples! This is my first fanfiction, so please, be gentle with the reviews! I may not be updating very fast, because Midterms are near. But after that, new chapters should be added smoothly. Thanks for reading!

Kopie Liebe

Magneto sat alone in his large metal room of their hideout, pondering and awaiting Toad's return. The five metal balls clinked against each other in midair as he became lost in thought.

The graying man was jerked out of his self-inflicted trance as he heard the motor of a helicopter approaching. He sat up in his chair and watched the doorframe, waiting for the report.

The stolen helicopter descended into the landing bay within the mountain. The large doors closed overhead, blocking out all natural light. Fluorescent lights turned on automatically, sensing the darkness surrounding them, and a man with a greenish hue to his skin climbed out of the pilot's seat. The chopper's blades slowed to a stop as the man disappeared into the connecting corridor.

Magneto stood as Toad entered the room. No words were spoken, as his look alone told Toad to deliver his report.

"They identified another one," Toad said in his thick British accent. "A girl who has not yet discovered her mutation."

Magneto nodded, his face expressionless. "Do they have her yet?"

Toad shook his head. "No."

Magneto sat back down in the metal chair, his gaze unwavering from the other mutant's black eyes. "Where is the girl now?"

"With her family," Toad replied emotionlessly.

Magneto stood and headed towards the door, speaking and letting the metal spheres drop to the ground as he walked. "Prepare the helicopter and alert Sabretooth. We have an errand to run."


The door to the small bedroom opened and a yawning girl shuffled inside. Her slippers made scuffing sounds on the soft, white carpet as she headed to her bed. She untied the belt on her robe and shrugged it off, her blue silk nightgown shimmering in the lamplight as she draped the robe over her desk chair. She sat down on the navy blue comforter and pulled her feet out of her slippers, her nightgown hugging her 17-year-old curves just the slightest bit. Yawning again, Olivia swung her bare legs over the bed and reached over to turn off her lamp, drowning her bedroom in the darkness of midnight. She snuggled underneath her warm blankets and rested her head on her tye-dye pillows, welcoming the presence of sleep.

Olivia awoke not much later. Surprised and grumpy at the sudden disturbance, she groggily looked at her radio. The glowing blood-red numbers told her it was only one in the morning. Shoving away the confusion and annoyance of only having an hour of sleep, she closed her eyes and snuggled deeper into her pillows. She was almost asleep again when she heard something. Her eyes flew open and she strained to hear what it was. The instantly recognizable sound of her house's front door squeaking open quietly reached her ears. Knowing that she was the only one in the house as her parents were away taking care of her sick grandmother, she bolted upright in bed and quietly ran out of her room and over to the staircase, the carpet muffling her careful footfalls. She peered over the railing of the banister, trying to see the door. Sure enough it was wide open, and missing the doorknob. That would explain why it's open, she thought. It was supposed to be locked. A blast of cold winter wind hit her body, making her regret not putting on her warm woolen robe before dashing out of her room. She shivered at the sudden cold and wrapped her arms around her chest.

Olivia watched the door for a few minutes, wondering if anything was actually going to happen. The chilly air was taking its toll on her, making her hands and feet numb and causing her to wonder if this was all just a dream. She crouched down and hugged herself to try and get warm while peering through the rails. She had no sooner than sat on her heels when a small man crept through the doorway. Startled, Olivia jumped right back up and watched the man with wide eyes. The moonlight behind him silhouetted his face and body, but the white outline around him gave away his greenish skin. Olivia froze and took a sharp intake of breath, a little louder than she had liked. Oh my god…, she thought. A…green man? How is that possible? Unless he's a mu… Olivia couldn't bear to think the word. She had heard reports of mutants attacking innocent people over the news, but never thought she would be a victim of one. The green man's head snapped up in her direction when he heard the gasp, making Olivia swear to herself in fear. The man crouched down and immediately sprang back up, his legs propelling his jump clear over the banister and landed gracefully on all fours right next to Olivia. She let out a startled yelp and tried to run back to the safety of her room, but something warm and wet wrapped around her bare ankle, making her fall face-first on the carpet. Scrabbling to get back on her feet, the man jumped over to where she tripped and pinned her arms and legs on the floor with his own before she could do so, his tongue retreating back into his mouth.

"What's the matter, luv? Scared?" the man sneered into her ear, his voice thick with sarcasm.

"Let me go!" Olivia choked, trying to wrench herself free of the man's grasp. Tears of pure terror streamed down her face as the man merely chuckled.

"Sorry luv, not a chance at that." He smirked into her ear before letting go of one of her arms to rummage for something inside one of his vest pockets. Olivia noticed that one arm was free, and formed her hand into a fist before swinging it backwards with as much force as she could muster. She felt her hand make forceful contact with something soft, and heard the man swear loudly and completely fall off of her, rolling onto his back next to her. She rolled away from him and stumbled back to her feet, running back to her bedroom. As she reached her doorway, she risked a chance at the man and noticed that he was holding his groin area, a colorful display of language escaping his mouth as he rolled around in pain. He glanced up at her from his position on the floor and, noticing that she had gotten away, he too scrabbled to his feet and started pursuing after her. Terrified, Olivia slammed and locked the door in his face, hearing him fly straight into it. She heard his body hit the carpet as she frantically glanced around her dark room for something to defend herself with. Hearing the man stand back up, her gaze fell on something half-covered on her desk, its blade reflecting the moonlight beautifully. She ran over and grabbed her pair of scissors, shocked to think what she was actually going to use them for as the loud, furious pounding began on the door.

Olivia backed herself against her dresser and held the scissors above her head like a dagger, silent and waiting for the green man to break through. She then heard the pounding stop, followed closely by heavy footsteps slowly growing louder as they climbed upstairs. Oh god… Olivia thought. Now there are two of them! She heard her first attacker yell at the newcomer, "About time, you bloody git! The brat is inside that room – just break her door in. She's being bloody annoying!" Olivia froze in her spot in fear as she heard a single, extremely forceful blow be given to her door, along with a fearsome roar that sounded more animal than human. That single punch was all it took as the door fell off its hinges into Olivia's bedroom. She screamed as the door fell in and backed further away from the space it left, the hand holding the scissors shaking. A huge, burley man stood in the doorway, glaring at Olivia with hatred and annoyance. She was too busy staring at the beast to notice a long, green tongue shoot from the space between him and the frame, and head for her arm. The tongue wrapped itself around her wrist and flipped her over onto her back on the bed. Caught completely by surprise, she screamed in pure terror as the little green man again launched himself onto her. Without realizing what she was doing, she forced herself up and swung the scissors toward the man's chest. Unfortunately for her, the blade never reached its target as his hand caught her wrist and held it in a vice grip.

"Ah ah, we can't have any of that, luv," the man sneered at her, his mock scolding turning her fear into anger. She swung her other fist at him, only to have that wrist caught as well. She tried to kick him, to twist away from his grip, to do something, but she realized that his body was pinning her legs down.

The frustration and anger boiled inside her as she screamed, "What do you want with me?" The man holding her captive responded only with a sinister smile as he used his tongue to hold her right wrist as still as concrete as he pulled something out of his vest pocket. His tongue brought her wrists together, and he held them both with one hand as he held a gun up with the other. He pointed it at her neck, causing her to scream loudly for help for sudden fear for her life. The screams suddenly silenced as he pulled the trigger.

The last thing she remembered before completely blacking out was the green man's victorious face leering at her and three small, sharp stings at the bottom of her neck…


A/N: I know, I know..evil place to leave off. But it's getting late, and I need sleep. Always remember..the little blue button to the left of your screen is calling you...