Masked Detective: Oh my gosh! My first fanfiction! I'm so happy!

Conan: It's about time. You've been "planning" on doing this fic for several weeks now.

MD: I know, I just haven't had any time to write it. Marching Band takes up a lot of time and all. But it is over now, so I could finally sit down and write it.

Conan: Well, at least I'm in it.

MD: Of course you're in it. No Detective Conan fanfiction is complete without you! Well, most of the time. Hey, Conan?

Conan: Uh oh…

MD: Will you do the disclaimer for me? Pwetty pwease?

Conan: Fine fine! Just don't make that face. Sheesh, you act more like a kid then me. Masked Detective does not own Detective Conan. That honor is for the one and only Gosho Aoyama. Plus she does not own the song "If Only Tears Could Bring You Back".

MD: But I do own a new Detective Conan DVD that is in Japanese with English subtitles! That's something, right?

Conan: Can you please just start the fic already?!

MD: Fine fine. Impatient nagging… Alrighty then! Let the Fic begin!

By the way, talkings in "quotes", song lyrics in italics, and everything else is in normal print

If Only Tears Could Bring You Back

Ran Mouri sat by the window watching as the rain ran down the smooth glass outside. It was around one in the morning and the house was silent other than the sound of the rain gently hitting against the window. While the other occupants of the house were asleep, Ran couldn't stop thinking of Shinichi. She wanted to know when he would come back, if he could come back.

How will I start tomorrow without you here?

Whose heart will guide me when all the answers disappear?

Is it too late? Are you too far gone to stay?

This one's forever, should never have to go away.

What will I do? You know I'm only half without you.

How will I make it thorough?

Tears rolled down her cheeks, matching the window with the rain running down its side. It had been six months since Shinichi had disappeared, and even though she got and occasional phone call from him, it wasn't enough. He never seemed to be able to tell her what the case was that seemed to be giving him so many difficulties, and he never seemed to be able to tell her when he would finally be coming back. She missed him so much.

If only tears could bring you back to me.

If only love could find a way.

What would I do, what would I give

If you returned to me, someday,

Somehow, someway.

If my tears could bring you back to me.

Ran continued to stare out the window, only partially watching the rain start to come down harder. The tears kept coming more and more as she continued to think about her best friend and crush. No, not crush. She was completely and madly in love with him. It was much much more than just a simple crush. She was willing to do just about anything if it would bring her Shinichi back to her.

I'd cry you an ocean if you'd sail on home again.

Waves of emotion will carry you, I know they can.

Just let love guide you and your heart will chart the course.

Soon you'll be drifting into the arms of your true north.

Look in my eyes and you'll see a million tears have gone by.

And still they're not dry.

Ran leaned her head on her hand with her forehead against the ice-cold glass of the window. The rain seemed to once again pound harder and get louder. Ran could barely hear the rain, she was so lost in thought. She started to wipe away her tears, but gave up as more tears quickly replaced the ones she had just brushed away. She gave up and set her hand on the window sill, once again, seeming to stare at the rain outside.

If only tears could bring you back to me.

If only love could find a way.

What would I do, what would I give

If you returned to me, someday,

Somehow, someway.

If only tears could bring you back to me.

Ran sighed as she heard thunder outside, and a few seconds later saw a quick flash of lighting. At that moment, she wanted more than anything for Shinichi to finally come back. She wanted nothing more then to tell him how much she loved him. She wanted to put her arms around him and finally rest her head against his shoulder. She jumped slightly as another, much larger and longer blast of thunder echoed thorough-out the house.

I'd hold you close and shout the words I only whispered before.

For one more chance, for one last dance.

There's nothing that I would not give and more.

As Ran continued to think of Shinichi, her door creaked slightly as Conan quietly peaked his small head through the crack. Ran smiled at him as she walked over to him. She opened the door and let him in.

"Why are you up so late Conan?" she asked, trying to hide her tears, but failing.

"The thunder woke me up and I got scared." Conan said giving a small smile.

Ran also smiled, knowing that this wasn't true. Conan was always trying to make her feel better, and somehow always knew when she was upset. Ran sat back by the window with Conan on her lap. She looked back out the window to watch the rain and thunderstorm.

If only tears could bring you back to me.

If only love could find a way.

What would I do, what would I give

If you returned to me, someday,

Somehow, someway.

If only tears could bring you back to me.

As Ran and Conan sat by the window, the rain slowly started to soften until it was nothing more than a light drizzle. Ran put her arms around Conan's neck and sat there for a long time. Ran felt calmed with Conan right there with her. She missed Shinichi, but at least she wasn't completely alone. One last tear slipped down her cheek as she lightly lay her head against the already sleeping boy and fell asleep in that position. Both of them had a small smile as they slept there, taking comfort from one another's presence.

If only tears could bring you back…

To me.

MD: What did you guys think? It's my first so I know it's not very good. But I'm trying. I would love some positive criticism. If you really really hated it and felt it deserved flames, then I guess you can send them. Maybe I can use them to warm up my Ramen…

Conan: I didn't think it was as bad as it could have been.

MD: Wow Conan. I think that was almost a compliment.

Conan: I know. It's shocking. Please review. It would be greatly appreciated and a huge help!

MD: Thanks for spending time to read my fic! Ttfn!

Conan: Ta ta for now!